The 2021 SEMA Show offers attendees an array of enthusiast events, jaw-dropping builds, competitions and networking opportunities.
The SEMA Show’s official housing partner, onPeak, has added several new hotels for this year.
SEMA eNews highlights SEMA-member companies’ websites weekly through Hot Links to Cool Sites.
Whether it’s a driver, industry icon, TV personality or famous vehicle, featuring a familiar face or iconic vehicle in your booth provides buyers with an identifiable, visual connection of the company’s target market.
SEMA Ignited, the official SEMA Show afterparty, is back in-person and in Las Vegas.
As industry experts, SEMA Show exhibitors are encouraged to vote for the vehicles that best showcase their products.
Each additional product is $150 per entry if submitted after the October 8 deadline.
Here’s a rundown of key deadlines, including early-bird and advance rates available for several booth services, as well as checklists to keep you on track and on budget.
SEMA eNews highlights new products from industry companies when available. To have your product considered for upcoming issues, send product press releases to