Tue, 10/03/2023 - 14:42

By Douglas McColloch

Tim Tebow's résumé is chock-full of accomplishments. He's a two-timeTim Tebow national football champion and a Heisman Trophy winner. A former number-one draft pick, he's won postseason games in the NFL as well as in Division 1. He's played professional baseball, and he's a five-time "The New York Times" best-selling author. He also serves as the head of the Tim Tebow Foundation, a faith-based organization he founded in 2010 that serves vulnerable populations worldwide with an emphasis on anti-human trafficking and child exploitation, orphan care and prevention, and helping people with profound medical and special needs. 

And now, Tim Tebow is a Main Stage speaker at the 2023 SEMA Show, October 31-November 3 in Las Vegas. You can see and hear him on Thursday, November 2, 1:00-2:00 p.m. PDT in West Hall rooms W322-W327 at the Las Vegas Convention Center. We had the chance to chat with Tebow recently about cars, his charitable work and how to turn setbacks into success. What follows has been edited for clarity and length.

Tim Tebow 1

SEMA News: What was your very first car? What do you remember most about it? 

Tim Tebow: I believe it was a '95 Ford Thunderbird that my parents got for only a couple hundred dollars. What I remember most is that I was so excited to be able to finally drive myself to practices and sports games, so I didn't have to burden my parents anymore. I also remember (especially once I got to college) how rarely it actually worked! 

SN: What does being named a keynote speaker at the 2023 SEMA Show mean to you? 

TT: It's always an honor when I get the chance to share my heart and encourage people. I take it as a huge responsibility. I never want to waste people's time. I always want to challenge myself to study so that I can try to bring value to people and maybe inspire someone to walk away a little more determined, called and focused to create lasting impact. 

Tim Tebow 2

SN: You've made a number of career adjustments in your life. What advice would you give to others who may be facing a similar situations? 

TT: One of the principles I've tried to live by is 'learn, grow, adapt.' Unfortunately, I've been cut (by sports teams) more than I've liked! But throughout my career adjustments, I've tried to have the mindset of 'win or learn.' No matter the positive or negative adjustment, you have the chance to learn, grow and adapt. What might seem like a setback could actually be a setup for something better.

SN: What's the most challenging assignment you've ever been given, and how did you approach it? 

TT: I think one of the most challenging assignments--and I don't even know if I would call it an 'assignment,' I think I'd call it a responsibility--is trying to be a role model for those who look up to me. My hero when I was young was [fellow quarterback and Heisman winner] Danny Wuerffel. He was a great example for me. And my heart is to be a good example for others. But I know I fall short of that often. Fortunately, I don't have to point people to myself. Rather, I strive to point people to someone greater than myself.

Tim Tebow 3

SN: Talk a bit about your work as a writer. How do you prepare mentally to start a new book project, and how does it compare to preparing for a football game? 

TT: Being dyslexic and a lefty, it has never been easy for me to just grab a pen and paper and write. But I'm so grateful that God has given me a platform to not only share my story but share the stories of those who have impacted my life. Whether that is W15H kids [children who are battling life-threatening illnesses] that we have served at the Foundation, or Night to Shine kings and queens, or survivors of human trafficking, I know our society needs to hear their stories because hearing their stories (of perseverance, overcoming challenges, etc.) make us all better. 

My writing process starts when I feel like my heart has been pricked for something or when I know I could encourage someone. My most recent book "Mission Possible" was to remind people they do have a purpose and can truly make their life count. In "This is the Day," I was just thinking about how many days I waste and that we don't have to waste anymore days because this is the day we get to wake up and be glad in it. In "Shaken," I wanted to encourage people in their toughest times. So, each book is a product of what I feel like God has put on my heart. 

SN: What's the most challenging assignment you've ever been given, and how did you approach it?

TT: My biggest daily driver is knowing that every day when I wake up, I get to wake up with purpose. And I think one of the greatest purposes in my life is the work that we have been called to at the Tim Tebow Foundation. 

SN: Talk about your foundation and its mission. How has its work impacted your own life, and how can people who want to help advance the work get involved? 

