Tue, 04/11/2023 - 21:21

BreedloveAmerican five-time world record setter Norman Craig Breedlove Sr., 86, the first person to surpass speed marks faster than 400, 500 and 600 mph, died peacefully in his sleep surrounded by family, Tuesday, April 4, in Rio Vista, California.

“He was an American treasure,” said wife Yadira Breedlove. “Our hearts are heavy today letting him go, but we also acknowledge Craig’s courage and bravery seeking motorsports honors for the United States of America. For decades, his deeds touched many, many people around the world.”

Mrs. Breedlove, aka “Yadi,” added, “I shared my life with a wonderful man that I will always admire; he filled me with deep, abiding love. My intelligent, strong, happy, brave, humble husband saw life with great positivity and was always full of so many projects! For 20 years, I have known joyful love, complicity, respect and learned so much by his side. He will forever stay in my heart!”

Son Norman credits his father with demonstrating how to shepherd dreams forward. “What I admired most about dad was his tenaciousness,” he said. “He simply would not accept rejection and repeatedly went back to people and companies until he got a yes.”

Of equal importance was his father’s exceptionally high quality of workmanship. “He built things as if they were pieces of art,” recalled Breedlove Jr. “He taught me to always ‘give it my best,’ reminding me that ‘if you are going to build it, build it to last.’ He taught to care about what I do. I’m so gonna miss him.”

Breedlove Sr.’s humble hunt for speed began in his teens, spending four years rebuilding a junk three-window ’34 Ford Coupe. In 1955, at age 18 and without any fanfare, he collected his first time slip on the Bonneville Salt Flats at 152.80 mph in Class C Coupe and Sedan.

Inspired deeply by the line from JFK’s ’61 inauguration speech, “Ask what you can do for your country,” Breedlove put the words into action, reclaiming world honors for the United States on August 5, 1963, with a 407-mph mark.

Dethroning Britain’s John Cobb, it was the first time an American’s name was on top since 1928 when Ray Keech posted a 207.552-mph record driving his “White Triplex.”

“It was the most patriotic thing I could think of,” Breedlove often recalled. “I wanted a name every American could be proud of, and ’Spirit of America’ seemed like a natural.”

This ushered in years of record-setting swaps with brothers Art Arfons, Tom Green and Walt Arfons driving their “Green Monster” jet cars.

“Their rivalry made each other,” offered Tim Arfons, son of Breedlove’s long-time rival Art Arfons. “Without each other, I think they might have ended up as a historical footnote instead of splashing the front pages of newspapers worldwide for years.”

Breedlove’s accomplishments inspired The Beach Boys to include the song “Spirit of America” as a tribute to him on their ’63 “Little Deuce Coupe” album. All Breedlove’s jet-powered cars carried the same name through his 60-year racing career.

Blue Flame rocket car driver Gary Gabelich ended Breedlove’s hold on the absolute World Record when he clocked a 622-mph record in 1970, but it did nothing to weaken their bond. In his 1971 book, Spirit of America, Winning the World's Land Speed Record, Breedlove inscribed: “To Gary, With my admiration and sincere gratitude for your friendship and help. Always.”

Breedlove was voted into the Motorsports Hall of Fame of America (1993), the Dry Lakes Racing Hall of Fame (1995), the International Motorsports Hall of Fame (2000) and the Automotive Hall of Fame (2009). He earned life membership in the Bonneville 200 MPH Club (1963).

In addition to his wife Yadira, Breedlove is survived by sister Cindy Bowman, son Norman Craig (Stacy), daughters Dawn Marie and the late Chris Maureen Breedlove, grandchildren Stephanie Finnegen, Thomas Perry, Liana Perry, Tara Van Wieren, Brook (Breedlove) Hart, and great grandchildren Jacob Thomas, Presley Perry, Parker Perry, Paige Perry, Brenton Hall, Ryan Hart, Wren Hart and godson Luis Portilla Figueroa.

Tue, 04/11/2023 - 21:15

By Ashley Reyes

ReisingerThe SEMA Automotive Restoration Market Organization (ARMO) named Reisinger Custom Rebuilding as the council’s newest member spotlight company. Get to know their business in SEMA’s interview with company owner Patrick Reisinger below.

SEMA: Tell us the story of your business. How did you start?

Patrick Reisinger: We resurrected my father Steve Reisinger’s business in 2008. He had originally started the business in 1964. We focused on building a team with the expertise to perform state-of-the-art rebuilds and a great customer base.

SEMA: What was your breakthrough moment?

PR: Winning the Ray (Gollahon) Award at Brookville Roadster car show in 2013 with Senorita—our ’31 Ford model A roadster hot rod—was a big moment. It was later in the Brookville booth at the SEMA Show in 2013.

SEMA: Tell us about your business now and projects that you are working on.

PR: We focus on hot rods and pro-touring complete projects. We are currently working on a ’51 Chevrolet truck, ’65 AC Cobra replica, three ’55–’57 Chevrolet BelAirs, two ’67 Mustangs, a ’74 Olds and my current favorite, a ’33 Ford 5 window hot rod. We plan to start making new beds for ’73-–’79 Ford trucks as well.

SEMA: Tell us about a particular project, product or build you are proud of.

