
Cut Development Costs and Time With This SEMA Show Seminar

  CAD Drawing
  Learn how to create higher quality designs while limiting costs and product-development time during the SEMA Show educational session, "Tech Transfer: Cut Product Development Time & Cost."

Attention R&D engineers and product planners: Learn how to substantially cut product-development time and costs using Computer-Aided Design (CAD) and rapid prototyping technologies. Through live demos and a short tutorial during the "Tech Transfer: Cut Product Development Time & Cost" free education sessions at the SEMA Show, you’ll see how CAD can help you get your next product to market faster and for less.

SEMA member Kevin Dill, president of RockSolid Designs, will demonstrate how easy CAD is to use and discuss his own success with the technology. David Gurrola, president of GROWit, will explain how rapid prototyping and 3-D scanning not only saves time and money, but also leads to higher quality designs.

Join Dill, Gurrola and SEMA Vehicle Product Data Manager Oscar Munoz at either one of two sessions on Monday, November 2, in room N263. The first session is scheduled 10:00 a.m.–11:00 a.m., the second from 2:00 p.m.–3:00 p.m.

Make your plans to attend today. For up-to-date Education Week information and details, visit