TT: Our mission at TTF is to bring faith, hope, and love to those who need a brighter day in their darkest hour of need. To really sum it up, it's to fight for people that can't fight for themselves—the trafficked, the abused, the forgotten, the overlooked. Today, we're fortunate to do that in 80-plus countries around the world. 

There are multiple ways people can get involved. You can go to our website, www.timtebowfoundation.org. Maybe there's something on there that really pricks your heart, and if so, we'd love to have you be a part of what God has called us to do. Other ways to get involved are by prayer—praying for our team, praying for all the lives that we get the chance to serve, and praying for all the lives we want to get to so that we can serve them. 

If you want to volunteer, the biggest opportunity is through Night to Shine (NTS). NTS is a worldwide prom night for people with special needs. It's currently hosted in 46-plus countries and in every state here in the US. Hopefully there is one near you.  

Tim Tebow 4

SN: What's the best piece of advice anyone ever gave you? 

TT: "There are only a few things that are going to last for eternity. Is your life acting on those things?"  

SN: What other rides have you got in your garage? 

TT: A Nissan Armada.  

SN: When you're not working, where will we find you, and what will you be doing? 

TT: I love getting the chance to be with family, friends, but especially my wife Demi and our three dogs—Kobe, Paris, and Chunk. We love hanging out, hot tub, cold plunge, working out, playing with the dogs, just spending quality time. 

Tue, 10/03/2023 - 14:24

By the SEMA Washington, D.C., office

While the news from our nation's capital is frequently divided along partyRep lines, SEMA continues to focus on maintaining and expanding our relationships with principled and pragmatic members of Congress on both sides of the aisle who support the industry. We pride ourselves on working with lawmakers who have the courage to vote based on principle rather than the way that will cause them the least amount of political damage. Of note, U.S. Representative Marie Gluesenkamp Pérez (D-WA), who comes from the repair side of the automotive aftermarket, stands out amongst freshman lawmakers for her willingness to vote her conscience. While SEMA has worked closely with Rep. Gluesenkamp Pérez on H.R. 906, the "Right to Equitable and Professional Auto Industry Repair Act" (REPAIR Act), an issue she is incredibly passionate about and champions both publicly and in personal interactions with key lawmakers, we are most impressed by her willingness to take hard votes even when she knows they won't be popular with vocal constituencies in her party and district. 

In May, Rep. Glusenkamp Pérez came under attack by progressives from around the country, who left negative reviews online about Dean's Car Care in Portland, Oregon, the automotive repair business and machine shop that she and her husband own. Sadly, this act of retribution was done because the Congresswoman voted with Republicans on a bill to repeal the Biden Administration's student loan relief initiative. Rep. Glusenkamp Pérez, however, voted against the bill because it did nothing to help invest in technical education. "Expansions of student debt forgiveness need to be matched dollar for dollar with investments in career and technical education," said Rep. Gluesenkamp Pérez. "I can't support the first without the other. The severe shortage of trade workers needs to be seen and treated as a national priority. It's about respect."   

The U.S. House of Representatives recently passed the "Preserving Choice in Vehicle Purchases Act" (H.R. 1435) from Representative John Joyce (R-PA). The bill, if enacted into law, would prevent the EPA from granting a waiver to California for regulations that would ban the sale of new motor vehicles with internal combustion engines (ICE) in the state by 2035. Rep. Gluesenkamp Perez was one of only eight Democratic members to vote for the bill, which passed by a margin of 220 to 190.  

Rep graphic

Rep. Gluesenkamp Pérez is one of the lead sponsors of H.R. 906, the "Right to Equitable and Professional Auto Industry Repair Act" (REPAIR Act). Her support of the issue stems from being a small business owner and from a common-sense perspective. "It's also an environmental issue because we're filling up our landfills with disposable cars. On the other hand, I can make a Honda Civic run for 500,000 miles if I have access to the parts to fix it. We're basically being locked out of the next generation of service," said Rep. Gluesenkamp Pérez in an interview with SEMA News earlier this year. SEMA and our coalition partners have diligently ensured the bill maintains an equal number of Republican and Democratic co-sponsors. The REPAIR Act is a common-sense bill that protects our right to repair vehicles that positively impacts Americans of all political affiliations. We're doing everything possible to ensure partisan politics don't adversely impact it. 

