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Brands: Avoid These 5 Trade Show Mistakes

By Autofluencer

Autofluencer SEMA Show Trade Show Advice sponsored

Big events like the SEMA Show are investments in not just money, but time, and you want to make sure that investment pays off. After working closely with brands and creators at Autofluencer and from years of SEMA exhibiting from the brand side, we've seen a few common pitfalls that exhibitors fall into time and time again. If you're looking to maximize ROI, avoid these mistakes and follow our easy fixes!

Mistake 1: Not Creating Pre-Show Hype

One of the biggest missed opportunities is failing to use your creator and influencer partners to generate buzz before the Show even begins. Promoting your booth and products in advance helps build anticipation and traffic to your booth. Many buyers and distributors already follow your creators, and their pre-Show promotion will help make it easier to book appointments and raise your brand's visibility.

As younger generations (late 20s, 30s, and 40s—yes, Millennials and Gen Z are in their 30s and 40s!) take over day-to-day roles in these businesses, social media has become crucial. You can't afford to miss out!

  • Easy Button: Have 2-3 creators hyping your presence ahead of the Show to build momentum.
  • Pro Tip: Send creators a sample product to showcase in their content, turning your booth into a "must-see" destination at the Show.
  • How Autofluencer Helps: Post searchable Show-specific campaigns in Autofluencer, like "SEMA 2024 Collabs," and send the link to your existing creators so they can apply. Other creators who see the campaign in Autofluencer may also jump on board, maximizing your exposure. (Get a free 30-day trial at autofluencer.com/semafreetrial).
Mistake 2: Not Coordinating Creator Booth Content

Your booth staff will be swamped with meetings during the Show, and even if you have a media person on staff, their content often won't generate the same level of engagement as that from a creator with a large following. Some brands think they need to bring a car build to the Show, but that's not the only way to generate buzz. Whether or not you have a build, having creators stop by your booth and post content can exponentially increase your reach.

  • Easy Button: Reach out to creators now and plan ahead. Yes, you may need to cover flights or offer compensation, but the content they create will be worth it!
  • Pro Tip: Coordinate with other brands working with the same creators and share the costs of bringing them to the Show.
  • How Autofluencer Helps: Set up Autofluencer campaigns to ensure you have creators stopping by your booth. Use a searchable campaign to find new talent who may already be attending the event. (Get a free 30-day trial at autofluencer.com/semafreetrial).
Mistake 3: Not Getting "Live" Show Content

It's fantastic to get highly edited content after the Show, but don't miss out on the chance to grab some "live" engagement while the event is happening. Ask your creators to do at least one live story or quick Reel directly from your booth. This can help bring more people to your location and increase your brand's visibility at a critical time.

  • Easy Button: Make it part of the agreement that they'll post live from your booth—ideally during the busiest Show days like Tuesday or Wednesday. And remember, it doesn't need to be perfect—just fun and engaging!
  • Pro Tip: Schedule specific times for creators to come by so your team can coordinate who's available for interviews or booth hype.
  • How Autofluencer Helps: Autofluencer's built-in campaign contracts and deliverables make it easy to ensure your creators post live content during the Show. (Get a free 30-day trial at autofluencer.com/semafreetrial).
Mistake 4: The Future Creator Process Is a Pain

Exhibiting at a trade show is the perfect time to connect with future brand ambassadors, partners or sponsors. But let's face it—you'll be busy. Make it easy for creators to apply for your programs without bogging down your team.

  • Easy Button: Have a QR code that creators can scan to apply for your partnership program. This keeps everything organized, and you can review applications after the Show.
  • Pro Tip: Make your campaign clear about what you're looking for in a partner. If they can't answer key questions during the application process, they might not be the best fit later on.
  • How Autofluencer Helps: Use our campaign builder to set up a "2025" or "Future Partner" campaign and make it searchable. Generate a QR code that links directly to your campaign. Display it on your booth signage to simplify the process for potential partners. (Get a free 30-day trial at autofluencer.com/semafreetrial).
Mistake 5: Creators Not Contracted for Post-Show Content

The Show might be over, but that doesn't mean your content strategy should stop there! A post-Show recap or sizzle reel can keep the energy going and re-engage buyers who attended the Show—or attract the attention of those who couldn't make it.

  • Easy Button: Communicate exactly what type of post-Show content you want—whether it's a recap or a sizzle reel. Recaps usually work better with creators who have an on-camera presence, while photographers or videographers often excel at sizzle reels.
  • Pro Tip: Get both! And if you didn't send products to creators before the Show, send them afterward for some install content to keep the momentum going.
  • How Autofluencer Helps: Autofluencer makes it easy to set clear deliverables and reminders to ensure your creators follow through with post-Show content. That way, your booth—and your brand—stays top of mind. (Get a free 30-day trial at autofluencer.com/semafreetrial).
Bonus Mistake: Not Tracking Creator SEMA Content Performance!

You can't manage what you don't measure, but don't worry. Autofluencer can help you with our dynamic partnership performance reports that track creator performance across Instagram, TikTok, Facebook and YouTube!


A successful Show partnership with creators should yield at least three to five (3-5) pieces of content, including live stories and Reels. And when new creators approach you at SEMA, don't just hand them a business card or send them to a crowded inbox. Make it easy for them to scan and apply for your open campaigns right on the spot with a QR code! And, Autofluencer can help you streamline this process for your creators and team—all while maximizing Show ROI!

Check out how Autofluencer can help with a 30-day free trial at autofluencer.com/semafreetrial.