Mon, 02/05/2024 - 11:19


SEMA Successfully Mobilizes the Automotive SPECIALTY-EQUIPMENT Industry’s First-Ever SuperPAC



SEMA launched its first-ever SuperPAC this past fall to support legislative candidates who would back the repeal of Virginia’s internal-combustion engine (ICE) ban. Debuting as Driving Force Action (DFA), the SuperPAC focused its efforts on helping Governor Glenn Youngkin of Virginia to secure a needed majority in the November elections to accomplish one of his campaign priorities—repealing the ICE ban. While the Governor’s party fell short of capturing the necessary number of seats to get that majority, DFA succeeded in three of the four senate races where it engaged in direct candidate advocacy.

Why Virginia? While most of America chooses its state lawmakers and governors in the same year that they elect their federal lawmakers (even-
numbered years), there are a handful of states that elect their lawmakers in odd-numbered years, and Virginia is among them. Plus, because of the state’s redistricting schedule, every member of the legislature was up for election or re-election because they all had to run in newly drawn districts—a once-in-a-10-year opportunity when voters can vote on everyone in the same cycle (except the governor).

In addition, Virginia is one of the “CARB states.” There are 17 California Air Resources Board [CARB] states that have attached themselves to California’s emissions standards, including in all but three,
California’s impending ban on ICEs. Virginia became a CARB state in 2021 under the previous governor, yet many Virginians did not know this. An attempt to repeal Virginia’s ICE ban in the legislature in early 2023 was stymied by the Democrat-held Senate.
The November election presented the next opportunity to reverse this bad policy in the Commonwealth.


Moving the Needle

Internal polling conducted by SEMA in Virginia in late 2022 showed high unawareness of Virginia’s attachment to California’s emissions laws and regulations. Eighty-one percent of Virginia’s voters had heard little or nothing at all about the ban on ICEs. The same poll showed that once voters learned of the ban, 62% opposed it.

DFA launched its independent campaign just before Labor Day, allowing an eight-week window to educate and mobilize voters on the issue of ICE bans and the state’s EV mandate. Ultimately, the education campaign significantly elevated the issue of the EV mandate ahead of election day. A tremendous groundswell of opposition to this policy—from both thought leaders and the public—showcased how much Virginians (and Americans) want the freedom to choose what they drive.

Two weeks before election day, campaign polling in the four target senate districts where DFA was engaged, found only 16% of Republicans and 12% of Independent voters were unaware of the state’s ICE ban. Unawareness of the issue among Democrat voters was in the low 20s—a significant shift of 60 points or more across all voter groups compared to the statewide poll conducted nine months earlier. The majority of Republicans and Independents in this late poll said they would support the candidate who would repeal the ICE ban.

Post-election analysis of DFA’s digital campaign analytics showed that the campaign reached and engaged more equitably across all age demographics, something rarely seen in today’s policy environment. The campaign garnered more then 13.5 million impressions across four major social networks in just eight weeks.


Key Takeaways

The DFA campaign mobilized constituencies of all types and emphasized the need for our nation’s leaders to reverse track on government mandates that remove your right to decide what kind of car you drive.

One key race that was clearly influenced in this cycle was District 24, where candidate Sheriff Danny Diggs overtook the incumbent
Senator Monty Mason, a staunch supporter of the ICE ban policy and the deciding vote to block the repeal of Virginia’s ICE ban law. Other notable shifts were in District 17, where Emily Brewer defeated Clinton Jenkins, and District 27, where Tara Durant upset Joel Griffin; the candidates who won committed to repealing the EV mandate. The DFA campaign was heavily active in educating voters about the EV mandate in these districts and which candidate was on the right side of the issue. Of note, two of these districts were considered toss-up or lean-Democrat districts: District 17 (Brewer) favored Democrats by three points, and District 24 (Diggs) showed no party advantage in the electorate going into the election season.

