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eNews Article
The specialty-equipment market is not always directly affected by new-car sales as evidenced by the latest SEMA survey. SEMA’s monthly Performance Parts and Accessories Demand Index (PADI) showed a one percent increase in the three-month moving average for consumers who are planning to modify a...
eNews Article
On the cover of the China Market Report ( is a photo of a Chrysler 300C with a fireball flame custom paint job on the hood and fenders. This picture was taken at the 2007 edition of the China International Automotive Aftermarket Industry Show, aka CIAAI, and it was the...
eNews Article
New European legislation on the use of chemicals, known as REACH—an abbreviation of Registration, Evaluation and Authorisation of Chemicals—calls for the registration of approximately 30,000 existing chemicals by manufacturer or user of any of the 30,000 chemicals in products sold in Europe. Pre...
eNews Article
Prepare your SEMA Show strategy by tuning in to the next SEMA webinar, “SEMA Show: Money Well-Spent for Your Business!" Presented by Chuck Schwartz (CEM/Chairman, ConvExx Show Management), this insightful webinar scheduled for Thursday, June 12, 10:00 a.m. (PST), will provide the tips you need to...
eNews Article
Do you have a question for SEMA? Want to know more about the association’s strategic direction, or the status on health insurance for trade associations? Maybe you have a question for one of SEMA’s departments, such as the Research and Information Center or OEM Relations. Perhaps you have a more...