Tue, 06/18/2024 - 09:36

By SEMA News Editors

SEMA Garage recently completed another successful measuring session, this time offering specialty-equipment manufacturers access to the '24 Toyota Tacoma.

Watch the video below to hear from participants and learn how they benefited from attending the measuring session.

Interested in attending the next measuring session? Contact productdevelopment@sema.org to be added to the mailing list and be alerted of upcoming events.

Tue, 06/18/2024 - 07:43
Driving Force Action

From the SEMA Washington, D.C., office

Driving Force Action (DFA) is ramping up efforts to counter President Biden's electric vehicle (EV) mandates by focusing on key battleground states in November's upcoming high-stakes elections. A project of SEMA, DFA's mission is to engage voters nationwide to elevate the issue of EV mandates and support candidates who believe in the freedom of choice for American car buyers rather than federal government imposition. 

A significant victory for DFA came recently when Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin announced that the state would no longer follow California's EV mandate, which would have required all new cars sold in Virginia to be fully electric by 2035. This announcement came after a year-long campaign by DFA to roll back the EV mandate in Virginia. 

Driving Force Action, established as a political action committee in 2023, is now broadening its campaign message nationwide in preparation for the 2024 general election. In 2023, DFA's focus on Virginia elections resulted in a 75% success rate for its endorsed candidates.  

To learn more about Driving Force Action, visit drivingforceaction.org.  

Driving Force Action logo SEMA
Tue, 06/18/2024 - 07:43
Driving Force Action

From the SEMA Washington, D.C., office

Driving Force Action (DFA) is ramping up efforts to counter President Biden's electric vehicle (EV) mandates by focusing on key battleground states in November's upcoming high-stakes elections. A project of SEMA, DFA's mission is to engage voters nationwide to elevate the issue of EV mandates and support candidates who believe in the freedom of choice for American car buyers rather than federal government imposition. 

A significant victory for DFA came recently when Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin announced that the state would no longer follow California's EV mandate, which would have required all new cars sold in Virginia to be fully electric by 2035. This announcement came after a year-long campaign by DFA to roll back the EV mandate in Virginia. 

Driving Force Action, established as a political action committee in 2023, is now broadening its campaign message nationwide in preparation for the 2024 general election. In 2023, DFA's focus on Virginia elections resulted in a 75% success rate for its endorsed candidates.  

To learn more about Driving Force Action, visit drivingforceaction.org.  

Driving Force Action logo SEMA
Tue, 06/18/2024 - 07:22
Zero-emissions vehicles California

From the SEMA Washington, D.C., office

SEMA is deeply disappointed that California's Senate Bill (SB) 301, legislation aimed at incentivizing the conversion of gas- and diesel-powered cars into zero-emissions vehicles (ZEVs), was vetoed by California Governor Gavin Newsom. 

Authored by California Senator Anthony Portantino, SB 301 sought to establish the groundbreaking Zero-Emission Aftermarket Conversion Project (ZACP) under the California Air Resources Board (CARB). Despite being lauded as a "job creator" by the California Chamber of Commerce and receiving unanimous support from lawmakers, the bill faced a veto at the governor's desk. This program would have provided rebates of up to $4,000 to California residents undertaking the conversion of eligible used vehicles, with stringent guidelines ensuring compliance with safety, range and affordability criteria. 

This missed opportunity is glaring, especially as California boasts several programs promoting new ZEV purchases but lacks support for ZEV conversions of existing gas-powered vehicles. This setback hinders the rollout of a program that bolsters cleaner air, reduces carbon emissions and fuels job growth and economic prosperity statewide. 

California's reputation as an innovation hub rings hollow with this veto. SB 301 was poised to be a catalyst for progress. With more than 149,000 jobs and a significant $40-billion economic impact, the specialty automotive aftermarket stands as a vital contributor to California's economy. This bill represented a chance to supercharge the industry, aligning seamlessly with the governor's stated priority of advancing cleaner vehicles.  

