Good News: Maine Rejects ICE Ban Amid Legislative Debate and Industry Opposition ajh Thu, 03/21/2024 - 12:47
The Maine Board of Environmental Protection has voted against the proposal to align the state with California's latest clean car rules. 
Thousands of SEMA Members Oppose California Mandate Banning New Gas-Powered Vehicle Sales ajh Thu, 03/07/2024 - 08:39
SEMA and industry members sent the EPA more than 5,000 letters detailing the impact ICE bans would have on small businesses.
Connecticut Legislature Shelves Gas-Powered Vehicle Ban ajh Tue, 03/05/2024 - 08:55
The move to withdraw the regulation came after bipartisan opposition from state lawmakers.
EPA Issues Regulation Strengthening Air Quality Standards for PM 2.5 laurap Tue, 02/13/2024 - 11:53
The EPA will now require a 25% reduction in the allowable fine particulate matter but will retain the previous regulations for all other 'soot rule' standards.
Update: Connecticut Shelves Plan for Special Session to Ban Internal Combustion Engines ajh Tue, 01/30/2024 - 05:51
The Connecticut General Assembly will address the proposed regulation during the 2024 regular session.
West Virginia Introduces Bill Supporting ICE Technology in a Positive Update for the Industry laurap Thu, 01/18/2024 - 11:32
If passed, the SEMA-supported legislation would prevent any government unit from restricting the use or sale of motor vehicles based on the energy source. 
Voice Your Support: Bills Seek to Repeal Virginia's ZEV Mandate laurap Tue, 01/16/2024 - 13:49
Your voice can make a difference! Tell state lawmakers to repeal the internal combustion engine ban in just a few clicks.
Ohio Governor Signs SEMA-Supported Vehicle Freedom Bill Into Law ajh Thu, 01/04/2024 - 12:33
The ruling prohibits state or local governments from restricting the use or sale of cars based on their power source, like internal combustion engines.
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