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eNews Article
With industry professionals from more than 100 countries expected at the 2007 SEMA Show, the annual trade-only event has taken extra steps to include several services and business opportunities specifically for international visitors. Taking place Tuesday, October 30–Friday, November 2, in Las Vegas...
eNews Article
SEMA is pleased to announce the hiring of William Miller as the association’s new senior vice president of operations. The new position, created as part of an internal restructuring to increase association capabilities, reports directly to SEMA President and CEO Chris Kersting. Miller will oversee...
eNews Article
SEMA Show exhibitors, your badge and badgeholder for the 2007 SEMA Show could be on its way to you as early as the second week of August. That's right! If you're a SEMA Show alumnus, registered and approved, your badge and badgeholder will be sent to you before the Show. No waiting in line! Simply...