One of the ways in which SEMA connects and learns about its members is through visits to the member companies themselves. SEMA recently visited Advanced Flow Engineering.
SEMA Show exhibitors: Generate more buzz for your company and its products at the 2009 SEMA Show by offering products to builders through the SEMA Products for Project-Vehicle Builders list.
The summer of 2008 may be remembered for its painful and record-breaking spike in fuel prices, and just like many things that work in cyclical fashions, the seasonal increases may not be deterred by economic conditions.
A version of SEMA model legislation has been reintroduced in the Michigan State Legislature that would outlaw local zoning ordinances that prohibit the hobby of collecting and restoring motor vehicles.
Don't miss an opportunity to get hands-on specs on the upcoming Pony. And while you're there, don't miss the Engineering Technology Expo featuring the latest CAD software, CMM and laser scanners that can help streamline your reverse-engineering efforts.