Tue, 07/02/2024 - 10:54

By Ashley Reyes

Excitement is building as the automotive specialty-equipment industry prepares to reunite at the 2024 SEMA Show, November 5-8 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Among the many highlights at SEMA is the presentation of the prestigious SEMA Council & Network Awards, which honor members who have made significant contributions to their market segments over the past year. Winners will be announced and celebrated at each council and network's reception during the Show, highlighting the recipients' positive impact on the industry, outstanding accomplishments or exceptional business practices.

Visit sema.org/cn-awards to view the criteria for each award and to submit a nomination by the Friday, August 2 deadline.

Nominations are being accepted now for awards in the following categories:

  • Automotive Restoration Market Organization (ARMO): Business of the Year, Person of the Year.
  • Emerging Trends & Technology Network (ETTN): Engineer of the Year.
  • Future Leaders Network (FLN): Vanguard Award, Professional of the Year Award.
  • Hot Rod Industry Alliance (HRIA): Hall of Fame, Industry Recognition Award, Business of the Year (Design & Engineering Award and Evolution of Hot Rodding Award entries will open closer to the SEMA Show).  
  • Professional Restylers Organization (PRO): Manufacturer of the Year, Nat Danas Person of the Year, Restyler of the Year, Jim Borré Lifetime Achievement Award. 
  • SEMA Businesswomen's Network (SBN): #SheIsSEMA Woman of the Year.
  • Truck & Off-Road Industry Alliance (TORA): Hall of Fame, Retailer of the Year, Jessi Combs Ambassador Award.  
  • Wheel, Tire, Suspension & Brake Council (WTSBC): Hall of Fame. 

In 2023, Emily Miller, the founder of Rebelle Rally, received the FLN Vanguard Award and TORA Jessi Combs Ambassador of the Year Award for her positive impact on young professionals' careers and her support and awareness of the truck and off-road market. 

SEMA Council and Network Awards Emily Miller Rebelle Rally

Emily Miller (middle), the founder of Rebelle Rally, received both the FLN Vanguard Award and TORA Jessi Combs Ambassador Award for her positive impact on young professionals' careers and the truck and off-road market.

"In the industry, we don't know what we do for awards, but being recognized is really special," said Miller. "When the awards were announced, it prompted some people to reach out and share with me how encouragement and mentorship had helped them in ways I had not imagined."

Miller said the positive results and outcomes of spending time, mentoring, and challenging people are what keeps her focused on what matters most.

Nominees must be members of the council or network for which they are being nominated. Visit sema.org/cn-awards to view the criteria for each award and to submit a nomination by the Friday, August 2 deadline.

Thu, 06/27/2024 - 11:58

By SEMA News Editors

Exhibitors of the 2024 SEMA Show, November 5-8, Las Vegas Convention Center, are offering products, parts and services for builders working on vehicles set for display at the SEMA Show this year.

The Products for Project-Vehicle Builders list is updated frequently, and features product offers and contact information from confirmed SEMA Show exhibitors looking to collaborate with builders. Qualified builders interested in obtaining a product should connect with exhibitors directly using the provided contact information.

Note: All product-placement decisions, negotiations and agreements are the responsibility of the exhibiting manufacturer and the builder. Each project vehicle on display at the SEMA Show must be supported by a current 2024 SEMA Show exhibitor.

The list is open to exhibitors of the 2024 SEMA Show only. Exhibitors: to be included in the list, complete the form at semashow.com/projectvehicle.

Qualified builders are encouraged to frequently check the 2024 Products for Project-Vehicle Builders list, as it is updated when submissions come in.

Note: Submissions appear on a first-come, first-served basis. The Project-Vehicle Builders form must be used by exhibitors to participate in the program; email submissions will not be included in the list. Participation in the list does not guarantee product or vehicle placement at the 2024 SEMA Show. It is the responsibility of the exhibitor to confirm the builder is affiliated with and working on a vehicle that will be on display at the SEMA Show. For more information about the list, contact Laura Pitts at projectvehicles@sema.org.

