SEMA Show exhibitors can gain additional exposure for their products at the SEMA Show by taking advantage of the Featured Product category in the Show's New Products Showcase. Companies can enter any product—new or otherwise—as a Featured Product to display in the showcase. For added value, whether an entry is a New Product or a Featured Product, the first entry is free.
Exhibiting at the SEMA Show for the first time needn’t be overwhelming. With a little research and preplanning, any manufacturer—regardless of size or experience—can create an effective, sales-producing strategy and leave the Show with orders in hand and leads to pursue. When the SEMA Show convenes at the Las Vegas Convention Center November 1–4, 2011, a new area devoted to First-Time and Featured Exhibitors will be housed on the east side of the South Hall’s upper level, and a full 80% of the hundreds of booths in that area will represent first-time exhibitors.