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Are you hunting for a new job? The SEMA Career Center has a comprehensive listing of automotive-related job openings around the country. Here are some of the latest jobs posted to the website.
SEMA members are invited to join Tom Gattuso, SEMA vice president of events, for a Facebook and Instagram live chat about the 2022 SEMA Show on Wednesday, October 5.
SEMA members are invited to a live webinar on October 18 to find out what parts manufacturers need to know about ADAS and the federal motor vehicle safety standards.
Video for this release: SEMA Automotive Influencer of the Year Award Video Suggested caption: Larry Chen, ChrisFix, TJ Hunt, Adam LZ, and Alex Taylor are the five finalists for the 2022 SEMA Automotive Influencer of the Year award. The new award recognizes influencers who have made a positive impact...