Thu, 06/27/2024 - 11:44

By SEMA News Editors

Irvine, California-based automaker Rivian's CEO RJ Scaringe has announced the formation of a joint venture with Volkswagen (VW) CEO and CEO of Volkswagen Group Oliver Blume.

"This is exciting! Volkswagen Group['s] Oliver Blume and I are thrilled to announce the formation of a joint venture between our two companies. This partnership brings Rivian's software and zonal electronics platform to a broader market through Volkswagen Group's global reach and scale while providing an expected $5B of capital to Rivian as we bring R2 and our next generation of vehicles to market," said Scaringe in an announcement.

Volkswagen CEO and Rivian CEO

VW CEO Oliver Blume and Rivian CEO RJ Scaringe.

Both VW and Rivian hold a 50% stake in the venture and control each equally. More details can be found in the Rivian announcement here.

For more information, visit vw.com or rivian.com.

In related VW news, new VW models featuring the new-generation "infotainment" system are now also equipped with artificial intelligence (AI) of ChatGPT. The AI-based research tool is available in all new vehicles in the all-electric ID. family, as well as in the new Golf, new Tiguan and new Passat. It can be accessed using the IDA voice assistant and offers a range of new options that go far beyond the voice control previously available. For example, customers can now have search results read out to them and can interact with the car using natural language.

Thu, 06/27/2024 - 11:38

By SEMA News Editors

SEMA Market Report

Automotive specialty-equipment market sales grew to $52.3 billion in 2023, an increase of about 1% over 2022, according to the newly released "2024 SEMA Market Report."

Produced by SEMA Market Research, the report is the association's largest report of the year and offers new insights into the size and scope of the specialty-equipment industry. The report includes detailed market sizing by parts category, consumer spending data by vehicle segment and information on where consumers shopped for aftermarket parts and accessories in 2023, along with other key industry trends.        

"The economy continues to offer some uncertainty as we have emerged from the effect of COVID-19 and grapple with politics, global conflicts and international trade policies," said SEMA Market Research Director Gavin Knapp. "Yet, consumers keep on spending and that will always be good for our industry. Unless a big economic shock hits, we can expect to continue with a reasonable growth rate moving forward."

Free to SEMA business members as a benefit of membership, the report is an example of the many resources available to help industry professionals and businesses succeed in the market and stay ahead of the curve.

The report finds that the light truck sector continues to drive the specialty-equipment industry, with pickups (32%), CUVs (15%), and SUVs (12%) accounting for over half of accessory and performance parts sales.

"Light trucks are a diverse and growing group of vehicles that have overtaken cars to represent the majority of vehicles on the road in the United States," added Knapp. "They present a significant opportunity for the specialty-equipment industry due to their versatile platforms for accessorization, and this trend only seems to be growing as more companies recognize the potential in this space." 

Drivers are also accessorizing their alternative power vehicles, such as EVs and Hybrids, which brought in $2.5 billion in sales in 2023. While EV sales have climbed year-over-year, consumers aren't flocking to this technology as some have predicted and many automakers are adjusting their transition plans. SEMA has lowered its forecast for EV sales, with the expectation that internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles will make up the majority of sales over the next decade.

Even with current economic uncertainty, sales across all sectors of the market continue to grow. Notably, sales of appearance and accessory products ($27.41 billion), engine and performance products ($12.56 billion), and wheels, tires and handling ($12.38 billion) all increased over 2023.

Additional findings from the report include: 

  • Most accessorizers are modifying their daily drivers; 58% of accessorized vehicles are used for commuting.
  • Young people continue to drive the market, with half of accessorizers under the age of 40. Younger accessorizers are also likely to do more extensive builds, such as suspension and engine performance mods.
  • More than half of accessorizers (58%) also own a powersports product, such as a trailer, UTV, or motorcycle, which can offer opportunities for cross-selling and promotions.
  • New vehicle sales are likely to top 16 million in 2024.
  • The United States vehicle fleet comprises nearly 290 million passenger cars on the road. More cars on the road means more opportunities for drivers to personalize.

Additionally, over 90% of specialty-equipment businesses surveyed expect their 2024 sales to equal or exceed 2023. This is positive news as the industry prepares for the SEMA Show later this year, where more than 2,400 brands are set to exhibit and reveal their products and services to thousands of qualified buyers.  