"SEMA is profoundly disappointed by Governor Newsom's lack of foresight in vetoing SB 301," said Mike Spagnola, SEMA's president and CEO. "This legislation would have advanced environmental sustainability and leveled the playing field for aftermarket conversions while fostering innovation, supporting small businesses, and providing consumers with affordable and sustainable transportation options." 

SEMA remains steadfast in its commitment to advocating for policies that promote innovation and sustainability within the automotive industry. While SB 301 may not have secured the Governor's signature this time, SEMA will continue collaborating with lawmakers, stakeholders and the community to advance initiatives that drive innovation.  

For inquiries or further information, contact Christian Robinson at christianr@sema.org

Tue, 06/18/2024 - 07:22
Zero-emissions vehicles California

From the SEMA Washington, D.C., office

SEMA is deeply disappointed that California's Senate Bill (SB) 301, legislation aimed at incentivizing the conversion of gas- and diesel-powered cars into zero-emissions vehicles (ZEVs), was vetoed by California Governor Gavin Newsom. 

Authored by California Senator Anthony Portantino, SB 301 sought to establish the groundbreaking Zero-Emission Aftermarket Conversion Project (ZACP) under the California Air Resources Board (CARB). Despite being lauded as a "job creator" by the California Chamber of Commerce and receiving unanimous support from lawmakers, the bill faced a veto at the governor's desk. This program would have provided rebates of up to $4,000 to California residents undertaking the conversion of eligible used vehicles, with stringent guidelines ensuring compliance with safety, range and affordability criteria. 

This missed opportunity is glaring, especially as California boasts several programs promoting new ZEV purchases but lacks support for ZEV conversions of existing gas-powered vehicles. This setback hinders the rollout of a program that bolsters cleaner air, reduces carbon emissions and fuels job growth and economic prosperity statewide. 

California's reputation as an innovation hub rings hollow with this veto. SB 301 was poised to be a catalyst for progress. With more than 149,000 jobs and a significant $40-billion economic impact, the specialty automotive aftermarket stands as a vital contributor to California's economy. This bill represented a chance to supercharge the industry, aligning seamlessly with the governor's stated priority of advancing cleaner vehicles.  

"SEMA is profoundly disappointed by Governor Newsom's lack of foresight in vetoing SB 301," said Mike Spagnola, SEMA's president and CEO. "This legislation would have advanced environmental sustainability and leveled the playing field for aftermarket conversions while fostering innovation, supporting small businesses, and providing consumers with affordable and sustainable transportation options." 

SEMA remains steadfast in its commitment to advocating for policies that promote innovation and sustainability within the automotive industry. While SB 301 may not have secured the Governor's signature this time, SEMA will continue collaborating with lawmakers, stakeholders and the community to advance initiatives that drive innovation.  

For inquiries or further information, contact Christian Robinson at christianr@sema.org

Tue, 06/18/2024 - 06:38
TORA Spotlight Vance and Hines

By Ashley Reyes

The SEMA Truck & Off-Road Alliance (TORA) named Vance & Hines as the council's newest member spotlight company. Get to know their story in the SEMA News interview with Jenna Jefferies, Vance & Hines truck category manager, below. 

SEMA News: Tell us the story of Vance & Hines. How did the company start?  

Jenna Jefferies: The Vance & Hines brand has always been about enhancing the exhilaration of the motorcycle ride. It started more than 40 years ago, when Terry Vance and Byron Hines were two young enthusiasts in the fledgling Southern California motorcycle drag race scene. Terry always wanted to go faster and Byron knew how to make that happen. In short order, their on-track success and innovation drew the attention of other racers, riders and motorcycle manufacturers which ultimately translated to commercial demand. Today, the company's mission and activity are the same: make bikes go faster on the race track and take those learnings to make impactful products for riders around the world. Since the Company's inception in 1979, we have partnered to run factory race programs with Suzuki, Yamaha, Ducati and Harley-Davidson in drag racing, road racing and flat track. 

SN: Was there any kind of breakthrough moment for your company? 

