June 29, 2010
June 28, 2010
June 25, 2010
June 24, 2010
The association welcomes John Hotchkis, Myles Kovacs, Adrian Murray, Jim Bingham and John Iannotte to their first terms on the Board.
News and updates from SEMA's councils and committees.
After passing in the Assembly with the full support of the automotive
hobbyist community, the California Senate Transportation Committee
failed to approve legislation to increase the registration limit for
exempted specially constructed vehicle registrations from 500 to 750
vehicles per year. The bill was defeated on a 3 to 5 vote.
The SEMA Show New Products Showcase makes it easy for buyers to get a quick glimpse of the industry's innovators. And entering products in the Showcase is easy for exhibitors—just visit the 2010 SEMA Show website. Click through for details.
Complimentary conference meeting space is available at the 2010 SEMA
Show in the Grand Lobby Mezzanine Members Lounge (near North and
Central Halls).
In the April issue of SEMA News, we ran an extended look at what
the ProPledge Warranty Assurance program is and how it can benefit
member companies. Part of the ongoing development of the program is to
profile its existing members as well as those who see the value and
benefits of what ProPledge can offer. The goals set forth with a
program such as ProPledge are to grow and learn from its current
membership roster so that it may be of benefit to future ProPledge
partners. For a detailed analysis of ProPledge and its benefits to
nearly every SEMA-member company, visit the ProPledge website, www.propledge.com, or call 818/248-4449 for more information. [Read more]