Showing 10 of 29091
Press Release Article
Graphic for this release: Fall Report Suggested caption: The new "SEMA State of the Industry-Fall 2023 Report" shows that despite inflation and current economic turmoil, two-thirds of industry companies report stable or growing sales. AFTERMARKET COMPANIES LOOK FORWARD TO GROWTH IN 2024 -- Two...
Council or Network Update
The event will feature networking, complimentary hors d'oeuvres and drinks, and will include the induction of the next MPMC Hall of Fame member. Don’t miss out!
Council or Network Update
MPMC members are amazing, and we want to show off the great work that you and your employees do! [Submit your MPMC member spotlight] Filling out a spotlight form is a great way to spotlight how you or your company are contributing to the motorsports industry. Your story will be featured on MPMC's...
Council or Network Update
Even amid the economic uncertainty of the last year, 55% of automotive aftermarket manufacturers are reporting expected growth in the coming year, up from only 44% last Fall, according to the new "SEMA State of the Industry-Fall 2023 Report," which is now available for download at