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eNews Article
SEMA eNews highlights SEMA-member companies’ websites weekly through Hot Links to Cool Sites.
eNews Article
Dates and locations have been scheduled for several upcoming SEMA-sponsored shows, measuring sessions and activities.
Magazine (News) Article
With digital and social-media campaigns becoming an ever-more-important component to marketing portfolios, a company’s online reputation can make or break the business. A particular challenge in this sphere is that people are more motivated to post online reviews when they’ve had an unpleasant...
Magazine (News) Article
Most people work as hard as they possibly can to try to increase their sales, and that can lead to burnout and extremely disappointing results, according to Rich Barsamian, vice president of sales and marketing for Advanced Clutch Technology. In any economy, trying to double your customer base can...
Magazine (News) Article
In November 1964, Bob (left) and Bill Summers brought a scale model of their new land-speed-racing streamliner to the Caltech wind tunnel in Pasadena to experiment with the aerodynamics of different tailfin shapes. While sponsors were lettered on the model’s sides, once it was rendered in 1:1 scale...