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Magazine (News) Article
SEAT TIME ANY TIME Once the Exclusive Training Tools of Motorsports Pros, Racing Simulators Are Increasingly Fueling Enthusiast Passions By Bradley Iger Once dismissed as mere child’s play, simulators have been an integral part of driver development in top-tier racing series like NASCAR and Formula...
Magazine (News) Article
By Drew Hardin Photography courtesy Petersen Publishing Company Archive In its December 1955 issue, Hot Rod magazine told readers, “Drag racing isn’t new to the Memphis area—they’ve been running top-notch drag meets there for years.” Which is why the NHRA put the southern city on its itinerary for...
Magazine (News) Article
Scorpion EV’s Venom Conversion Kit Provides a Plug-and-Play Solution for EV Conversions Like This Award-Winning Shelby Replica
Magazine (News) Article
OPPORTUNITIES AND CHALLENGES SEMA Council and Network Leaders Identify the Trends and Issues Impacting the Aftermarket in 2024 By MICHAEL IMLAY Every new year offers an opportunity to reflect on recent challenges and achievements and chart a future course. With the first quarter of 2024 well...
Magazine (News) Article
Taking a ‘Tech-Agnostic’ View on Propulsion, SEMA Sheds Light on the New Ideas (and Business Opportunities) Transforming the Specialty Market
Magazine (News) Article
SEMA Successfully Mobilizes the Automotive SPECIALTY-EQUIPMENT Industry’s First-Ever SuperPAC BY KAREN BAILEY-CHAPMAN SEMA launched its first-ever SuperPAC this past fall to support legislative candidates who would back the repeal of Virginia’s internal-combustion engine (ICE) ban. Debuting as...
Magazine (News) Article
STATE UPDATE California—Proposition 65: The California Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) has proposed new SEMA-opposed Proposition 65 short-form warning rules. The proposed rules would require all short-form warnings to include at least one chemical on the label. This is a...
Magazine (News) Article
Those who follow politics know that by February, state legislatures across the United States are fully underway. This is an especially important topic for SEMA members who frequently want to know what our association is doing to effectively engage government leaders and bring about positive outcomes...