PR: Eric Morr’s ’32 Ford B roadster with that Hilborn EFI on a Buick Nailhead was a great car. You just can't go wrong with Brookville sheetmetal.

SEMA: What advice do you have for young professionals contemplating a career in the automotive aftermarket, particularly in the restoration segment?

PR: Attend events like NSRA and Goodguys, and talk with people whose cars interest you. Take advice and education from sources you feel will help you with your goals. Work on a project at least five minutes a day, which will often turn into hours. Think of your project as your calling card.

Fill out an ARMO-member spotlight form to highlight how your company is contributing to the specialty-equipment industry. Selected candidates are eligible to be featured on ARMO's social media, SEMA News and future ARMO-member updates.

Tue, 04/11/2023 - 18:26

By Ashley Reyes

Career FairSEMA-member companies in the Detroit area invited to connect with students in automotive who are jump-starting their careers in the aftermarket industry.   

Through the SEMA Emerging Trends & Technology Network (ETTN) and Southern California Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) Career Fair at the SEMA Garage in Detroit, April 29, from 10:00 a.m.–2:00 p.m., companies will engage in quality, intimate conversations with the next generation of automotive talent. Participating businesses will share their expertise with university students who are part of Formula and Baja SAE competition teams, help them explore career opportunities and inspire them in their career paths.  

This is a great chance to connect face-to-face with potential candidates, put your company name out in the industry and network with other aftermarket businesses and industry professionals.  

Sign up now to participate in the event.

Tue, 04/11/2023 - 18:03

By Mike Imlay

Automotive specialty-equipment manufacturers are geared up and eager to connect with attendees at the 2023 SEMA Show, taking place October 31–November 3 in Las Vegas. It’s been said that four days at the SEMA Show can deliver years of planning and development, and with exhibitor numbers expected to top 2,000 companies, buyers and media will have plenty to explore at the Las Vegas Convention Center.

Show Floor

With exhibitor numbers expected to top 2,000 companies, buyers and media will have plenty to explore live and in-person at the 2023 SEMA Show.

“The commitment we’ve seen from exhibitors is a positive sign that companies are excited to reconnect face-to-face,” said Tom Gattuso, SEMA vice president of events. “It’s also a sign that companies are confident that they will have new products and stories to share.”

The future of the industry at large is on display at the SEMA Show, providing the best opportunity of the year to reconnect with peers and colleagues and create new contacts. The Show features countless education sessions and council and networking events to help build your business, career and professional network.

Meanwhile, SEMA officials are finalizing new features to further evolve the Show and deepen attendee engagement. To help attendees get their best return on energy and investment, we turned to Gattuso and SEMA Trade Show Director Andy Tompkins for some behind-the-scenes insights.

SN: There’s been a lot of talk in the media about how trade events are changing. In a world of Zoom, Teams and social media, what is the value of a live trade event like the SEMA Show?

Tom Gattuso: I’d go a step further and ask, “What is the value of face-to-face events?” We find a tremendous positive response from the people who attend the SEMA Show. They value connecting in person with their end users or future suppliers and industry colleagues. There’s just no replacement for what you can see, hear and feel in terms of industry passion and enthusiasm onsite at the Show. You just can’t replace that peer-to-peer exchange, and you can’t smell burning rubber on a Zoom call.

Andy Tompkins: I’d underscore the value of relationships. The SEMA Show gathers the entire industry in one place so people can do business with one another, regardless of how technology is accelerating. It’s a great opportunity to rekindle relationships, develop new ones, and have significant conversations. It can be difficult at times to solve business issues and more nuanced situations through technology like the phone, internet or email. A trade show offers the chance to look somebody in the eye and really talk about your issues and goals. You can pick up on non-verbal cues and have that more innate conversation that is really part of our DNA.

SN: Part of business is ensuring return on investment and energy. What does the SEMA Show offer attendees in that regard?

TG: In 2021, the SEMA Show was the highest attended trade Show in the United States. That emphasizes the value people see in our Show. It reflects the trends and interactions within the marketplace and is set up to help people make connections efficiently and then foster those connections for the next one, three and five years. And that’s important—return on energy doesn’t stop at the Show.

Connections need to be followed up with periodic conversations throughout the year because if you don’t do that, others will. If your plan is to come to the SEMA Show and try your hardest for four days but then do nothing else, you’re not going to see a good ROI. But if you come to the Show to make connections that you plan to nurture over the next weeks, months and years, you will definitely get a very strong return.

AT: It’s so important to have goals as you enter the SEMA Show and really think about what ROI means to you. Do you have a three- to five-year strategic plan? The SEMA Show offers a long-term opportunity to truly think about what’s coming next for the industry. It helps you see business challenges or opportunities that you might not be aware of. It’s a glimpse of the future that you can only get from a global, immersive event like our Show.

As Tom mentioned, relationships are built that can deliver for your business in the future. They might be those serendipitous moments in the aisles, a conversation that sparked an idea, or a tangible business opportunity you’re working on that needs time and connections to develop. That face-to-face interface is just so enormous.

SN: Maintaining an edge in today’s market is more vital than ever. How does the SEMA Show help attendees stay competitive?