JJ: The company has always been very successful as it has stayed focused on the rider and driving performance, style and enhanced sound. However, when the company pivoted to focus on Harley-Davidson performance products, the size of the company really started to grow. We think the success of the brand is more about the fact that the company has stayed true to the origins from the beginnings: performance products narrowly focused on Stage I products (air, tuner, exhaust). 

SN: What's going on these days? What projects are you most excited about? 

JJ: 2023 was an exciting time for Vance & Hines as we are coming off of a significant investment in new-product development in both motorcycles, side-by-sides and the exciting entrance into the truck exhaust market. We launched our initial V8 American truck offering of cat-back performance exhausts at the 2022 SEMA Show and we now have a number of new fitment coverages, including diesel DPF-back exhaust systems. 

We love talking about any of our products: air intakes, Bluetooth smartphone-based tuners and, of course, our extensive lineup of exhaust products. But what we are most proud of is our U.S. manufacturing. We have always been a vertically integrated, manufacturing-based company. More recently, we have made a number of investments to drive our vertical manufacturing strategy further than ever before. To highlight our new truck exhaust for American V8 trucks, when we say, "Made in Santa Fe Springs," we start with buying U.S. raw materials. And we cut the 304 stainless steel tubing or flat sheet material, weld it, spin form it, CNC the billet end caps featured on many of our systems, manufacture all of the muffler assembly, and even make the hangers that hold the system to the truck frame. It is not an easy task, but we think it is the right investment for our customers as a vertically integrated approach gives us many benefits that help us compete by delivering exceptional products. 

SN: What's the best piece of advice you have for professionals getting started in the aftermarket? 

JJ: We didn't invent the saying, "I never worked a day in my life." However, when you're designing, manufacturing, marketing, selling or helping to administer the business of awesome truck and motorcycle performance products of a brand that has been around since 1979, is it really work? My advice: get into a business you are passionate about, bring that passion to your professional life, and aim at making a difference. You will have fun in the process of a successful career. 

Fill out a TORA-member spotlight form to highlight how you or your company are contributing to the truck and off-road specialty-equipment industry. Selected candidates are eligible to be featured on TORA's social media, SEMA News and future TORA member updates. 

Thu, 06/13/2024 - 12:29
Julieanne Devooght

By Ashley Reyes

The SEMA Businesswomen's Network (SBN) has named Julieanne DeVooght, senior sales manager at Sprintex Superchargers, as the network's newest #SheIsSEMAspotlight member.  

Get to know DeVooght in her interview with SEMA News below.  

SEMA News: How many years have you been with your current company and what do you enjoy most about working there?  

Julieanne DeVooght: Sprintex USA added me to their dynamic team a year ago. With my racing background, love and passion for empowering women in and out of the industry, running a female-centric podcast "Chic Chat" and owning WranglHer, they felt I could be a positive addition to their team and customers. I love that they empower all I do and all their customers on their builds, consistently molding to the newest technology, being heavily involved in so many automotive sectors and consistent innovation. 

SN: What is the most challenging part of your business or job?   

JD: Learning and understanding tuning. 

SN: How many years have you been in the industry and what was your first industry job?   

JD: I have been in the automotive industry since I was 18, racing many different vehicles, building many vehicles, teaching women how to off-road across the country and empowering women all over the world. 

My first industry job was when I opened WranglHer over five years ago now. 

SN: What three qualities got you to where you are today?   

JD: Empowering others, creating teams, leadership, maintaining a positive outlook in all facets of life and teaching others. All have benefited me tremendously and surrounded me with other amazing leaders and partners. 

SN: Being a woman in the industry, what have been your biggest challenges and accomplishments?  

JD: The biggest challenge for me has always been my size; I am a small female, and with that, vehicle builds have been tough. However, to overcome it, I partnered up with amazing sponsors and partners to assist such as your "Male Ali" program. Like a relationship, it is good to show how the opposite sex can work as a team together to reach a goal, accomplish a task and cheer you on. 

SN: Who are your role models or mentors in the industry?   

JD: My grandparents always said there is nothing I cannot do. Be determined, set the path, take your time, focus and achieve it. 

SN: What is the best career advice you have received?   