Maintaining bipartisanship in legislation is essential to our success, especially in a divided Congress with Republicans controlling the U.S. House and Democrats the U.S. Senate. By ensuring our legislation remains bipartisan, we increase the chances of Republican-led House bills being heard in the Senate and vice versa, which is essential for bills to pass both houses of Congress and make it to the President's desk. SEMA is committed to working with any lawmaker willing to stand up and support the specialty aftermarket industry.  

Regardless of the 2024 election cycle outcome, SEMA will be prepared to stand up for the industry and work with allies in the party that controls the House and Senate. Our advocacy efforts continue to look to ensure the specialty aftermarket continues to thrive. SEMA just released an economic impact report that shows the aftermarket industry supports more than 1.3 million U.S. jobs and has a $336.9 billion economic impact in this country. SEMA's mission is to ensure the industry continues to thrive and be a major player in advancing our priorities. As we round a corner in automotive history, we want to ensure that this isn't just a moment but a movement. 

Tue, 10/03/2023 - 14:24

By the SEMA Washington, D.C., office

While the news from our nation's capital is frequently divided along partyRep lines, SEMA continues to focus on maintaining and expanding our relationships with principled and pragmatic members of Congress on both sides of the aisle who support the industry. We pride ourselves on working with lawmakers who have the courage to vote based on principle rather than the way that will cause them the least amount of political damage. Of note, U.S. Representative Marie Gluesenkamp Pérez (D-WA), who comes from the repair side of the automotive aftermarket, stands out amongst freshman lawmakers for her willingness to vote her conscience. While SEMA has worked closely with Rep. Gluesenkamp Pérez on H.R. 906, the "Right to Equitable and Professional Auto Industry Repair Act" (REPAIR Act), an issue she is incredibly passionate about and champions both publicly and in personal interactions with key lawmakers, we are most impressed by her willingness to take hard votes even when she knows they won't be popular with vocal constituencies in her party and district. 

In May, Rep. Glusenkamp Pérez came under attack by progressives from around the country, who left negative reviews online about Dean's Car Care in Portland, Oregon, the automotive repair business and machine shop that she and her husband own. Sadly, this act of retribution was done because the Congresswoman voted with Republicans on a bill to repeal the Biden Administration's student loan relief initiative. Rep. Glusenkamp Pérez, however, voted against the bill because it did nothing to help invest in technical education. "Expansions of student debt forgiveness need to be matched dollar for dollar with investments in career and technical education," said Rep. Gluesenkamp Pérez. "I can't support the first without the other. The severe shortage of trade workers needs to be seen and treated as a national priority. It's about respect."   

The U.S. House of Representatives recently passed the "Preserving Choice in Vehicle Purchases Act" (H.R. 1435) from Representative John Joyce (R-PA). The bill, if enacted into law, would prevent the EPA from granting a waiver to California for regulations that would ban the sale of new motor vehicles with internal combustion engines (ICE) in the state by 2035. Rep. Gluesenkamp Perez was one of only eight Democratic members to vote for the bill, which passed by a margin of 220 to 190.  

Rep graphic

Rep. Gluesenkamp Pérez is one of the lead sponsors of H.R. 906, the "Right to Equitable and Professional Auto Industry Repair Act" (REPAIR Act). Her support of the issue stems from being a small business owner and from a common-sense perspective. "It's also an environmental issue because we're filling up our landfills with disposable cars. On the other hand, I can make a Honda Civic run for 500,000 miles if I have access to the parts to fix it. We're basically being locked out of the next generation of service," said Rep. Gluesenkamp Pérez in an interview with SEMA News earlier this year. SEMA and our coalition partners have diligently ensured the bill maintains an equal number of Republican and Democratic co-sponsors. The REPAIR Act is a common-sense bill that protects our right to repair vehicles that positively impacts Americans of all political affiliations. We're doing everything possible to ensure partisan politics don't adversely impact it. 

