SEMA Ignited, the official SEMA Show after-party, is back in-person and in Las Vegas.
The first product entered in one category in the New Products Showcase is free, and each additional product category is $75 until October 8. After October 8, the cost is $150 per entry.
Dates and locations have been scheduled for several upcoming SEMA-sponsored shows, measuring sessions and activities.
Here’s a rundown of key deadlines, including early-bird and advance rates available for several booth services, as well as checklists to keep you on track and on budget.
SEMA eNews highlights SEMA-member companies’ websites weekly through Hot Links to Cool Sites.
The SEMA Career Center has a comprehensive listing of automotive-related job openings around the country.
The early registration discount for the 2021 SEMA Show ends Friday, October 8.
SEMA members and potential members will be able to get a personalize assessment of their business needs and discover the benefits that are most relevant to them, by visiting SEMA Member Central at the 2021 SEMA Show.
With strong exhibitor and buyer participation confirmed, the SEMA Show provides the SEMA Businesswomen’s Network (SBN) with the ideal opportunity to connect during the event, November 2–5.
The ETTN-sponsored events are the ideal opportunity for both current and prospective ETTN members to learn about key trends, council news, and opportunities and challenges facing the market.