AT: The Show is a great opportunity for that. You’ll have the entire landscape of industry products in one location so you can see firsthand what’s being introduced, how it’s being marketed. You’ll get an understanding of the buzz over not only what the business audience sees, but also what consumers are gravitating towards through the Show’s Friday Experience. If you’re looking for skills that you and your team may need, there are also the Show’s educational opportunities. You’ll also see where you stack up in the marketplace from a competitive angle. You’ll be in the best position to utilize it all to be successful going forward.

TG: I’m going to key in on the word “innovation.” A sustainable business is about constant innovation and evolution in answering consumer needs. That manifests itself at the SEMA Show through new products, cutting-edge vehicle builds and world-class education. You’re able to be part of where the industry is going. There’s no place as passionate about the industry’s growth as the SEMA Show. Vehicles keep evolving in technology, performance and styling, and the Show immerses you in all of it to help you stay up to speed and competitive.

SN: Let’s talk about some key 2023 Show features that attendees will want to leverage.

AT: They’ll see thousands of products on display from our New Product Showcase to our more than 2,000 exhibitors, many of whom are debuting them for the first time. Again, our educational tracks offer a whole series of ways to fine-tune your business and your career, along with presenting some skills you might want to work on personally. Then there’s just the experience, the chance to get out of your day-to-day work to really think about what’s next and those inspirational opportunities that come from being immersed with thousands of like-minded peers.

TG: Building on what Andy said, I’d add that our New Products Showcase and features like SEMA Central, SEMA Electrified and the ADAS and Overlanding Experience sections are designed to educate attendees on the latest marketplace trends. More than that, they make it efficient for Showgoers to connect with product exhibitors on the Show floor, getting questions answered by experts, and seeing the products demonstrated. We’ve also made it easy to connect with exhibitors whose products are found on featured and sponsored vehicle builds throughout the Show.

In addition to educational seminars, keynote events and presentations, there are also countless other ways to advance your professional development and become an asset to your company or business. For example, our Battle of the Builders program highlights what’s happening in the builder community and what’s coming next there. We have a whole series of council events and other industry activities that help you network and immerse yourself in the marketplace. You can connect to become part of the industry’s next generation of leaders or support them and the industry’s diversity. There are opportunities everywhere.

SN: You’ve mentioned that the SEMA Show is always evolving. Can you offer any insights into new Show features or plans for 2023 that we should highlight?

TG: We can offer a teaser: With the industry workforce changing and evolving, we’ve seen a desire within the trade show industry to provide more features that entertain attendees. As many know, we’re creating a new SEMA Fest event to give people the chance to connect with the industry on a whole new level. It’s really a lifestyle event combining entertainment and vehicle demonstrations.

Although it’s not a direct part of our annual trade Show, it’s going to be adjacent to the SEMA Show. It will give those who want to mix their business needs with world-class entertainment the opportunity to do so. Unlike the SEMA Show, which continues to be trade-focused, SEMA Fest will be a public event. It’s designed to help generate enthusiasm and excitement for our industry among consumers, especially those drawn to the automotive lifestyle.

AT: I can also report that will be some new and interesting thought leaders presenting SEMA Education sessions. We’ll absolutely have more for attendees to experience there. We’re also expanding several of our industry-community areas to spark more interaction and connections. Plus, as Tom mentioned, we’ll see a greater presence of enthusiast end users in the Las Vegas Convention Center through the Show’s Friday Experience.

SN: We’ve covered a lot in this interview. Do you have any closing thoughts you’d like to add?

TG: We’re really keyed in on what industry attendees seek in an event. We’re building new facets of the Show around those needs. So we’re excited with what the future holds not only for our Show, but face-to-face trade events in general, and the value they bring. We feel strongly as a trade association that showcasing innovation, providing education and building an engaged community delivers attendees personal and professional development in a rapidly changing industry.

Industry Exhibitors Geared Up for 2023 SEMA Show Attendees

Eager to connect with buyers and media in person, introduce new products, develop relationships and tell their company stories, the 2023 SEMA Show was on track to exceed 2,000 exhibiting companies as of press time.

An up-to-date exhibitor list of the major automakers, iconic aftermarket brands, and new, first-time exhibitors confirmed for the Show can can be viewed at www.SEMAShow.com/participating-manufacturers.

Advantages of Meeting Face-to-Face

The SEMA Show is driven by connections, and brings exhibitors, buyers and media from around the world together for the automotive aftermarket’s most impactful business-to-business experience. Its in-person nature delivers key advantages that other forms of connecting simply can’t match.

  • When you meet in person, you can read body language, see facial expressions, use context clues and better get to know someone’s personality.
  • The automotive aftermarket prefers to meet face-to-face, without potential distractions or technical difficulties.
  • It’s more effective to brainstorm, generate ideas and discuss what is working, and what is not, face-to-face.
  • Conducting business in person provides the opportunity to engage in purposeful small talk, deepening relationships, loyalty and trust.
  • Research shows face-to-face requests are 34 times more effective than those sent by email, and that a physical handshake promotes cooperation and influences negotiation outcomes for the better. (MIT’s Human Dynamics Lab)
  • According to a Forbes Insight study, 85% of people say they build stronger, more meaningful business relationships during in-person meetings and conferences.
  • According to a Harvard Review study, 95% of people say face-to-face meetings are a key factor in successfully building and maintaining long-term business relationships.
SEMA Week Expands in Las Vegas

At last year’s Industry Awards Banquet, SEMA introduced SEMA Fest, an enthusiast-focused experience that connects automotive enthusiasts with the aftermarket industry for a celebration of car culture and automotive lifestyle. The event will add a new dimension to SEMA Week.

