Thu, 08/01/2024 - 05:59

By the SEMA Washington, D.C., office

Virginia Energy Summit Panel

SEMA Senior Director of State Government Affairs and Grassroots Christian Robinson (center right) speaks during a panel at the Virginia Energy Summit.

In late July, SEMA Senior Director of State Government Affairs and Grassroots Christian Robinson participated in a panel at the Virginia Energy Summit in Virginia Beach. The panel, titled "Business Energy Consumers: Balancing Affordability, Sustainability and Competitiveness," addressed the need to balance cost-effective energy solutions with sustainability initiatives, while maintaining a competitive edge in the marketplace.  

David Holt, president of the Consumer Energy Alliance, moderated the panel, which featured panelists from various industries. Robinson joined Patrick Edwards, owner of Norfolk-Virginia Beach restaurant chain The Stockpot, and Joseph S. Casper, Sr. vice president for government and regulatory affairs at the Brick Industry Association, to discuss the critical challenges and opportunities facing business energy consumers. 

During the discussion, Robinson highlighted the unique energy needs of the specialty-equipment industry and the harmful impact electric vehicle (EV) mandates would have. He emphasized the importance of policies that promote environmental responsibility without compromising the economic viability of small businesses. 

Earlier this summer, Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin announced that the Commonwealth would not adopt California's 2035 ban on selling new gas- and diesel-powered motor vehicles. Virginia lawmakers passed a law in 2021 under Youngkin's predecessor tying the state to California's emissions standards, which includes California's 100% EV mandate by 2035. 

"At SEMA, we are committed to ensuring that our members can thrive in a sustainable future without compromising affordability or competitiveness," Robinson said. "It's crucial that we work together with policymakers, industry leaders and consumers to develop energy strategies that benefit all stakeholders." 

Robinson's participation in the panel exemplifies SEMA's proactive approach to addressing industry challenges and fostering a sustainable future for its members. 

For more information on SEMA's initiatives and advocacy efforts, visit SEMA's website

Thu, 08/01/2024 - 05:59

By the SEMA Washington, D.C., office

Virginia Energy Summit Panel

SEMA Senior Director of State Government Affairs and Grassroots Christian Robinson (center right) speaks during a panel at the Virginia Energy Summit.

In late July, SEMA Senior Director of State Government Affairs and Grassroots Christian Robinson participated in a panel at the Virginia Energy Summit in Virginia Beach. The panel, titled "Business Energy Consumers: Balancing Affordability, Sustainability and Competitiveness," addressed the need to balance cost-effective energy solutions with sustainability initiatives, while maintaining a competitive edge in the marketplace.  

David Holt, president of the Consumer Energy Alliance, moderated the panel, which featured panelists from various industries. Robinson joined Patrick Edwards, owner of Norfolk-Virginia Beach restaurant chain The Stockpot, and Joseph S. Casper, Sr. vice president for government and regulatory affairs at the Brick Industry Association, to discuss the critical challenges and opportunities facing business energy consumers. 

During the discussion, Robinson highlighted the unique energy needs of the specialty-equipment industry and the harmful impact electric vehicle (EV) mandates would have. He emphasized the importance of policies that promote environmental responsibility without compromising the economic viability of small businesses. 

Earlier this summer, Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin announced that the Commonwealth would not adopt California's 2035 ban on selling new gas- and diesel-powered motor vehicles. Virginia lawmakers passed a law in 2021 under Youngkin's predecessor tying the state to California's emissions standards, which includes California's 100% EV mandate by 2035. 

"At SEMA, we are committed to ensuring that our members can thrive in a sustainable future without compromising affordability or competitiveness," Robinson said. "It's crucial that we work together with policymakers, industry leaders and consumers to develop energy strategies that benefit all stakeholders." 

Robinson's participation in the panel exemplifies SEMA's proactive approach to addressing industry challenges and fostering a sustainable future for its members. 

For more information on SEMA's initiatives and advocacy efforts, visit SEMA's website

Thu, 08/01/2024 - 05:25

By Ashley Reyes

Zach HwangThe SEMA Future Leaders Network (FLN) named Zack Hwang, director at Formosa EV, as the network's newest spotlight member. 

Get to know Hwang in his interview with SEMA News below. 

SEMA News: What is the best advice you have ever received? 

Zack Hwang: If you cannot risk, you cannot grow. If you cannot grow, you cannot become your best. If you cannot become your best, you cannot be happy. If you cannot be happy, what else matters? 