Maintaining bipartisanship in legislation is essential to our success, especially in a divided Congress with Republicans controlling the U.S. House and Democrats the U.S. Senate. By ensuring our legislation remains bipartisan, we increase the chances of Republican-led House bills being heard in the Senate and vice versa, which is essential for bills to pass both houses of Congress and make it to the President's desk. SEMA is committed to working with any lawmaker willing to stand up and support the specialty aftermarket industry.  

Regardless of the 2024 election cycle outcome, SEMA will be prepared to stand up for the industry and work with allies in the party that controls the House and Senate. Our advocacy efforts continue to look to ensure the specialty aftermarket continues to thrive. SEMA just released an economic impact report that shows the aftermarket industry supports more than 1.3 million U.S. jobs and has a $336.9 billion economic impact in this country. SEMA's mission is to ensure the industry continues to thrive and be a major player in advancing our priorities. As we round a corner in automotive history, we want to ensure that this isn't just a moment but a movement. 

Tue, 10/03/2023 - 14:14

By the SEMA Washington, D.C. office

The California Air Resources Board (CARB) issued a Regulatory Advisory,Gasoline effective immediately, allowing the early adoption of winter-blend gasoline in response to fuel supply challenges and soaring prices in the state. Winter-blend gasoline is cheaper to produce and more plentiful than summer-blend gasoline, so switching early could save consumers at the pump. 

This move follows a directive from Governor Gavin Newsom urging CARB to permit the production, importation, distribution and sale of winter-blend gasoline. The Advisory will remain in effect until midnight on October 31, 2023, unless superseded by further CARB regulatory action or advisories. 

The current gasoline market in California faces challenges such as refinery maintenance, supply shortages and global crude oil price fluctuations.  

For more information, contact Christian Robinson at christianr@sema.org

Tue, 10/03/2023 - 14:03

By SEMA Editors

The SEMA Businesswomen's Network (SBN) will celebrate its 30th anniversary at the SBN Reception during the 2023 SEMA Show on November 1, from 6:00 p.m.-7:30 p.m. in the Las Vegas Convention Center West Hall. 


The SBN Reception at the SEMA Show is a dedicated event that brings its members together to expand their network and celebrate the strides that females are making in the specialty-equipment market. Attendees will immerse themselves in a celebratory evening where they will connect with industry friends and meet new ones, as well as discover resources and recognition opportunities that can empower them in their career. 

"This year's SBN reception will be unlike any other reception that we've had before," said SBN Director Nicole Bradle. "We're excited to bring our members together to celebrate the network's achievements, reflect on the SBN's remarkable journey and set the stage for a future with even greater accomplishments." 

Since launching in 1993, the SBN has developed and managed industry-focused programs for women, including networking and recognition opportunities. The network encourages and supports women pursuing careers in the automotive field, and represents more than 700 female and male members spanning across various occupations and markets in the aftermarket industry. 

Learn more about SBN's roots and milestones that define the council, and RSVP for the reception here.

Tue, 10/03/2023 - 12:18

By SEMA Editors


The Hot Rod Industry Alliance (HRIA) is hosting its next online General Membership Meeting and Panel Discussion on Tuesday, October 10, at 10:00 a.m. PDT/1:00 p.m. EDT.

Open to current and prospective members, the meeting is the best time to learn about HRIA's current events, member resources and top priorities. The meeting will then be followed by a panel discussion on financial planning. During the discussion, attendees will discover the best course of action to take when key employees of their company, or even the shop owners themselves, retire or leave the business and leave a large impact on operations.

Attendees will learn what steps to take now or in the future to plan for the retirement, common challenges and solutions to creating a business succession plan, different options to consider for a specific type of business and what to consider when valuing a business. The discussion will be moderated by Amy Fitzgerald of Cool Hand Customs and feature speakers Karl Schulman of Garret's Rod Shop, Chris Holstrom of Chris Holstrom Concepts, Keith Guertin of OneDigital and Frieda Rakhman of Fifth Third Bank.

Register here.

Tue, 10/03/2023 - 12:08

By SEMA Editors

The Nat Danas Scholarship, an endowment within the SEMA Memorial Scholarship Fund that provides tuition assistance to college students pursuing a career in restoration, restyling/customization or hot rods, has been awarded to Andrew Riley, a student at McPherson College in McPherson, Kansas.  

