
SEMA Show Exhibitors Grow Through International Sales

By Della Domingo

The Center for International Commerce (CIC) is available to international buyers and includes private meeting rooms, a lounge area, interpreters and complimentary WiFi.

With more than 15,000 international buyers expected at the 2013 SEMA Show, exhibitors at the upcoming event have an opportunity to learn about new markets and what they can do to grow their businesses internationally.

"As global demand for the industry's products soars, there is huge opportunity for our members," said Peter MacGillivray, SEMA vice president of communications and events. "We have a comprehensive international relations program to help U.S. manufacturers connect with buyers in the most relevant markets."

The SEMA Show offers a list of resources specifically designed to help international buyers work more effectively with exhibitors at the SEMA Show.

These benefits include:

  • Online registration: The online registration site includes a designated "International Visitors" tab that features basic information about the Show in seven different languages. An "International Travel Support" tab is also available to connect visitors from key countries to travel information specific to their location. International buyers are also able to seamlessly generate personalized Letters of Invitations that can be used for requesting visas.
  • Badge pickup: International visitors are able to pick up their badges on-site at International Registration, where interpreters are on hand and ready to assist.
  • Center for International Commerce: Centrally located within the Las Vegas Convention Center, the Center for International Commerce (CIC) is available to international buyers and includes private meeting rooms, a lounge area, interpreters and complimentary WiFi.
  • Exhibitor Directory: To help international buyers, the SEMA Show Directory includes a list of exhibitors that currently export outside the United States. The list makes it easy for international buyers to hone in on the companies with whom they are most likely to do business.
  • Networking: At the Show, SEMA hosts the International Happy Hour. With 1,000 international buyers, exhibitors and media, the event is the world's largest international networking event for of specialty-equipment companies.

In addition to the resources available at the SEMA Show, the association's international relations program includes trade missions to key countries throughout the year, international research to identify developing markets, working with international officials on legislative issues and more. SEMA was recently honored with the President's "E" Award for making a significant contribution to the expansion of U.S. exports.

For more information about programs and services available to international visitors at the SEMA Show or how to connect with international buyers, contact Linda Spencer at 301-231-7695 or e-mail