
Video: Watch SEMA Leaders Testify to the EPA on the Need for Technology-Neutral Vehicle and Fleet Policies

By the SEMA Washington, D.C., office

Last month, SEMA and industry leaders testified at a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency hearing in opposition to the agency granting the state of California a waiver to implement its Advanced Clean Fleets regulation, which seeks to ban the sale of medium- and heavy-duty internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles.

Watch highlights of testimony from SEMA President and CEO Mike Spagnola; Rick Albertini, CEO of Phenix Enterprises, Inc.; and Ben Winter, vice chair of Transfer Flow, below:

If the EPA grants this waiver, California will be able to mandate the types of medium- and heavy-duty vehicles that companies must purchase, in addition to requiring many businesses to retire trucks that have only been in service for 13 years. The ACF would devalue companies' property, and businesses would pay higher prices to have their products delivered, with the costs of the new zero-emission trucks that the ACF regulation mandates being passed on to consumers and other businesses. 

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