Over a planned five-year rollout period and beyond, SEMA will remain dedicated to producing the annual SEMA Show—the specialty-equipment industry’s premier automotive trade event—at the Las Vegas Convention Center. Open to the automotive trade, the 2023 Show takes place Tuesday–Friday, October 31–November 3.

For more information on the 2023 SEMA Show or to register, visit www.SEMAShow.com.

Not to be confused with the SEMA Show, SEMA Fest will be an enthusiast-focused event open to everyone, including automotive enthusiasts and professionals. The two-day celebration will be held at a separate venue—the Las Vegas Festival Grounds—Friday and Saturday, November 3–4, 2023. It will feature music and entertainment, craft food, automotive celebrities, drifting competitions, freestyle motocross and the world’s most innovative and advanced custom vehicles.

To register for SEMA Fest or for more information, visit www.SEMAFest.com.

Tue, 04/11/2023 - 11:43

Gold Eagle Co.Gold Eagle Company, manufacturer of STA-BIL and 303 products, has announced a continuation of its long-time partnership with the GRIDLIFE Festival Tour and official sponsorship of TrackBattle—the event’s time-attack class. STA-BIL is designated for 2023 as GRIDLIFE’s official performance chemicals and 303 is the event’s official appearance products line.

GRIDLIFE’s first festival event was held March 31–April 2 at Carolina Motorsports Park in Kershaw, South Carolina. Both STA-BIL and 303 brands were well represented at the opening festival event, providing merchandise and swag for attendees with booths in the pro paddock area.

GRIDLIFE’s TrackBattle is a Time Attack competition against the clock to see which cars and teams are the fastest for the weekend for both advanced and expert drivers. Open to all makes, models and drivetrains from AWD to FWD, several classes compete under limited rules, including Sundae Cup, Falken ClubTR, Street, StreetGT, StreetMOD, TrackMOD and Unlimited.

The remaining six festivals include: Watkins Glen (April 28–30); Midwest Festival in South Haven, Michigan (June 2–4); the Mid-Ohio Meet (August 4–6) in Lexington, Ohio; Circuit Legends in Salisbury, Connecticut at Lime Rock Park (August 18–20); and the final Laguna Festival in Salinas, California at WeatherTech Raceway Laguna Seca (October 20–22). Additionally, STA-BIL and 303 have three sponsored drivers who will be attending multiple festival stops throughout the year: Kelsey Rowlings, Formula DRIFT Pro Spec Driver; Feras Qartoumy, Unlimited Time Attack driver; and Kal Fortner, Street Mod Time Attack driver.

LIQUI MOLY and Parts Canada Join Forces

LIQUI MOLYLIQUI MOLY has partnered with Parts Canada, one of the largest distributors of powersports parts and accessories in Canada. This partnership aims to expand the availability and accessibility of LIQUI MOLY’s products in the Canadian market. Parts Canada will distribute LIQUI MOLY’s complete range of powersports products, including motor oils, additives and service products, to its network of dealers and retailers across the country.

DENSO Announces Sponsorship of Women in Auto Care

DENSO has joined Women in Auto Care as a corporate sponsor. The move builds on DENSO's longstanding support for organizations and initiatives that promote the advancement of women in industry.

Women in Auto Care is dedicated to connecting, empowering and mentoring women in the global industry that manufactures, distributes and sells vehicle parts and components, as well as services and repairs for every class of car and truck on the road today. Through conferences, networking, scholarships, education, awards and other programs, the organization provides opportunities, education and career leadership to women in the industry. The group is part of the Auto Care Association.

The women of DENSO include award-winning leaders in their own fields of expertise. Among them is industrial engineer Hannah Pearl, who was recently named a 2023 Women MAKE Awards Emerging Leader by the Manufacturing Institute, the workforce development and education partner of the National Association of Manufacturers. Pearl is a leader in manufacturing processes and on-the-job safety at DENSO's thermal manufacturing facility in Battle Creek, Michigan. She also chairs the DENSO Women's Network, a business resource group at the site.

WinLight Bets Announces Million-Dollar Spring Fling Official Fan Engagement Partnership

After a successful official launch in February, WinLight Bets’ intuitive gambling experience features a fan-engagement interface designed to let drag-racing fans in on the betting action with free-to-play, predictive and fast live betting—as fast as every 45 seconds with a chance at actual monetary winnings. More than 500 of the top bracket racers went to The Strip in Las Vegas from April 4–8 for the annual Spring Fling Million.

Founded by the late Kyle Siepel and bracket racer Peter Biondo, the seven-figure West Coast event draws the biggest industry sponsors and highest car counts seen in bracket racing annually. WinLight Bets allows fans to play along in real-time, whether in person at the event or while watching live feed coverage. Additionally, for those fans in person at The Strip, Founder and CEO Rex Simmermaker and his team will have a full fan experience with a drag race-themed casino, sportsbook and table games.

