SEMA News—October 2014


Media: Preview 2015’s Hottest Truck Products

Media members are encouraged join the Light-Truck Accessory Alliance (TORA) Media Preview, November 3, for pre-Show glimpse of some of the light-truck market’s latest products and accessories.

Media members are encouraged join the Light-Truck Accessory Alliance (TORA) Media Preview, November 3, for pre-Show glimpse of some of the light-truck market’s latest products and accessories.

Prior to the official opening of the 2014 SEMA Show, members of the media can get a head start on coverage by attending the Light-Truck Accessory Alliance (TORA) Media Preview.

Registered and credentialed journalists can attend the first-ever pre-Show media event and avoid the rush of 60,000 buyers to get a sneak peek at some of the newest parts and accessories for the truck and SUV segment.

A limited number of TORA manufacturers will have their new products on display, and representatives will be available for interviews from 1:00 p.m.–5:00 p.m. (PST), Monday, November 3, in the SEMA Show Media Center, located in room N110 of the Las Vegas Convention Center.

The 2014 SEMA Show takes place Tuesday–Friday, November 4–7. Media: Register for the Show at by using the registration link under the Media box on the right-hand side of the page.




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