This advice encouraged me to take the leap and just go for it; reinventing myself and my career at 33 years old, to chase a new adventure with Formosa EV and SEMA! 

SN: What keeps you in the industry? 

ZH: I've always loved cars and motorcycles and working with my hands. To me, vehicles are a beautiful expression of art and engineering. 

SN: Where can you be found on a Saturday?  

ZH: In the shop working on something! 

SN: How do you prepare for an important meeting? 

ZH: Have to do the homework. I read up on the company and people I'm meeting with--LinkedIn, recent news and announcements, and even annual reports sometimes, if it's a public company. And of course, I prepare my materials well and tailor it to the audience for maximum relevance. 

SN: If you could go to lunch with one industry leader, living or dead, who would it be? 

ZH: Thomas Edison. He made electric cars back in the early 1900's! I would be so curious to learn about his challenges back then and what he would think of our modern technology and automotive industry going forward in the 21st century. 

Fill out an FLN member spotlight form to be eligible to be featured on FLN's social media, SEMA News and FLN member updates. 

Tue, 07/30/2024 - 11:51

By SEMA News Editors


With less than 100 days until the annual trade-only event, the countdown to the 2024 SEMA Show has begun.

Attendee, buyer and media registration for the 2024 SEMA Show has been open at Attendees can maximize their ROI by registering early and taking advantage of travel discounts (more details here) and Show badge discounts. Registration is only $60 for qualified attendees who register by Friday, September 27. After, the price will increase to $120 per approved badge. Deadlines and fees for other registration categories can be found at

Set for November 5-8 at the Las Vegas Convention Center, the 2024 SEMA Show will once again reveal the future of the aftermarket as attendees connect with thousands of leading manufacturers showcasing the latest products, trends and technology in the industry.

Finding reasons to attend the 2024 SEMA Show is easy, including countless product innovations from new and iconic exhibitors, the latest custom vehicle trends and professional skill-enhancing education sessions led by top industry experts. Attendees can also partake in one-of-a-kind events and features, like the New Product Showcase, the No. 1 destination for discovering the hottest products in the automotive aftermarket industry, the dynamic Battle of the Builders Presented by Mothers Polish highlighting the techniques of influential builders, the world-class lineup of SEMA Education seminars and sessions, the newer Overland Experience showcasing customized vehicles in their intended environments and much more (more details can be found at

To assist professionals in demonstrating the Show's value to their employers, management offers a customizable sample letter to highlight specific benefits relevant to your business or market segment. This ensures that you can effectively communicate the potential impact on your day-to-day responsibilities and long-term business growth. View the SEMA Show sample letter to your boss as a PDF here.

For more information about the 2024 SEMA Show, visit Sign up for updates on SEMA Fest at

Tue, 07/30/2024 - 11:25

By Juan Torres 

Media Opportunities

With thousands of media from around the world looking for the latest automotive trends, newest technology and cutting-edge products at the 2024 SEMA Show, exhibitors should get a jump-start on connecting with journalists and creating brand awareness. 

Below are tools and strategies available to SEMA Show exhibitors at no cost:  

Press Releases: By posting news releases in the SEMA Show Online Media Center, exhibitors ensure that reporters looking for Show-related news do not miss out on their story. Posting to the Online Media Center can also generate coverage from SEMA's publications and social media outlets. Post your release today at  

New Products Showcase: Exhibitors can participate in the New Products Showcase by entering their first product for free. Provide a detailed description of that product to generate additional exposure and drive traffic to your booth. As the number one destination at the SEMA Show, the Showcase often generates additional coverage. Enter a product at  

Press Conference: If your company is announcing a new product or service at the SEMA Show, a press conference could generate additional media interest. Hosting a press conference in the Media Center or your booth offers media the opportunity to learn about your new product and network with representatives of your organization. Sign up for a press conference at  

Press Kit: Prepare a comprehensive press kit to distribute at the SEMA Show. In addition to having press kits available to reporters in your booth, exhibitors can place press kits and press releases in the official SEMA Show Media Center (Room S219) at no cost. 

For more information, download the Public Relations Opportunities guide sheet or contact the SEMA Show Public Relations team at

Tue, 07/30/2024 - 10:25

By the SEMA Washington, D.C., office

Elon Musk

Former President Donald Trump on the campaign trail has vocally denounced electric vehicle (EV) mandates, going so far as to declare a "Day 1 halt" to any such policy by his administration. And while prominent leaders in the business world are no strangers to politics, several eyebrows nonetheless were raised recently when Tesla CEO Elon Musk threw his support behind Trump, giving a full-throated endorsement of the former president's campaign. Musk, after all, is the leader of the world's most prominent EV manufacturer. Here's what's behind their burgeoning partnership, compiled by the SEMA Washington, D.C., office.