For more information, visit https://www.bracketraces.com/event-spring-fling-vegas.php.

VP Racing Announces a New Partnership With the National Auto Sports Association

VP Racing Fuels Inc. has announced a new partnership with the National Auto Sports Association (NASA). With this association, VP Racing is the official fuel, official motor oil and official coolant of NASA. NASA members can take advantage of exclusive discounts on VP Racing products as part of a member benefits program effective immediately. In the coming weeks, NASA and VP Racing will announce contingency packages for racing and benefits for NASA instructors.

MAVTV to Air Friday Night Drive-In Presented by General Tire

MAVTV Motorsports Network is adding a lineup of weekly programming featuring racing documentaries and films. Every Friday night, motorsports fans can enjoy off-script, real stories of drivers and a curated collection of films about car culture, motorcycles and racing. “Friday Night Drive-In,” presented by General Tire, will air on Fridays at 8:00 p.m. (EDT/PDT) on MAVTV Motorsports Network.

“Friday Night Drive-In” premiered April 7 with “Blink of an Eye,” a documentary film that chronicled Michael Waltrip's experience and career as a NASCAR driver, including his friendship with Dale Earnhardt and the events leading up to Earnhardt’s tragic death.

Autotrader Names Best New Cars for 2023

’23 Kia Sportage

Autotrader has compiled a list of the Best New Cars for 2023. The Autotrader editorial team examined the new crop of cars available for sale as ’23 models and picked the 11 best for consideration. This year’s list includes one pure electric (EV) and four hybrid gasoline-electric vehicles (HEVs), joined by six traditional gasoline internal combustion engine (ICE) models.

Because there are many new or redesigned vehicles for 2023, Autotrader focused on those available for purchase within the next nine months, and included vehicles offering either significant value or groundbreaking in some other way. To qualify for Autotrader’s list, the base model of a vehicle had to start below $110,000.

1. ’23 Acura Integra
2. ’23 BMW 740i/760i xDrive
3. ’23 Chevrolet Corvette Z06
4. ’23 Genesis GV60
5. ’23 Honda Civic Type R
6. ’23 Honda CR-V
7. ’23 Hyundai Palisade
8. ’23 Kia Sportage
9. ’23 Nissan Z
10. ’23 Toyota GR Corolla
11. ’23 Toyota Prius

Hankook Tire Completes First Leg of Cross-Country EV Tour in Volkswagen ID.4

HankookHankook Tire has successfully completed the first leg of a cross-country tour in the all-electric Volkswagen ID.4 on Hankook iON AS evo and iON i*cept SUV. Guinness World Records holder Rainer Zietlow began the journey in Homer, Alaska’s southernmost road network point on March 23. On April 4, Rainer and his team arrived in Deadhorse, Alaska, located at the end of the Dalton Highway on Alaska’s north coast. This marks the first time that an electric vehicle (EV) has reached the northernmost point of the U.S. Highway System by overland driving in spring with temperatures around -10°F.

Zietlow, along with photographer Derek Collins, plans to travel in total 8,500 miles in the Challenge4 Volkswagen ID.4 equipped with Hankook’s EV-specific iON AS evo and iON i*cept SUV. For the second and final portion of the tour, the team will drive the 7,500 miles back to Key West, Florida, using only existing power sources, available charging infrastructure and without any additional vehicle support.

As part of its cross-country trip, the Challenge4 team will make various stops at Hankook Tire locations, including its U.S. tire manufacturing facility in Clarksville, Tennessee. The team is projected to reach its final destination and return to Key West on May 6. The project can be followed through pictures, videos and a live tracker at www.vwid4-alaskatour.com.

Bridgestone Develops Tire Using 75% Recycled and Renewable Materials

BridgestoneBridgestone Americas has announced it has produced a run of demonstration tires made with 75% recycled and renewable materials, including synthetic rubber made with recycled plastics and natural rubber harvested from desert shrubs grown domestically in the Arizona desert. The company has completed production of 200 demonstration tires and is pursuing joint evaluation with automakers for use on the next generation of electrified SUVs and crossovers (CUVs).

The company’s commitment to its goal of using 100% sustainable materials in its products by 2050 was underscored in remarks by Bridgestone Global CEO Shuichi Ishibashi during a February 16 briefing with media and industry analysts in Tokyo, where Bridgestone also announced that it is pursuing a tire design utilizing 90% recycled and renewable materials for passenger cars.

Designed and engineered at Bridgestone’s Americas Technology Center in Akron, Ohio, the new tires were produced at the company's Aiken County Passenger/Light Truck Radial Tire Plant in Graniteville, South Carolina. The Aiken plant is the first tire manufacturing facility in America to earn International Sustainability and Carbon Certification (ISCC) PLUS certification for transparency and traceability of sustainable raw materials including bio, bio-circular and circular-based material. Aiken also operates an on-site, eight-acre solar array that provides renewable energy to aid in powering the plant's manufacturing operations.

The tires contain a multitude of materials derived from recycled and biobased feedstocks. According to Bridgestone, the new tire is the first street tire to utilize natural rubber derived from the guayule desert shrub cultivated at Bridgestone’s guayule R&D agricultural facility in Eloy, Arizona. Bridgestone has spent more than 10 years and more than $100 million on the research and development of guayule as an alternative to imported natural rubber from the Hevea Brasiliensis tree grown mainly in Southeast Asia.

