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Heads up, accessory installers, restylers and custom wheel and tire specialists! The registration deadline for the SEMA certification exams has been extended to Tuesday, September 30. Gain a quality advantage in your market. Register now for the upcoming SEMA Installer Certification exams. The SEMA...
eNews Article
Our industry has much at stake in this election. On November 4, 2008, voters will elect thousands of state and local leaders, 11 governors, 435 members of Congress, 35 senators and a new president. Each and every one of these elected officials has the ability to positively or negatively shape...
eNews Article
The deadline for exhibitors of the 2008 SEMA Show to register products for the SEMA Show New Products Showcase is next Friday, October 3. For more information and to register your product, click here. SEMA presents a New Products Showcase at the SEMA Show each year, providing exhibitors with an...
eNews Article
Let your competitor complain about the tough economy while you prosper. Brian Offenberger of BizGrowth Search Engine Solutions will tell you why a tough economy is the best time to capture profitable market share and show you how to incorporate 10 proven steps to increase profit, avoid lowering...
eNews Article
During the recent SEMA webinar, “Listen to Your Customers, Their Opinions Really Do Matter,” Joe Bates, vice president of Rockbridge Associates and Charles Colby, chief methodologist of Rockbridge Associates provided insight on how to effectively use customer feedback to create a profitable business...