are now being accepted for the 2009 SEMA WD of the Year Award. As a
SEMA member, your participation in submitting your nomination of the
2009 SEMA WD of the Year Award enables the selection task force to make
the final decision.
Nominations Open for the 2009 SEMA WD of the Year Award
Thu, 08/13/2009 - 12:23
Your vote as a SEMA member is important! All SEMA-member warehouse distributors are eligible, regardless of size.
Several SEMA Show promotions, such as exhibitor value packages and the
Leads Guaranteed program, are enticing more than just SEMA Show
exhibitors and attendees. The media has also taken notice and is spreading the word.
Is Poor Product Information Costing You Sales?
Thu, 08/13/2009 - 12:23
About seven or eight months ago, a successful retail chain with a
20-year, 10-location brick-and-mortar history decided that it was time
it competed on the web with a full e-commerce solution.
I Can Dream Can’t I?
Tue, 08/04/2009 - 14:35
Yesterday, when I unlocked the door to my store, there was a line of people waiting.
Manufacturers, WDs and Reps Discuss Challenges and Opportunities at MRC Rep Conference
Thu, 06/18/2009 - 11:35
Bryan Shirley, President and CEO of MANA will present an open and
interactive session addressing the specialty-equipment industry’s biggest challenges in
this turbulent economy.
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