For the first time since the inception of Education Days, the 2016 SEMA Show will feature educational sessions conducted on Friday.
As the 2015 SEMA Show draws closer, it’s time to start digging into the educational offerings available.
Seth Mattison of FutureSight Labs offers three tips for building the next-generation workforce.
The SEMA Vehicle Technology Briefing Seminar program is designed to connect SEMA members to the benefits of vehicle technology and performance product-development solutions, resources and partnerships. From racing and performance design to branding and driving green, connected, safe and cool, cutting-edge technologies will be the focus of discussions at this year’s SEMA Show by industry leaders and innovators who will explain current and future systems and technology applications.
Nobody can predict the future, but businesses invest a tremendous amount of resources in trying to be first to market, capitalizing on an emerging trend or maximizing an underdeveloped demographic. This year’s Education Days at the SEMA Show will shake up the Magic Eight Ball by offering several timely and relevant, research-driven sessions that will give you a glimpse into future opportunities.
Access the Education Days schedule online and round out your SEMA Show
week by attending sessions that will help you build on various areas
your business.