

While attending the YearOne Experience on May 20, Air Ride Technologies discovered that their '67 Camaro was stolen from the Hampton Inn in Buford, Georgia, between midnight and 6:30 a.m.
Says Air Ride, “We know that the chances of us recovering this car are slim to none, but we want to take our misfortune and make a positive out of it. We want to alert you all that this happened and that you need to take any precautions you can to make sure it doesn't happen to you.
“If you happen to see this beautiful car at a show or running wide open down the street, call us. Chances are that you won't and that’s okay. To let you know that this can happen and to keep your car safe is enough for us.”
For more information about Air Ride Technologies' Camaro, contact Bret Voelkel at 812/630-1720. For more detailed information regarding the car, click here or log on to and look under company projects.