Political pundits often refer to Virginia as a bell-wether state. This suggests that Virginia’s odd-year elections provide learnings for federal and other statewide campaigns preparing for the upcoming 2024 election cycle. Virginia’s electorate is also considered a reasonable sampling of, and mimics, the national electorate with the contrasts between voters in the wealthier north (suburban Washington, D.C.) to the rural south and energy-industry-dependent west and the urban centers of the center and east, including a significant military and retired military population. The EV mandate (or ICE ban) was lauded by some media in the run-up to election day as an issue that Republican candidates could run a positive campaign around, compared to the social issues that dominated the campaign otherwise.

There is an essential lesson for the Biden administration and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as they consider a similar federal ICE ban. Clearly, segments of the country are not in favor of a mandate that phases out gas-powered cars.

Our plan is to continue to keep pressure on our elected members on both sides of the aisle and urge them to reevaluate California’s gas car ban in various states and nationally. SEMA sees the federal EV mandates and the creep of California’s laws into other states as a potential topline election issue for the 2024 campaign cycle. For anyone who has watched the Republican presidential candidate debates this cycle, it’s hard to get through the first five minutes without the hopefuls laying their stake in the ground against the vehicle mandates.

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Unknown to many voters, emissions standards for 17 states are tied to California Air Resources Board (CARB) mandates.


Why a SuperPAC?

This is a common question. SEMA already has a federal PAC (called the SEMA and PRI PAC), so why does the association now need a SuperPAC?

The federal PAC is a critically important part of the SEMA Government Affairs team advocacy work. Because SEMA itself cannot donate dollars directly to candidate campaigns, our money is considered corporate dollars, SEMA solicits personal donations from members to fund the traditional federal
PAC that can donate directly to candidate campaigns. The work on building this part of SEMA’s political muscle will continue and work parallel to the SuperPAC.

However, donations to the PAC from an individual and to candidates running for election are capped at $5,000 under federal law. Political enthusiasts know that for campaigns, especially in congressional districts and statewide races like U.S. Senate races, $5,000 is a small amount compared to the millions it takes to run a campaign for Congress. That’s where a SuperPAC comes in.

Under federal and most state laws, SuperPACs can accept corporate dollar donations, and there is no limit on how much can be donated. There are some other rules that SuperPACs must adhere to, such as donor names are disclosed on campaign finance reports and the SuperPAC can’t coordinate with candidate campaigns. You’ll often hear them reported as “independent expenditures” in the media. By creating DFA, SEMA can now directly advocate for or against candidates based on how they stand on our issues. We can utilize corporate dollars to say “vote for” or “vote against” candidates based on the issues important to our industry, and this is a potent tool.

As a result of this year’s efforts, car enthusiasts emerged from this election stronger, more united and more determined than ever to protect our rights. SEMA and DFA hope that those elected will take notice of this issue and recognize the desire of Virginia consumers to have their freedom of vehicle choice protected.

One thing learned from the opinion polling done in both Virginia and SEMA’s national voter research is that Americans, not just Virginians, agree with SEMA regarding the issues that matter to the future of our industry. This includes issues beyond ICE bans and extends to other issues such as Right to Modify, converting street cars into race cars, and access to and use of public lands by the off-road community. In addition to educating and mobilizing SEMA’s community of manufacturers, retailers, distributors, media companies, car clubs, racetracks and enthusiasts in future elections, the association must do the same for the American voters who agree with us. Together, we can effect change at the ballot box, and the DFA SuperPAC is a vital tool to help shape our future.  


Mon, 02/05/2024 - 10:14


Those who follow politics know that by February, state legislatures across the United States are fully underway. This is an especially important topic for SEMA members who frequently want to know what our association is doing to effectively engage government leaders and bring about positive outcomes for our industry. Seeing an increase in legislative and regulatory overreach, many are concerned about the automotive specialty-equipment industry’s future.