Trump says he's actually not anti-EV. In a July 26 interview on FOX News' morning show, the former president clarified his position on EVs, stating that he believes in consumer choice in the market. "You want a gasoline-propelled car or [you] want maybe a hybrid," Trump told the "Fox & Friends" news program. "You want to have a choice. And that includes electric." 

Regulatory and tax concerns outweigh EV policy. Musk might be banking on what a second Trump presidency could mean to the federal regulatory environment. Tesla and its fleet of EVs are just one piece of Musk's portfolio, which also includes Space X, the Boring Company, and social media company X (formerly known as Twitter). Trump has promised that his administration will provide businesses with less regulatory oversight, along with a lower corporate tax rate. 

Tesla could stand to benefit from no EV mandates. Tesla holds a significant competitive edge in the EV market right now, with a huge lead in manufacturing and production infrastructure over legacy car makers. In the absence of an EV mandate, such a lead could prove to be a financial windfall for Tesla, with fewer incentives available to prop up efforts to establish footholds in the market by other, nascent EV manufacturers. 

The SEMA Public and Government Affairs team is advocating for policy issues that are core to SEMA's mission by ensuring policymakers hear a clear, strong, and unified voice representing not only SEMA members, but also the specialty equipment industry and auto enthusiasts. Get involved and contact the SEMA Washington, D.C., office at

Tue, 07/30/2024 - 10:25

By the SEMA Washington, D.C., office

Elon Musk

Former President Donald Trump on the campaign trail has vocally denounced electric vehicle (EV) mandates, going so far as to declare a "Day 1 halt" to any such policy by his administration. And while prominent leaders in the business world are no strangers to politics, several eyebrows nonetheless were raised recently when Tesla CEO Elon Musk threw his support behind Trump, giving a full-throated endorsement of the former president's campaign. Musk, after all, is the leader of the world's most prominent EV manufacturer. Here's what's behind their burgeoning partnership, compiled by the SEMA Washington, D.C., office.

Trump says he's actually not anti-EV. In a July 26 interview on FOX News' morning show, the former president clarified his position on EVs, stating that he believes in consumer choice in the market. "You want a gasoline-propelled car or [you] want maybe a hybrid," Trump told the "Fox & Friends" news program. "You want to have a choice. And that includes electric." 

Regulatory and tax concerns outweigh EV policy. Musk might be banking on what a second Trump presidency could mean to the federal regulatory environment. Tesla and its fleet of EVs are just one piece of Musk's portfolio, which also includes Space X, the Boring Company, and social media company X (formerly known as Twitter). Trump has promised that his administration will provide businesses with less regulatory oversight, along with a lower corporate tax rate. 

Tesla could stand to benefit from no EV mandates. Tesla holds a significant competitive edge in the EV market right now, with a huge lead in manufacturing and production infrastructure over legacy car makers. In the absence of an EV mandate, such a lead could prove to be a financial windfall for Tesla, with fewer incentives available to prop up efforts to establish footholds in the market by other, nascent EV manufacturers. 

The SEMA Public and Government Affairs team is advocating for policy issues that are core to SEMA's mission by ensuring policymakers hear a clear, strong, and unified voice representing not only SEMA members, but also the specialty equipment industry and auto enthusiasts. Get involved and contact the SEMA Washington, D.C., office at

Tue, 07/30/2024 - 08:52

By the SEMA Washington, D.C., office

San Rafael

SEMA and its motorized partners, including the Off-Road Business Association (ORBA), One Voice, United Four-Wheel Drive Association (U4WD) and the United Snowmobile Alliance (USA), submitted a joint comment to the U.S. Bureau of Land Management (BLM) regarding its travel management plan (TMP) for the San Rafael Swell, which encompasses more than 1.1 million acres in southeastern Utah. The TMP will impact nearly 2,200 miles of routes as open, limited or closed for off-road vehicle use. You can read the joint comment on the San Rafael Swell Travel Management Plan here

Our joint comment raised concerns about inconsistencies in former TMPs that offered the opportunity to potentially expand motorized recreation in areas that are now located in over 400,000 acres of Wilderness Study Areas (WSAs) that were designated in 2019. Historically, once federal lands are classified as WSAs, opportunities are limited for any type of motorized access in those areas. 