JD: The best advice I received was to plan as perfectly as you can, whether it was a business plan, a plan for a race, evaluating competitors, understanding their style, or the terrain with off-roading, or understanding how Mother Nature adds to the difficulty and how to be prepared if she decides she wants to rain that day, what gear to bring, etc. This advice is why I feel success has joined me on so many occasions. 

SN: Have you always wanted to work in the automotive industry? What keeps you here?  

JD: Yes, ever since I was a young girl, my entire family worked for the automotive industry in some fashion. 

SN: Who was the most influential person on your career goals? 

JD: My grandmother, she was so wise, kind, good to the world and always positive. She always saw the way from start to finish with any goal. 

Fill out a #SheIsSEMA spotlight form to submit a self-nomination or nominate a colleague and highlight how you or she is contributing to the specialty-equipment industry. Selected candidates are automatically eligible to be considered for SBN's #SheIsSEMA Woman of the Year award, featured on SBN's social media, SEMA News and recognized on the sema.org/she-is-sema website. 

Thu, 06/13/2024 - 12:15

By SEMA News Editors

Are you hunting for a new job? The SEMA Career Center has a comprehensive listing of automotive-related job openings nationwide. Below are a few of the latest postings.


Shock Application Engineer and Suspension Engineer in Corona, California

The selected candidates will play a crucial role in the design, development and optimization of ride-control systems for various automotive and off-road vehicle applications. These positions will be responsible for delivering optimal ride comfort, handling performance and overall stability in challenging terrains. This position requires a background in mechanical engineering, relevant simulation and modeling tools, and an understanding of vehicle suspension dynamics.

Day-to-day responsibilities include product design, product vehicle fitments, product testing, building prototypes, creating installation instructions and more.


Northeast Business Development Manager (remote)

Bestop is seeking a business development manager to serve its Northeast territory. This role will be responsible for expanding Bestop's reach across the territory and becoming a strategic partner to the company's channel partners. The selected candidate must live in the territory, which encompasses Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, Wisconsin, Illinois, Michigan, Indiana, Kentucky, Ohio, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Delaware, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine and Eastern Canada.

Racing and Performance Holdings

Operations Director in Oxnard, California

The parent company of Scat Crankshafts, Vortech, Paxton Superchargers, RaceTec and Air Flow Research is searching for an operations director. This position will lead the production, inventory, warehouse and order fulfillment, supply chain and logistics, development and manufacturing teams at the company's Oxnard facility.

Brosseau's Coachworks

Fabricator – Sheet Metal in Estacada, Oregon

This hot-rod and classic-car restoration business is seeking a metal fabricator with years of verifiable experience in a reputable shop. Daily tasks may include small and large panel replacement, fabricating and installing patch panels, custom panel fabrication, rust repair and more.

Thu, 06/13/2024 - 11:54
SEMA Show SEMA Cruise image for five-year high release

By Juan Torres

SEMA is preparing for a momentous event this year. More than 2,400 brands will exhibit at the 2024 SEMA Show, including hundreds of new companies revealing their products and services. 

"The industry continues to innovate, creating new solutions to shape the future of automotive. In turn, this has fueled demand and increased sales, and the tremendous support for this year's SEMA Show is a reflection of the growth and energy of the marketplace," said SEMA Vice President of Events Tom Gattuso. "The industry is eager to come together, conduct business and make connections that will result in future success." 

Among the more than 2,400 companies exhibiting at the November 5-8 event in Las Vegas are iconic brands such as Flaming River, Katzkin, Kia, McLeod, Mopar/Stellantis, Snap-on and Real Truck

"There are many line items in Katzkin's marketing expenses, and nothing comes close to the investment we make in attending the SEMA Show every year, but in our experience, the returns far exceed the investment," said Katzkin Creative Director Miles Hubbard. "SEMA provides a venue unlike any other where we can launch new products, demonstrate our existing capabilities, speak face-to-face with thousands of people who work in our industry exclusively and just show off."