SEMA business members can download the new "2024 SEMA Market Report" for free at sema.org/research. To learn more about SEMA membership, visit sema.org/membership.

Thu, 06/27/2024 - 11:25

By SEMA News Editors

Attendee and media registration for the 2024 SEMA Show has been open at semashow.com/register. Attendees can maximize their ROI by registering early and taking advantage of travel discounts (more details here) and Show badge discounts. Registration is only $40 for qualified attendees who register by this Friday, June 28. Deadlines and fees for other registration categories can be found at semashow.com/register

SEMA Show registration

Set for November 5-8 at the Las Vegas Convention Center, the 2024 SEMA Show will once again reveal the future of the aftermarket as attendees connect with thousands of leading manufacturers showcasing the latest products, trends and technology in the industry.

Finding reasons to attend the 2024 SEMA Show is easy. The November 5-8 event in the Las Vegas Convention Center features countless product innovations from new and iconic exhibitors, the latest custom vehicle trends and professional skill-enhancing education sessions led by top industry experts. Attendees can also partake in one-of-a-kind events and features, like the New Product Showcase, the No. 1 destination for discovering the hottest products in the automotive aftermarket industry, the dynamic Battle of the Builders Presented by Mothers Polish highlighting the techniques of influential builders, the world-class lineup of SEMA Education seminars and sessions, the newer Overland Experience showcasing customized vehicles in their intended environments and much more (more details can be found at semashow.com/attendee).

To assist professionals in demonstrating the Show's value to their employers, management offers a customizable sample letter to highlight specific benefits relevant to your business or market segment. This ensures that you can effectively communicate the potential impact on your day-to-day responsibilities and long-term business growth​​.

View the SEMA Show sample letter to your boss as a PDF here.

For more information about the 2024 SEMA Show, visit semashow.com. Sign up for updates on SEMA Fest at semafest.com.

Thu, 06/27/2024 - 11:12

By Juan Torres 

Press Conference

Applications for SEMA Show exhibitors to be included in the official 2024 SEMA Show Press Conference Schedule are now available online here

Exhibitors who have breaking news announcements that will be of interest to a large number of media can utilize press conferences during the 2024 SEMA Show. Exhibitors who want to be included in the official SEMA Show Press Conference Schedule are required to submit an application before the deadline of Friday, August 16. Please use this link to submit a press conference application.

After submitting an application, exhibitors should receive an automatic email confirming that the application was received. Those who do not receive the automatic email may have experienced a technical problem and are encouraged to email pr@sema.org for assistance. 

Because media are not required or obligated to attend press conferences, many exhibitors opt to utilize other strategies and tools for reaching media at the SEMA Show, like the dedicated press release submission form.

Thu, 06/27/2024 - 09:44

By Ashley Reyes

Aly Oakley

The SEMA Future Leaders Network (FLN) named Aly Oakley of BrakeQuip--Sales, as the network's newest spotlight member. 

Get to know Oakley in her interview with SEMA News below. 

SEMA News: What is the best advice you have ever received? 

Aly Oakley: "Learn to rest, not to quit." This advice probably applies best to where I am in life right now. It's good to work hard, but you cannot pour from an empty cup, so be sure to take care of yourself. Give your mind and body the rest it requires, and you can meet your goals more successfully.

SN: What keeps you in the industry? 

AO: My passion for motorsports and my goal in life: to work in the professional racing industry.

SN: Where can you be found on a Saturday?  

AO: Most likely I am in the Great Smoky Mountains hiking or driving mountain roads. U.S. Route 129, "the dragon," has been my stomping ground for the past 16 years.

SN: How do you prepare for an important meeting? 

AO: I heavily rely on outlines, spreadsheets and notes. I typically turn on some music and take time to flush out questions or discussion topics into an outline or PowerPoint presentation. It helps me get my head in the game and keep the meetings from derailing.

SN: If you could go to lunch with one industry leader, living or dead, who would it be?

