The automotive specialty-equipment industry continues to experience strong growth and demand as the United States puts COVID-19 in the rearview mirror. According to the “State of the Industry–Spring 2022” report from SEMA Market Research, 75% of manufacturers, 68% of distributors and 53% of retailers/installers reported that sales were above where they were prior to the pandemic, and consumer demand continued to remain robust for most companies.
SEMA’s Political Action Committee (PAC) plays an important role in SEMA’s overall government affairs strategy. Every dollar that goes into the PAC is strategically placed to meet one goal: increasing congressional support for the specialty aftermarket. In Washington, D.C., the size of the PAC matters, and SEMA’s new PAC Manager, Samantha Large, wants to take the SEMA PAC to the next level. Samantha’s goal is to grow SEMA PAC funds to protect the industry and ensure that your dollars are being used with your best interest in mind.
This is another in a series of articles identifying government funds for U.S. SEMA-member companies to defray the costs of developing export business. A previous SEMA News article entitled “Grow Your Bottom Line: Export to the Underserved Global Market” in May 2022 focused on the Department of Commerce International Trade Administration’s Market Development Cooperator Program. This month’s article will focus on a partnership between the Small Business Administration (SBA) and the states called the State Trade Expansion Program (STEP), in which the states provide grants to help qualified companies export.
No one likes to be told what to do—especially by a government agency that doesn’t know anything about you or your business. It is, however, a legal requirement to follow the regulations set forth by these agencies. We all know how heavily regulated emissions-related aftermarket parts are, but other auto parts are regulated as well.
It seems simple enough to elect three industry leaders from an organization that boasts more than 6,500 members. But as the SEMA Board and its Hall of Fame Task Force members will testify, it’s no easy job. How does one—much less a group of many—choose just a handful of people to induct into its annual Hall of Fame? It’s an unenviable task, to say the least.
It’s official: The new SEMA Garage Detroit facility opens its doors to the industry on August 18. In reality, the facility has been undergoing a soft launch for the past several months, with different services coming online through the completion of a series of construction phases. Nevertheless, this month marks a major milestone in the SEMA Garage’s ability to bring cutting-edge research and development programs and technologies to a rapidly changing industry.
Despite ongoing uncertainty, consumers continue to drive and spend on specialty-equipment parts. Industry performance over the past year has been strong, with sales and consumer demand both currently higher than in 2019. The disruption seen during the height of the pandemic has improved, and many companies that saw declines are reporting improvement. While higher prices, economic uncertainty, difficulty hiring and supply issues remain significant challenges, the specialty-equipment industry remains largely optimistic for the coming year.
Anticipation is building for the 2022 SEMA Show, to be held November 1–4 at the Las Vegas Convention Center—and perhaps a few pre-Show exhibitor jitters, too. For newcomers and veterans alike, creating a successful SEMA Show exhibit takes dedication and planning. There is no abracadabra formula for a profitable Show, but there are tried and true strategies that winning businesses routinely employ to accomplish their goals, many with minimal or no cost.
The SEMA Board of Directors is composed of industry representatives who volunteer their time to lead and guide the association. They are elected by SEMA-member companies and reflect the trade association’s key membership categories: manufacturers, distributors/retailers, manufacturers’ representatives, and services.
Industry news from SEMA-member companies, including AirSept, Torqued Distribution, AAM Group and more.
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