SEMA members will be pleased to know that their association is forcefully addressing these issue and launching new programs to level the playing field and protect and advance this industry’s interests. You’ll read about one example, SEMA’s new SuperPAC, on p. 66, which effectively ran independent expenditure campaigns supporting several state legislative candidates who favor the repeal of Virginia’s recent internal-combustion engine (ICE) ban.

We believe our industry’s best defense is a strong offense, and with the SuperPAC we’ll play a bigger role in elections than we ever have, bringing the American consumer (and voter) along with us. We will not shy away from forging a political landscape favorable to our businesses. This year you’ll see us combating ICE bans at the state level across the nation. We recently joined the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and trucking organizations in an amicus brief supporting the trucking industry’s challenge to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s approval of California’s zero emissions mandate for medium- and heavy-duty trucks—a critical industry to keep our supply chains functioning.

And that’s just the beginning. For 20 years the environmental lobby has been slowly chipping away at issues affecting our industry, including land use. A recent Bureau of Land Management ruling effectively deprived off-road enthusiasts access to more than 300 miles of trails in Moab, Utah. This ruling denies the good our industry does, from trail maintenance and cleanups to great programs led by organizations like Tread Lightly! As part of our partnership with the Off Road Business Association, we have officially challenged this ruling. Increasingly we’re tackling such issues at the state and federal levels, legislatively and in the courts.

But even as we aggressively pursue favorable legislation and court decisions, we intend to foster good relationships with open-minded government officials. Positively effecting change means winning allies, which often involves education. Many are unaware of the good we do for consumers and our role in automotive innovation. For example, many of the safety systems we take for granted in cars today originated in racing, and aftermarket invention continues to make huge strides toward cleaner performance.

That’s also why we’re building bridges with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the California Air Resources Board and other regulators to create more certainty for our companies where we can. Additionally, we’re stepping up our educational outreach to legislators from state to state and in Washington, D.C. Too frequently, they only hear from one side on these important issues, namely those who don’t have our best interests in mind; we will correct that. In the end, relationships matter, and we will secure them through education, communication and assertive advocacy.  


Thu, 02/01/2024 - 15:26

Industry Mourns Passing of Ron Iskenderian, 75

By SEMA News Editors

Ron Iskenderian, the son of industry icon Ed Iskendarian and the former vice president of Isky Racing Cams, has passed away at the age of 75. He was the eldest son of Ed and Alice Iskendarian. 

"Ron passed away on January 28 from complications of a stroke. He will be sorely missed by all of us," said a company release. 

Isky Racing Cams based in Gardena, California, offers camshafts and accessories like valve spring kits and retainers, push rods, hydraulic lifters, bead valve locks and more. 

For more information, visit

Thu, 02/01/2024 - 12:06

By SEMA News Editors

Are you hunting for a new job? The SEMA Career Center has a comprehensive listing of automotive-related job openings nationwide. Below are a few of the latest postings. 

Fit Automotive

Aftermarket Accessory Installer in Fort Myers, Florida.

Fit Automotive, a custom automotive shop in Fort Myers, Florida, is seeking skilled technicians to join its team. 12-volt experience is wanted, but not required. Responsibilities will include the installation of wheels and tires, suspension components, bumpers, steps, lighting, bed covers and more.

SD Wheel

Merchandising Specialist in Wrightstown, Wisconsin, or Hybrid Remote.

This position's day-to-day work will be focused on building and optimizing store product descriptions, updating pricing, merchandising the store's homepage and collection pages, optimizing in-store searches, creating blog content and other general operations.

eCommerce Specialist 

SD Wheel is searching for a qualified individual to fill its eCommerce specialist position. This role will report to the director of revenue optimization and will be responsible for analyzing customer behavior, industry trends, managing data and more.

Thu, 02/01/2024 - 11:32

ETTN Emissions ComplianceBy Ashley Reyes

Laboratory tests for attaining an Executive Order (EO) from the California Air Resources Board (CARB) on an aftermarket product are both expensive and time consuming. However, other alternatives are available to speed up the calibration process and avoid costly failed lab tests. These same tools can be added to most dyno shops to document the emissions impact of modifications and custom tuning.

