By SEMA Editors
Dates and locations have been scheduled for several upcoming SEMA-sponsored shows, measuring sessions and activities.
- SEMA Webinar: Effectively Managing Conflict, July 27, 2021
- ETTN Live Chat With SEMA General Counsel David Goch, July 27, 2021
- 2021 SEMA Show Exhibitor Summit, July 28–30, 2021, Las Vegas Convention Center, Las Vegas
- 2021 SEMA Installation & Gala, July 30, 2021, Las Vegas Convention Center, Las Vegas
- HRIA General Membership Meeting, August 4, 2021, Kentucky Expo Center, Lousiville, Kentucky
- 2021 HRIA Education Days, August 5–6, 2021, Kentucky Expo Center, Louisville, Kentucky
- SEMA Webinar: Pricing Policies 101: The Truth About Pricing Policies, August 11, 2021
- SEMA Webinar: Pricing Policies 201: Implementing a Pricing Policy That Works Series, August 18, 2021
- SEMA Webinar: Pricing Policies 301: Why Isn’t My Pricing Policy Working? August 25, 2021
- 2021 SEMA Show, November 2–5, 2021, Las Vegas Convention Center, Las Vegas
- INA PAACE Automechanika Mexico, December 1–3, 2021, San Luis Potosí Convention Center, Mexico
- 2021 Performance Racing Industry (PRI) Trade Show, December 9–11, 2021, Indianapolis
For association-related travel, contact Manya Petropaki ( at Travel Store USA, 949-930-9268.