The scholarship, established in 1987, honors Nat Danas' legacy as the founder and publisher of "Auto Trim & Restyling Newsmagazine, and pays tribute to his profound impact as a visionary leader, mentor and educator. Each year, one recipient is selected to receive the prestigious honor by the Nat Danas Scholarship Committee. 

"All the applicants were top-notch and showed great potential," noted a SEMA Scholarship committee spokesperson. "But Andrew's background, enthusiasm and passion for automotive restoration truly spoke to us and to the intent of the Danas Scholarship to support students who wish to pursue a career in restyling (customization), restoration or hot rods."


Nat Danas, then celebrating his 65th birthday, was honored by the restyling and trim industry during the 1987 SEMA Show. The fundraising event helped to establish a scholarship in his name.

Since its establishment in 1984, the SEMA Memorial Scholarship Fund has issued more than $3 million to students and recent graduates pursuing careers in the automotive aftermarket--including $235,000 awarded to 104 recipients in 2023. 

Additional students who received special designations include: 

Recipient (Institution Name, Major, Designation)

  • Aaron Bodenham (Iowa State University, Mechanical Engineering, Ray Flugger Mechanical Engineer Scholarship) 
  • Alexander Riddle (Pennsylvania College of Technology, Automotive Technology, Hot Rod Industry Alliance Scholarship) 
  • Coen Fricke (Colorado School of Mines, Mechanical Engineering, Emerging Trends & Technology Network Scholarship) 
  • Connor Thompson (Elizabethtown Community and Technical College, Diesel Mechanic, Mike Kunzman Scholarship) 
  • Dalton Weiser (California State University-Chico, Mechanical Engineering, Wheel & Tire Council Scholarship) 
  • Edwin Buiter (McPherson College, Automotive Technology, Automotive Restoration Market Organization Scholarship) 
  • Gabe Janitch (University of Northwestern Ohio, Automotive Aftermarket, Truck & Off-Road Alliance Scholarship) 
  • Grace-Anne Stine (Missouri University of Science and Technology, Mechanical Engineering, Leo Kagan Scholarship) 
  • Guillermo Garcia (School of Automotive Machinists & Technology, Automotive, Steve Woomer Scholarship) 
  • Hunter Bailey (University of Northwestern Ohio, Automotive Technology/High Performance Motorsports, Harlan Felder Scholarship) 
  • Kolby Tran (University of Nevada-Las Vegas, Electrical Engineering, Jim A. Borre Scholarship)
  • Kyle Janssen (University of Wisconsin-Madison, Marketing, Future Leaders Network Scholarship) 
  • Lantz Riggio (University of Northwestern Ohio, Automotive Aftermarket, Joe Hrudka Scholarship) 
  • Lawson Cheek (University of Mississippi, Business, Trudy Thompson Scholarship) 
  • Marco Ramirez (Brigham Young University-Idaho, Automotive Engineering & Tech., Melvin Burton Scholarship) 
  • Maximilian Redfearn (University of St. Thomas, Mechanical Engineering, Professional Restylers Organization Scholarship) 
  • Riley Schlick-Trask (Connecticut College, Engineering Mechanics, SEMA Businesswomen's Network Scholarship) 
  • Sabra Laschanzky (Ozarks Technical Community College, Automation Technology, Wally Parks Scholarship)
Tue, 10/03/2023 - 11:55

By the SEMA Washington, D.C. office

The North Carolina legislature included in its annual budget (H.B. 259) amendments ICE prohibiting the state from adopting and enforcing a ban on the sale of new internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles.  

Despite opposing the bill, Governor Roy Cooper announced he would let the budget become law without his signature. The Republican Party holds a supermajority in both the Senate and House, giving them sufficient votes to override a veto if Governor Roy Cooper decided to pursue that course of action. 

SEMA believes North Carolinians, not the government, should decide what vehicles are best for them and their families. 

For more information, contact Kiley Chapley at kileyc@sema.org.