AO: I would probably choose Susie Wolff. She has so much working knowledge of the motorsports industry, operations and women in motorsports. Not to mention the groundbreaking Formula 1 Academy that I am proud to witness in my lifetime. I would have so many questions for her!

Fill out an FLN member spotlight form to be eligible to be featured on FLN's social media, SEMA News and FLN member updates. 

Thu, 06/27/2024 - 09:13

By SEMA News Editors

SEMA News sources recently captured new images of what is believed to be the '25 BMW M3 CS Touring, a high-performance version of the top-tier 3-series, testing on the Nürburgring in Germany.

The Touring follows the established pattern of the M3 sedan, typically available in standard, Competition and CS versions, with occasional low-volume specials like the GTS.

BMW M3 CS Touring

Based on the new images, insiders expect the five-door wagon to feature the same engineering upgrades as the BMW M3 CS sedan and make an official debut in late 2024 or early 2025. The model is also expected to have the same S58 straight-six engine, enhanced by twin turbochargers, to boost power to 550 hp. The eight-speed automatic transmission and all-wheel drive system are likely to receive calibration tweaks.

Carbon fiber in certain body panels will provide modest weight savings, and sources suggest the front fascia, rear diffuser and rear spoiler will be lighter, though the wagon may not get the CS sedan’s CFRP roof.

The new '25 BMW M3 Touring CS is part of the G81 family of 3-series wagons and production might be limited to around 2,000 units. BMW might also offer a special CS color palette, as well as carbon-fiber bucket seats and alloy wheels.

Thu, 06/27/2024 - 07:58

By Ashley Reyes

EVSE Workforce

SEMA Education is offering a new webinar to help current and future automotive aftermarket professionals stay at the forefront of career paths available within the electrical vehicle service equipment (EVSE) industry.

Presented in partnership with SkillFusion, "EVSE Workforce: Career Opportunities and Available Resources" on July 9 at 10:00 a.m. PDT will explore valuable EVSE resources, educational pathways and skill development opportunities that will empower attendees to navigate and excel in the dynamic EVSE workforce.

Attendees will hear from Elaina Farnsworth, SkillFusion co-founder and CEO, and Enid Joffe, SkillFusion electrification specialist, as they cover: 

  • Career Pathways in EVSE: Learn about career options within the EVSE industry, including roles in installation, maintenance, software development and more.
  • Skill Development Strategies: Discover key skills and competencies that are essential for success in the EVSE workforce, and how to acquire and enhance them.
  • Educational Opportunities: Identify available educational programs, certifications and training courses that align with EVSE career paths.
  • Industry Networking: Find effective networks within the EVSE community to enhance career prospects and stay updated on industry trends.
  • Professional Growth and Advancement: Gain insight on strategies for continuous professional development and avenues for career advancement within the dynamic EVSE sector.

As charger reliability and uptime play a significant role in the electric vehicle (EV) owner experience, participating in the webinar presents an excellent opportunity to engage with qualified EVSE experts and stay ahead of emerging opportunities. Save your spot here.    

Thu, 06/27/2024 - 07:39

Lunch and LearnBy Ashley Reyes

Building your organization's employee value proposition (EVP) is an important mechanism for attracting, engaging and retaining top talent. By building an EVP, companies can clearly communicate why their business is an attractive place to work and reduce turnover rates, setting up their organization for success.

SEMA members are invited to the Future Leaders Network (FLN) Lunch & Learn webinar "Retention and Your EVP, Building Your Organization's Employee Value Proposition, A Key to Retention" on July 11, from 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. PDT, to learn strategies for building their EVP. Led by Sandy Zannino, HR and diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) consultant at Innovative Auto HR LLC (IAHR), the virtual workshop will explore EVP as it relates to the current workforce, labor shortages and generations.

During this session, attendees will learn about the collective wants and needs of Gen Zers and Millennials--who make up 64% of today's talent pool--and how to engage these generations to achieve their retention goals. Participants will walk away with a road map for building their EVP and how to utilize this powerful tool in their recruiting efforts.

The first 20 members to pre-register will receive a $20 Uber Eats voucher for use the day of the webinar.

Secure your spot here!