Guayule is part of Bridgestone’s plan to achieve carbon neutrality and make tires from 100% sustainable materials by 2050. The company is targeting commercial production of guayule-derived natural rubber by the end of the decade.

Goodguys Crowns the 2023 Meguiar’s Street Rod d’Elegance

GoodguysThe Goodguys Rod & Custom Association crowned its first top-12 winner of year by naming Lori Mabe’s ’34 Plymouth Sedan as the 2023 Meguiar’s Street Rod d’Elegance winner. This award goes to a street rod that exemplifies sophisticated styling with excellence in build quality and overall elegance. Mabe’s street rod was built by Roseville Rod & Custom of Roseville, California. They fabricated custom running boards, the roof insert, reshaped the rear fenders, bumper pans and reimagined the spare-tire mount as the fuel filler before finishing the car in Berkley Gray, selected from a ’41 Cadillac catalog.

A custom Roadster Shop Chassis provides a smooth riding foundation to handle the power from a Chevrolet Performance LS3 topped with dual throttle bodies from Autotrend EFI with Holley EFI management. The interior features custom knobs with pearl inlays, art deco dome light fixtures, restored gauges and stitch work by Mel Silva using maroon Relicate leather. The rear seat folds forward to reveal cocktail supplies for an evening picnic.

Goodguys will crown 11 more vehicles throughout the 2023 season that include Muscle Car, Street Machine, Truck of the Year and other top categories for classic vehicles.

Universal Technical Institute Hires Tracy Lorenz

Tracy Lorenz
Tracy Lorenz

Universal Technical Institute Inc. (UTI) has announced the appointment of Tracy Lorenz as president of the UTI division, which is comprised of the company’s transportation, skilled trades and energy offerings. Lorenz most recently served as the president and CEO of Triumph Education, where she grew revenue dramatically during her six years leading the Auguste Escoffier School of Culinary Arts. Prior to that, Lorenz spent nine years at Apollo Education Group in various roles including as president of Western International University.

The Martelli Brothers Announce Unlimited Off-Road Racing Series

The Martelli Brothers have announced that they have structured a brand-new, desert off-road racing organization called “Unlimited Off-Road Racing.” The new series will include the historic Parker 400, BFGoodrich Tires Mint 400 and California 300 races, and host all desert classes, including youth, UTVs, motorcycles, cars and trucks. The Parker 400 will take place in January 2024, followed by the Mint 400 in March and the California 300 in October.

The new series will also feature the next evolution of the UTV World Championship, which will be determined by points accumulated at all three events. Unlimited Off-Road Racing will offer teams the opportunity to compete for cash, prizes and a prestigious points championship across three of the most challenging and distinguished desert races in the sport. The announcement comes on the heels of the organization’s biggest Mint 400 race and event in recent history.

The newly added Parker 400 race will feature multiple days of pre-running and three days of racing. The Martelli Brothers recently met with Parker Mayor Hartless, La Paz County Supervisors Plunkett and Minor, Police Chief Bailey, Public Works Director Ziegler, Clerk Putnam, as well as Chamber of Commerce Director Newton to begin to map out the evolution of the race and events. Complete details on the Unlimited Off-Road Racing series will be forthcoming.

Turn 14 Distribution Announces Pit+Paddock as Official Marketing Agency

Turn 14By officially acknowledging its working relationship with Pit+Paddock, Turn 14 Distribution announced that it has significantly widened its marketing potential, both in scope and reach. According to company leadership, the relationship enables Turn 14 Distribution to hone its focus on supporting its own nationwide growth within the automotive aftermarket industry. By approaching this transition with a calculated measure over the last two years via industry trade shows, event activations and car builds, Pit+Paddock and Turn 14 Distribution have worked toward a seamless crossover. Pit+Paddock is a creative facilitator; the agency’s industry position opens each of Turn 14 Distribution's customers’ doors to more immersive, organic and impactful marketing opportunities, including with Pit+Paddock’s managed athlete Dai Yoshihara.

Have some company news you would like to share? Let us know and the news may appear in an upcoming issue of SEMA News. Send your items for consideration to editors@sema.org.

Tue, 04/11/2023 - 11:14

By SEMA Washington, D.C., Staff

ManufacturingCalifornia Assembly Member Tim Grayson (D-Concord) reintroduced SEMA-supported legislation (AB 52) that would provide businesses with a state tax credit equal to what they pay in local sales tax for qualified manufacturing equipment. AB 52 is scheduled to be heard in the Assembly Committee on Revenue & Taxation on April 17. SEMA members are encouraged to register their support for the bill by clicking here.

Manufacturing is a vital industry in California, accounting for more than 10% of the state’s GDP and employing nearly 8% of the state’s workforce. Thirty-eight states already offer sales-tax exemptions on manufacturing equipment and R&D. By failing to do the same, California risks losing businesses to these states, which can provide a more attractive business environment. In addition, providing incentives for manufacturing and R&D can help the state to attract new businesses and create jobs.

