Upcoming deadlines include advance rates available for several booth services.
SEMA is calling all SEMA Show car builders to register for SEMA Battle of the Builders, the aftermarket industry's ultimate vehicle competition, by the October 14 deadline.
Dates and locations have been scheduled for several upcoming SEMA-sponsored shows, measuring sessions and activities.
Are you hunting for a new job? The SEMA Career Center has a comprehensive listing of automotive-related job openings around the country. Here are some of the latest jobs posted to the website.
Industry professionals looking to grow their business and learn about the latest products and trends can register online at www.semashow.com/register.
SEMA Show exhibitors still have time to sign up to host a table that the 2022 SEMA Show Student Program Industry Networking Breakfast on Thursday, November 3.
News and updates from Malco Products, MOPAR, Race Winning Brands and more.
The crew will share expanded stories about their television series and how they immerse themselves into the car culture.
SEMA Hall Of Fame Inductee
Let’s start with the nickname. “That’s a question that’s been asked of me more times than I can count,” Jeep Worthan said with a laugh. “My mom gave it to me as a baby, though she claimed she could never remember why. Maybe it was because I looked like one when I crawled around on all fours. Or maybe it had something to do with my conception.” He paused. “That usually gets a chuckle.”
SEMA Hall Of Fame Inductee
Since he was old enough to walk, Paul "Scooter" Brothers has been hanging around cars. His father was a mechanic his entire life and, as a result, Brothers was exposed to the wonderful world of automobiles at a very young age.