Las Vegas Convention Center. SEMA is currently accepting
applications for booth spaces.
Reconnect at the 2021 SEMA Show
Plans for the in-person 2021 SEMA Show, to be held Tuesday–Friday, November 2–5, in Las Vegas, are moving forward as scheduled. Exhibiting companies can now make preparations for the world’s premier aftermarket trade show by completing a space rental agreement and reserving a booth space.
For exhibitors, the SEMA Show delivers quality buyers with the power to make or influence buying decisions. They come every year to see exhibiting companies and the new products and resources at the premier event in the automotive aftermarket industry.
Once exhibitors have reserved their booths, they can register staffs. The earlier that exhibitors register their staffs, the sooner they can start to make their SEMA Show plans successfully come to life. If exhibitors register staff before the October 2021 badge-mailing deadline, they won’t have to pick up badges on site. One less thing to do is a good thing.
For additional information about exhibiting at the SEMA Show, visit

California, to Olive Branch, Mississippi, and expand
its foundry and casting facility in San Jacinto, California.
Edelbrock Relocates Corporate Headquarters to Mississippi and Announces Facility Expansion in California
Aftermarket parts supplier Edelbrock is closing its headquarters and manufacturing plant in Torrance, California, and shifting its operations to separate facilities in that state and across the country.
Edelbrock’s administrative offices will be moved to a 300,000-sq.-ft. facility in Olive Branch, Mississippi, while most manufacturing processes will be transferred to the company’s plant in San Jacinto, California, located about 95 mi. east of Torrance.
The company also announced the expansion of its facility in San Jacinto, which currently houses foundry and casting processes for its aluminum products. Plans are also underway to open a new technical center in Cerritos, California, which is set to be fully operational by the time the Torrance facility officially shuts down on March 31. The Edelbrock Southern California Tech Center will house approximately 15 engineering and compliance employees to oversee some development and testing efforts.

members in touch with legislators, enabling them to
lobby lawmakers directly.
SEMA Launches New Digital Lobbying Guide
The SEMA Action Network (SAN) is pleased to offer a new digital lobbying guide to assist enthusiasts in navigating the political process. This mobile-friendly multimedia advocacy tool features a series of quick and simple tips that break down common misconceptions about influencing public policy.
Many fresh faces have taken office on the heels of an historic U.S. election. With a new session of Congress having convened, it’s a good time to establish lines of communication with new and veteran legislators. Not sure where to begin or how to initiate the conversation with your local elected representatives? The SAN’s new digital lobbying guide has everything you need to put you on the road to success.
Companies can refine their lobbying skills by taking advantage of this new resource free of charge, so be sure to share it with others. Visit the SAN website for full details. While there, sign up to stay informed on issues in your region by subscribing to

an executive, a creative director and an SCCA champion race
Aftermarket Veteran Stan Goldstein Passes Away
Longtime automotive aftermarket marketing and advertising professional Stan Goldstein passed away on Tuesday, January 19, after a year-long battle with health issues.
During his life, Goldstein represented many iconic brands, including Hooker Headers, where he created the famous Hooker heart logo and tag line, “I Love My Hooker Headers.”
While senior vice president and creative director at J.R Powers Associates, Goldstein managed the WR Grace Automotive Division brands, including Mr. Gasket, Hurst, Sig Erson, Weld Wheels, Hurst/Airheart, Airheart Brakes, and Keystone Industries. His company, Stan Goldstein Advertising, continued to flourish, representing Alston Race Car Engineering, ARP, Power Slot Brakes and countless others.
Goldstein was an active SEMA member for more than 30 years and was one of the original group that met at a restaurant in Downey, California, to create the Speed Equipment Manufacturers Association—the original name of what has since become the Specialty Equipment Market Association. As general manager of the Spirit Equipment Company, he was a major participant at the first SEMA Show held at Dodger Stadium in Los Angeles.