Assembly Member Grayson is a member of the SEMA State Automotive Enthusiast Leadership Caucus and was the 2019 winner of SEMA’s Stephen B. McDonald Legislator of the Year award. In addition to being a lawmaker, Assembly Member Grayson, along with his wife Tammy, is also an enthusiast. Included in the Grayson’s collection are two classic Ford Mustangs.

For more information, please contact Christian Robinson at christianr@sema.org.

Tue, 04/11/2023 - 11:04

By Joe Dysart

Given that punking humans is still one of the easiest ways for a hacker to penetrate the most sophisticated of cyberdefense systems, many businesses are doubling down on training their employees to be on the lookout for the latest hacker scams.

“Most security and risk leaders now recognize that major disruption is only one crisis away,” says Richard Addiscott, senior director analyst, Gartner (www.gartner.com/en), a technology advisement firm. “We can’t control it, but we can evolve our thinking, our philosophy, our program and our architecture.”


Despite widespread awareness of hackers among workers, one the most common ways hackers still penetrate business networks is by spoofing employees.

Granted, most of us know by now that we need to exercise care when clicking on external links, deciding whether or not to download an attachment, or offering up password and other information to someone on the phone who seems like an employee who simply got locked out of the company’s network.

But the plain fact is that despite this common knowledge, hackers keep tricking many of us into allowing them to penetrate our business networks in just these ways to wreak havoc, steal critical company data or hold an entire system hostage with a demand for a ransom.

This vulnerability has become even more troublesome since the arrival of COVID, which transformed millions of employees worldwide into remote workers.

In the process, that change also instantly made thousands of corporate networks even more vulnerable as remote employees accessed business computer networks with non-cyberprotected personal smartphones, personal digital assistants, laptops and other computerized devices, according to Sarah Pavlak, a security industry principal at business consulting firm Frost & Sullivan (www.frost.com):

Add an increase in hacker break-ins on cloud-based systems, a jump in hacking attacks orchestrated by nation-states—and increasing hacker access to tricks and techniques powered by artificial intelligence—and it becomes clear that nothing less than 24/7 vigilance by company staff will be needed by to simply thwart the cybercriminal threat moving

Fortunately, if you’re looking to refresh or deepen the cybersecurity training you give to employees to help safeguard your business, there are a raft of training service providers that offer a number of different approaches to realizing that goal.

Some training courses can be completed in an hour or so. Others can be permanently embedded in a business computer network, continually probing employee ability to identify—and avoid—common hacker tricks. And still others rely on gamification to engage employees in good cybersecurity hygiene and turn hacker awareness into a friendly competition.

Here’s a representative sampling of what’s available:

  • ESET Cybersecurity Awareness Training (www.eset.com/us/cybertraining): This is a good option for businesses that are looking to dedicate a small part of one business day to spotlight cybersecurity. ESET offers a 90-min. course on how to outwit hackers, which engages employees by inviting them to enter a gamified environment, where they play the part of a virtual IT security tech.

There are also other modules that focus on defeating malicious emails, as well as mini games where employees can win badges and reputation points for excelling at thwarting the bad guys.

  • CybSafe (www.cybsafe.com): This security trainer also offers brief, interactive courses tailored to the various employee roles of a typical business. The interesting twist with CybSafe: The company uses artificial intelligence to analyze each employee’s cybersecurity savvy and then custom tailors a security training program best suited to each employee.
  • Living Security (www.livingsecurity.com): This software enables businesses to identify where the cybersecurity risk is greatest within the organization—be it specific departments or geographic regions. Once identified, employees there can play ‘snackable’ training modules—1 to 5 min. long—that strengthen their cybersecurity chops. Focus areas include cybersecurity risks associated with remote work, data classification, password use and malicious emails. This training format is also gamified, which includes a “leaderboard” that tracks cybersecurity competitions and gives special recognition to high-scoring employees.
  • Ninjio (https://ninjio.com): This trainer relies heavily on short, animated videos—no longer than 5 min. apiece—that brings home the dangers of hacker risk. The format, like many of its competitors, is gamified and includes a leaderboard where employees engaging in cybersecurity competition can see how they stack up against colleagues.
  • Cofense (https://cofense.com): Businesses looking to “try before they buy” may want to check out this cybersecurity trainer, which offers an entry-level training course for free. Cofense relies heavily on short, interactive training modules, which highlight common cybersecurity risks and feature questions at the end to ensure employees have grasped the point of the training.
  • Proofpoint (www.proofpoint.com/us/products/security-awareness-training): This trainer places a heavy emphasis on homing in on employees who are extremely vulnerable to malicious emails and then providing them training content that they can use to get savvier when it comes to hacker tricks. Employees can also use Proofpoint’s “PhishAlarm” to flag emails that they receive that look suspicious—and then receive insights on their picks from the cybersecurity pros at their business.
  • KnowBe4 (https://info.knowbe4.com): An old hand in this space, KnowBe4 offers extremely in-depth cybersecurity training that features: Web-based training that employees can access to learn or brush up on common vulnerabilities; a look at typical attacker techniques using simulated attacks; ongoing monitoring of employee cybersecurity hygiene by KnowBe4. Unlike many cybersecurity trainers, KnowBe4 can be integrated into a business’ daily operations by opting for its random attack delivery service, which continually tests employee vigilance by sporadically sending them simulated, malicious emails. Paired with a monitoring and reporting system, the service enables managers to easily identify employees who are extremely adept at recognizing the simulated malicious emails that KnowBe4 sends them—as well as spotlighting other employees who need to get more training on resisting hacker tricks.
  • Hook Security (https://hooksecurity.co/landing/hook-security-free-trial): Like KnowB4, this trainer offers an ongoing test-and-probe service, which sporadically sends simulated malicious emails to employees and generates reports on individual employee response to those messages. An interesting approach from Hook: Employees who fall victim to a simulated malicious email receive instant training from the system on how to avoid making the same mistake in the future. They also receive monthly dashboard reports from Hook on how they’re faring—and how they’re progressing on Hook cybersecruity training modules. Plus, Hook also offers a free trial.