Automaker Kia is returning to the SEMA Show after a brief hiatus. "Kia has been a fan of SEMA and the larger tuner community for many years," said Kia Vice President of Marketing Russell Wager. "This event has provided the backdrop for many of our most iconic vehicle programs, including concept versions of Stinger, Forte and Soul. We look forward to shaking things up and sharing 'electrifying' news once again in 2024." 

Simple Green, a global market leader in environmentally safer cleaning products, is among the hundreds of first-time exhibitors at this year's SEMA Show. "SEMA Show attendees represent the full spectrum of auto professionals--you'll find media, manufacturers, buyers, retailers, exhibitors, detailers, fabricators and more. This mix of tradition and experience, coupled with youthful enthusiasm and innovation, makes the SEMA show such an attractive place for brands like Simple Green," said Simple Green Content Marketing Manager Selena Nutter. "This is an audience that is hungry for high-performance, innovative aftermarket products, which makes it the ideal place for any brand to showcase products designed for people that love vehicles both inside and out."

In addition to connecting with thousands of leading brands, SEMA Show attendees will experience the world's largest display of new automotive aftermarket products at the New Products Showcase, the latest vehicle builds and new activations and areas dedicated to future technology. Showgoers can also participate in world-class education tracks and seminars, unique events and SEMA Fest, a celebration of music and car culture (sign-up on semafest.com to be among the first to receive updates).

Attendees are encouraged to register early to maximize their ROI; registration is only $40 for qualified attendees who register by Friday, June 28. Register here.

Participants can also make hotel reservations at guaranteed low rates exclusively for Show attendees through SEMA's official hotel provider, onPeak

"With the latest products, leading brands, immersive experiences and thought-leaders from every facet of the industry, this is a can't miss event," said SEMA Trade Show Director Andy Tompkins. "We're dedicated to providing attendees with an unparalleled experience that will help their business and professional career grow." 

Spaces are still available for companies who would like to exhibit and connect with tens of thousands of qualified buyers at the 2024 SEMA Show. For more information, visit semashow.com/exhibitor

For information about the 2024 SEMA Show, visit semashow.com. To view this year's floorplan, log on to semashow.com/floorplan.  

Thu, 06/13/2024 - 11:33

By the SEMA Washington, D.C., office

The SEMA California Rally, hosted in Sacramento on June 5, brought together businesses within the automotive specialty-equipment industry to amplify their voices and advocate for policies conducive to industry growth and innovation. 

Participants engaged with influential California lawmakers, leveraging their collective voice to champion policies supporting industry growth. Key legislative topics included supporting cutting-edge vehicle technologies, Proposition 65, emissions compliance and a SEMA-opposed proposal mandating speed limiters in new vehicles.  

California Rally

Lance Hastings, president and CEO of CMTA, speaks at the SEMA California Rally luncheon.

The specialty automotive aftermarket industry's significant contribution to California's economy was highlighted, showcasing the industry's vital role in the state's economic landscape. California is home to more than 1,500 SEMA-member companies, and the industry supports more than $40 billion in economic output and nearly 150,000 jobs.  

The rally culminated with a reception featuring several prominent lawmakers, including Senator Bob Archuleta, Assemblymember Juan Carrillo, Assemblymember Mike Fong, Assemblymember Juan Alanis, Assemblymember Diane Dixon and Senator Anthony Portantino, underscoring the event's significance and the industry's influence. 

California Rally

Assemblymember Mike Fong (left) and Todd Payne of Magnussen Products (right) discuss issues of importance to SEMA-member companies.

At a luncheon during the event, Lance Hastings, president and CEO of the California Manufacturing and Technology Association (CMTA), delivered a compelling address highlighting the intersection of business interests and legislative initiatives impacting the automotive aftermarket in California. 

Christian Robinson, SEMA’s senior director of state government affairs and grassroots, emphasized the importance of member engagement in events like the SEMA California Rally. "Member participation is crucial in amplifying our collective voice and shaping policies that directly impact our industry," Robinson said. "Events like these provide a platform for meaningful dialogue and collaboration, driving positive change and ensuring a vibrant future for the automotive aftermarket in California." 

For more information, reach out to Christian Robinson at christianr@sema.org.