During the SEMA webinar, "Bridging the Gap from 'Runs Good' to Emissions Compliance," on Tuesday, February 20, at 1:00 p.m. PST, emissions engineer, author and expert Greg Banish will discuss tools to use when working on a project that will eventually apply for CARB EO certification. Attendees will learn about the tools and tactics used to deliver emissions-compliant performance calibrations, increasing the likelihood of passing an official emissions test on the first try, and therefore saving testing time and resources.

The presentation will benefit tuners and calibrators, dyno shop owners, tuning software company engineers and regulators. It presents attendees with a wide variety of tools and solutions used in emissions development and expert advice on avoiding common errors during the process.

Sign up today!

Thu, 02/01/2024 - 11:25

By SEMA News Editors

Mercedes-Benz EQA AMG Breaks Cover

SEMA News sources recently spotted the Mercedes-Benz EQA AMG sedan, a planned replacement for the A-Class hatchback and sedan, driving back from testing.

Mercedes AMG EQA

The EQA AMG, recognizable by the drilled disc brakes and camouflaged rear spoiler, will not ride on a dedicated EV platform, according to sources, with the manufacturer instead opting for an electric-first platform that can also support internal-combustion-engine vehicles, too.

The four-door car will arrive in 2025.

'25 Kia Forte Caught Testing in Scandinavia

Photographers recently snapped new images of the next-generation Kia Forte testing in Scandinavia.

In addition to rumors that the next Forte will launch with a new name, K4, the prototype features a new front end with vertically aligned headlights, similar to those of the new Sorento. The LEDs form a T-shape as they wrap around the wings and act as daytime running lights and indicators.

Kia Forte

In the rear, updates include rectangular and vertically aligned taillights connected by a thin red strip that spans the trunk. Exhaust pipes indicate an internal combustion engine under the hood, with options expected to include two naturally aspirated engines, according to insiders.

Thu, 02/01/2024 - 11:21

Apply for the FLN Professional Development Program and Unlock New Career Skills

By Ashley Reyes

Aspiring leaders in the automotive aftermarket industry aged 39 and under can enhance their personal and professional development by applying today for the 2024 SEMA Future Leaders Network (FLN) Professional Development Program (PDP). The program will take place in person, May 16-17, at the SEMA Garage in Detroit. Applications are open now and close Wednesday, March 13 at

Below are the top five reasons to apply for the program:

Save $800 off exclusive Dale Carnegie Training. 

The program offers a unique opportunity for 25 FLN members to receive a 50% discount (an $800 savings) off the original $1,600 Dale Carnegie price. 

Learn the art of professional communication. 

Attendees will elevate their communication skills through interactive lessons and take part in group exercises that will teach them to communicate professionally and confidently in various business situations.

Gain new tools for relationship-building. 

Attendees will learn how to build relationships and deal with difficult people in multiple scenarios. They will also discover ways to gain cooperation and influence people, including direct reports, laterally and upward.

Discover how to use emotional controls to sustain success. 

Attendees will learn how to use emotional controls to navigate challenging situations and make decisions that positively impact them in their professional careers. 

Network with industry peers. 

Attendees will connect with like-minded professionals, share their unique experiences, and establish friendships with individuals who share their passions and goals. 

Applications for the FLN Professional Development Program (PDP) are open now until Wednesday, March 13. Don't miss this opportunity to elevate your career. Apply now before time runs out at  

Questions can be directed to FLN Director Denise Waddingham at

Thu, 02/01/2024 - 11:15

Reduce Your Student Loans By Up to 2000 Dollars With SEMA Loan Forgiveness ProgramBy Ashley Reyes

SEMA-member company employees have an exclusive opportunity to apply to reduce their student debt through the SEMA Loan Forgiveness Program. Loan Forgiveness applications are open now and run through March 1 at

The SEMA Loan Forgiveness Program issues awards up to $2,000 to individuals who are paying off a degree or certification from a college, university or career tech school in the United States or Canada. Eligible applicants must demonstrate a passion for the automotive industry and have a minimum of $2,000 in student loans. 