Joe Dysart is an internet speaker and business consultant based in Manhattan




Tue, 04/11/2023 - 09:55

HotelsSEMA Show exhibitors and attendees preparing for the 2023 SEMA Show can lock in the guaranteed lowest hotel rate now by booking in the SEMA Show Block.

Making hotel reservations in the Block provides you with the most affordable and convenient options for a wide range of hotels located on and off the Strip.

All of the hotels available through the SEMA Show Block come with a low-price guarantee. To help ensure that your price remains the lowest, SEMA will price-match lower advertised rates, even after your reservations are set. Whether you're looking for your favorite place to stay, or for a hotel within close proximity to the Show, you can book with confidence knowing you will get the rooms you need at the the most affordable price available.

The SEMA Show also provides shuttle service to and from the Show for the hotels listed that are not within walking distance to the Las Vegas Convention Center.

There are nearly 50 hotels available in the block. For more information on the hotels listed below, including rating, price per night and distance from the Las Vegas Convention Center, visit www.SEMAShow.com.

The following hotels are located within one mile of the Las Vegas Convention Center:

  • Courtyard by Marriott – Las Vegas Convention Center (0.7 miles)
  • Embassy Suites by Hilton – Las Vegas Convention Center (0.6 miles)
  • Hilton Grand Vacations – Las Vegas Convention Center (0.7 miles)
  • Las Vegas Marriott (0.9 miles)
  • Residence Inn by Marriott – Las Vegas Convention Center(0.7 miles)
  • Westgate Las Vegas Resort & Casino (0.1 miles)

Book your hotel now!

To reserve your booth for the 2023 SEMA Show, visit www.SEMAShow.com/buyabooth.

Tue, 04/11/2023 - 09:53


35 Under 35The September 2023 issue of SEMA News will highlight rising stars in the automotive aftermarket industry who are age 35 and younger. If you know a leader in that age range as of September 1, 2023—whether they are in manufacturing and design, marketing, retail, events and media or distribution—we would like to hear from you.

Many SEMA members are currently working with creative young entrepreneurs and professionals who are already industry trailblazers. They may have played key roles in leveraging new and emerging technologies with a traditional automotive aftermarket business to expand company reach, improve product development, energize marketing efforts or upgrade customer interaction.

They could also be budding talents at an established company, entrepreneurs building their own brands or innovators who have launched companies that might become big names in the future. What they all will have in common are fresh ideas, enthusiasm, charisma and the drive to succeed.

SEMA News looks for candidates drawn from diverse industry segments who are already making a significant impact through their leadership within their organizations or businesses. Entrepreneurship, commitment, insight, innovation, integrity, responsibility, demonstrated skill, involvement and success within the marketplace weigh heavily in the decision-making process.

We’ll honor the winners in the September issue of SEMA News and on www.sema.org.

Nominate a candidate now for the 2023 SEMA News 35 Under 35. Nominations are due May 1.

Tue, 04/11/2023 - 09:51

Are you hunting for a new job? The SEMA Career Center has a comprehensive listing of automotive-related job openings around the country. Here are some of the latest jobs posted to the website.

Latest Jobs Added to SEMA Career Center

Director of Marketing
Velocity Modern Classics

Velocity Modern Classics is hiring a director of marketing responsible for leading the development and implementation of the company’s marketing strategy. This position will work closely with the chief revenue officer and oversee the marketing department to design, implement and monitor effective marketing strategies that align with business goals. Candidates should have a solid marketing background and work experience managing a variety of promotional projects end-to-end, including events and heavy digital marketing with emphasis on PPC and paid social. This role will develop marketing strategies and efforts to strengthen the company’s market position and achieve desired business goals.

Manufacturing Production Planner
Texas Speed and Performance

Texas Speed and Performance is hiring a manufacturing production planner responsible for scheduling manufacturing activities according to demand and capacity. The right candidate will ensure goods are produced on time for distribution and stock in an efficient manner. This person will have previous experience in machining and light metal fabrication production-planning in a fast-paced upbeat environment. The candidate should be comfortable communicating across the organization as they drive for results. The goal is to ensure the smooth and cost-efficient flow of production operations while maintaining the highest level of customer satisfaction.

Automotive Editorial Position
Power Automedia

Power Automedia is hiring magazine editors and staff writers. Candidates should be passionate and knowledgeable about high-performance cars with a strong basis in writing and photography. As an editor, you need to be comfortable and accountable to meet deadlines and quality requirements. Responsibilities include writing and managing editorial magazine content and assigning freelance editorial articles and news.