The joint comment highlights our organizations' issues with each of the four alternatives that the agency presented in its proposal for the new management. 

  • Alternative A failed to establish the baseline of the 2008 management plan, as many routes were reflected in the 2008 baseline map that were not included in the Alternative A map in 2024.
  • Alternative B fails to provide any meaningful opportunities for multiple-use recreation. It closes 949 miles (44%) of routes.
  • Alternative C closes 454 miles (21%) of routes. 
  • Alternative D is the most favorable of the four options, as it proposes to close only 52 miles (2%) of routes. However, existing Resource Management Program (RMP)/TMP decisions that were challenged in 2017 already closed more than 730 miles (about 25%) in the planning area, effectively resulting in a 27% closure rate from historical usage.
BLM San Rafael Swell

For questions or more information on this issue, contact Tiffany Cipoletti at  

Tue, 07/30/2024 - 08:52

By the SEMA Washington, D.C., office

San Rafael

SEMA and its motorized partners, including the Off-Road Business Association (ORBA), One Voice, United Four-Wheel Drive Association (U4WD) and the United Snowmobile Alliance (USA), submitted a joint comment to the U.S. Bureau of Land Management (BLM) regarding its travel management plan (TMP) for the San Rafael Swell, which encompasses more than 1.1 million acres in southeastern Utah. The TMP will impact nearly 2,200 miles of routes as open, limited or closed for off-road vehicle use. You can read the joint comment on the San Rafael Swell Travel Management Plan here

Our joint comment raised concerns about inconsistencies in former TMPs that offered the opportunity to potentially expand motorized recreation in areas that are now located in over 400,000 acres of Wilderness Study Areas (WSAs) that were designated in 2019. Historically, once federal lands are classified as WSAs, opportunities are limited for any type of motorized access in those areas. 

The joint comment highlights our organizations' issues with each of the four alternatives that the agency presented in its proposal for the new management. 

  • Alternative A failed to establish the baseline of the 2008 management plan, as many routes were reflected in the 2008 baseline map that were not included in the Alternative A map in 2024.
  • Alternative B fails to provide any meaningful opportunities for multiple-use recreation. It closes 949 miles (44%) of routes.
  • Alternative C closes 454 miles (21%) of routes. 
  • Alternative D is the most favorable of the four options, as it proposes to close only 52 miles (2%) of routes. However, existing Resource Management Program (RMP)/TMP decisions that were challenged in 2017 already closed more than 730 miles (about 25%) in the planning area, effectively resulting in a 27% closure rate from historical usage.
BLM San Rafael Swell

For questions or more information on this issue, contact Tiffany Cipoletti at  

Tue, 07/30/2024 - 08:33

By the SEMA Washington, D.C., office.,

EV charging

The U.S. House of Representatives passed legislation that would significantly reduce the budgets of the U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI) and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for fiscal year (FY) 2025.

If H.R. 8998, the "Department of the Interior, Environment and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2025" becomes law, it will cut DOI's budget by $677 million and EPA's budget by $4 billion, compared to their FY 2024 levels. The legislation includes SEMA-supported amendments that would prevent the EPA from implementing new federal emissions standards for motor vehicles for model years 2027 to 2032, which are designed to heavily promote sales of electric vehicles (EVs). The bill would also force the U.S. Bureau of Land Management (BLM) to withdraw its "Conservation and Landscape Health" regulation. 

The BLM regulation would allow the agency to lease lands under new and vaguely defined conservation leases; incorporate new standards when evaluating traditional multiple-use decisions; expedite designations of new Areas of Critical Environmental Concern (ACECs); and apply land health standards to all public lands. The new regulation undermines the Federal Land Policy and Management Act's multiple-use requirement for BLM lands as it would hinder access to public lands for recreation. SEMA has submitted comments opposing both the EPA and BLM rulemakings.  

The U.S. Senate Appropriations Committee recently passed its own bill to fund DOI and EPA in FY 2025, albeit at significantly higher levels than the House bill. The Senate bill would increase DOI funding by $13 million and DOI funding by over $1 billion more than FY 2024 levels. While the Senate version of the Interior and EPA funding legislation does include some policy riders, it does not include the SEMA-supported amendments that made it into the bill passed by the House of Representatives. 

Congress must pass 13 appropriations bills for FY 2025 by October 1, 2024, or pass legislation to continue government funding at FY 2024 levels to avoid a government shutdown. 

For more information, contact Eric Snyder at