Tue, 10/03/2023 - 11:47

By SEMA Editors

Single-day tickets for SEMA Fest, a full-throttle festival that fuses motorsports, music and car culture, are now available at semafest.com.

Taking place November 3-4 at the Las Vegas Festival Grounds, SEMA Fest brings together some of the biggest names in music across the gamut of rock, hip-hop and pop and the hottest automotive brands and their enthusiasts in a large-scale festival format.

In addition to the world-class music programming, the event will feature a full slate of immersive automotive lifestyle events, a consumer marketplace, top-notch drifting events, motorsports competitions, freestyle motocross, BMX demos and more.

"The SEMA Show and SEMA Fest are two separate events that help maintain the integrity of the SEMA Show that makes it a must-attend event for automotive professionals," said SEMA President and CEO Mike Spagnola. "SEMA Fest enables automotive enthusiasts and music fans to be a part of the SEMA Show experience through a one-of-a-kind festival that promotes the automotive lifestyle."

SEMA Fest lineup

The daily SEMA Fest musical lineup:

Friday, November 3

• Incubus

• Wiz Khalifa

• Third Eye Blind

• Bush

• Ludacris

• Chase Matthew

• Rome & Duddy

• Ayron Jones

• Bones UK

• Starcrawler

• Paper Idol

Saturday, November 4

• Imagine Dragons


• Walk The Moon

• The Struts

• Badflower

• Meg Meyers

• Dead Sara

• renforshort

• Brooke Alex

• Hot Crazy

• Good Boy Daisy

• The Foxies

SEMA Fest is open to the public and is part of SEMA Week, which kicks off with the 2023 SEMA Show on October 31-November 3 at the Las Vegas Convention Center. For more information, visit semafest.com or semashow.com.

Tue, 10/03/2023 - 11:35

By Kenny Wright
Organizers of the 2023 SEMA Show, October 31-November 3 in Las Vegas, are excited to announce the all-new "MotorTrend Celebrity Showcase" to this year's lineup!   

SEMA and MotorTrend have partnered to bring you a truly one-of-a-kind experience, which is now open for registration here. Attendees of this track will be treated to a live interview session, moderated by auto specialist and television host Ant Anstead, and featuring some of the biggest names from MotorTrend:   

Super Street Garage
  • Amir Bentatou ("Super Street Garage"): Owner and designer at RS Future, Amir shares his deep knowledge of all things speed and style with "Super Street Garage." 
  • John "Nads" Naderi ("Super Street Garage"): Former editor-in-chief of "Super Street Magazine," Nads has been at the forefront of the tuner scene since its inception.  
Hot Rod Garage
  • Lucky Costa ("HOT ROD Garage"): With a breadth of experience from domestics to Euros to Datsuns, Lucky is out to prove that anything can be a hot rod if you do it right.  
  • Alex Taylor ("HOT ROD Garage") - Alex has been building and racing for as long as she's been able to grip a wrench. As the newest host of "HOT ROD Garage," her thirst for horsepower continues to propel the show forward.  
Bitchin Rides
  • Dave Kindig ("Bitchin' Rides"): Host of "Bitchin' Rides," Kindig and crew turn out some of the most creative, one-of-a-kind vehicles on the planet.  
  • Kevin "KevDogg" Schiele ("Bitchin' Rides"): Working for Kindig-It Design, where he runs the 27,000-sq. ft. shop, Schiele has an unparalleled passion for the auto industry, and spends long hours in the shop making sure every build is just right.  
  • Ant Anstead (Moderator): As the co-founder and chief engineer of Radford, he is responsible for overseeing the building process of every single bespoke, handmade vehicle to meet exact customer specifications.   

This diverse crew of automotive experts and media personalities, will share their experiences in the world of hot rods, restorations, restyling markets, what motivates them, and more.   

Get to know this group, while learning, laughing and taking in advice from the perspectives of these household names in the industry.   

This showcase is free and open to all SEMA Show attendees. It will be an exciting event, so register now while there's still time. 

MotorTrend Celebrity Showcase at the SEMA Show

  • Tuesday, October 31
  • 1:00 p.m.-2:00 p.m. PT
  • Location: West Hall (W326)