"Receiving a SEMA loan forgiveness award presents a unique for our members to focus more on excelling in their careers, rather than be burdened by financial strain," said SEMA Manager of Recognition Programs Chris Standifer. "It also helps to ease their stress, motivating them to pursue new goals and thrive in the automotive aftermarket industry." 

The Loan Forgiveness program is open exclusively to employees of SEMA member businesses as a benefit of membership. Review the eligibility requirements and submit your application at Questions can be directed to Chris Standifer at

Thu, 02/01/2024 - 11:09

By SEMA News Editors

Audi Q5 Drops Camo During Cold-Weather Testing

SEMA News source recently shared new images of the upcoming Audi Q5 testing in Sweden.

The images reveal the mid-size SUV's production grille for the first time, signaling that the new Q5 might be the last Audi model without a split headlight layout. The Q5, draped in black and white camouflage except for the grille, suggests a longer wheelbase compared to the current model, promising enhanced cabin space, especially in the second row.

Audi Q5

Appearing larger than the current model, the third generation of Audi's mid-size luxury SUV maintains the single-frame grille and adds new air curtains. Audi plans to continue producing combustion-engine vehicles for the next decade, sources said, indicating that the upcoming Q5 will offer a range of gas and diesel powertrains, including mild-hybrid assistance, and stronger electrified options such as plug-in hybrid models. The lineup is expected to include the more powerful SQ5 and possibly an RS Q5. Additionally, the Sportback body style is anticipated to continue with the next generation.

Audi Q9 Prototype Photographed in Arctic Circle

The Audi Q9, one of the final gas-powered vehicles expected from Audi, was spotted in the Arctic by SEMA News sources.

Scheduled for release next year, the Audi Q9 will be positioned as a flagship, three-row luxury SUV, aiming to compete with the BMW X7 and Mercedes-Benz GLS. Targeting primarily the United States and Asia, the Q9 will boast a luxurious cabin and upscale features for all three rows of passengers, according to insiders.

Audi Q9

Additionally, reports indicate that the Q9 will include plug-in-hybrid models and the potential for a V8-powered model to lead the lineup.

The development of the 2025 Audi Q9 is still in its early stages, and a formal unveiling is anticipated towards the end of 2024.


Thu, 02/01/2024 - 11:07

WTSBC Rebranded SEMA Wheel & Tire Council Welcomes Brake and Suspension to MembershipBy Ashley Reyes

The SEMA Wheel & Tire Council (WTC) has expanded its membership and is now the SEMA Wheel, Tire, Suspension, & Brake Council (WTSBC). The evolution marks a significant shift towards uniting industry companies to further collaborate and network on similar challenges, as well as gain access to programs and resources that can help them thrive in their business.

"Expanding the council presents a unique opportunity to be more cross-functional and interconnected on opportunities and challenges that these four communities face," said Michael Lusso, sustaining engineering manager for the COATS Company and current chair of the WTSBC. "The expansion will be pivotal in building a larger platform for fundamental discussion, which will help us to drive the market and wield a stronger voice." 

Lusso also notes that the complexity of advanced technology such as electric and autonomous vehicles, advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS), emissions compliance and global competition are just a few challenges that members can come together to learn about and discuss. 

"The WTSBC offers a community where wheel, tire, suspension and brake companies can learn and grow through targeted education sessions, information sharing and networking opportunities," added WTSBC Director Nicole Bradle. "Members also receive exclusive access to leadership development and volunteer opportunities, member spotlights in SEMA News and a bi-monthly newsletter keeping members informed on their ongoing benefits." 

WTSBC membership is open to manufacturers, importers, distributors, dealers and service providers. To learn more about the WTSBC or to sign up to become a member, contact Nicole Bradle at