By Kyle Cheng
The SEMA Industry Indicators Report provides a high-level snapshot of the overall U.S. economy with an emphasis on economic data that directly or indirectly affects the automotive aftermarket industry and your business. |
The SEMA Industry Indicators Report for May is now available from SEMA Market Research. This month, the report also includes highlights from the SEMA Industry Perspectives Report.
View the SEMA Industry Indicators Report for May.
The monthly indicators report provides a high-level snapshot of the overall U.S. economy with an emphasis on economic data that directly or indirectly affects the automotive aftermarket industry and your business.
The United States continues to enjoy a strong economy. Unemployment remains low, dropping in April to below 4%—the first time in nearly 18 years. More people are buying new trucks and SUVs than ever before. However, crude oil prices are putting upward pressure on gas prices, which are rising as we officially enter the summer driving season.
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