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Whether you don’t know the difference between a tee time and daylight savings time, or you can drive to the pin with the PGA’s best, it's easy to support your favorite SEMA council by making a charitable pledge online to the Council Cup – Cash for Kids golf tournament. Click here to pledge anywhere...
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Attention SEMA manufacturer members! Make plans to attend the Chrysler Group’s July 11 measuring session in Auburn Hills, Michigan. The session will feature the newest Dodge, Chrysler and Jeep sheetmetal that enthusiasts will soon clamor to accessorize. Cameras ARE allowed at the all-day session...
eNews Article
Good news for those in the brake business: performance enthusiasts ponied up $112,600 on brake parts and accessories last month, according to data from Terapeak, a developer of market-focused research software that monitors online sales and auctions.
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The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has concluded that current regulations to reduce ozone air pollution are insufficient. The agency issued a proposed rule to tighten the standard from 0.08 parts per million, averaged over eight hours, to around 0.07 ppm. The EPA may even reconsider...
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SEMA defeated legislation that would have required the development of a statewide program to mandate that replacement tires for passenger cars and light trucks be as energy efficient as tires sold as original equipment.
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SEMA-supported legislation to exempt composite vehicles from emissions inspections was signed into law by Connecticut Governor M. Jodi Rell. Under current Connecticut law, composite vehicles are those constructed from the component parts of two or more motor vehicles of different model year or...
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SEMA-model legislation to amend the vehicle titling and registration classification for street rods was introduced in Delaware. Under the bill, a street rod is defined as an altered vehicle manufactured before 1949. Importantly, replica street rods would be assigned a certificate of title bearing...
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Working with state off-road enthusiasts, SEMA helped defeat a bill that sought to restrict modified 4x4 trucks to minimally maintained roads and to the area specifically designated for their use. The legislation defined 4x4 trucks as four-wheeled motor vehicles manufactured to operate on public...