SEMA News—August 2014


Free Exhibitor Service: Spread the Word to Editors, Reporters


Exhibitors can generate buzz for new products and SEMA Show attractions directly to reporters through the SEMA Show Online Media Center.
Exhibitors can generate buzz for new products and SEMA Show attractions directly to reporters through the SEMA Show Online Media Center.  


Exhibitors have a valuable opportunity to generate excitement for their participation in the 2014 SEMA Show through the Online Media Center.

As the Show gets closer, reporters routinely search for updates from SEMA Show exhibitors. News regarding new products, changes to signature lines, booth demonstrations, project-vehicle reveals and celebrity appearances are a few examples of the Show-related news circulating prior to the event.

There is no charge to submit a release, and the information will appear online for all reporters to access. In addition to outside media, SEMA’s own publications staff uses the news in pre-Show publications—including SEMA News, SEMA Show Daily and SEMA eNews. The goal of the publications is to highlight the exciting premieres and attractions exhibitors have planned for the 2014 SEMA Show.

The Online Media Center service is available now. For more about the service, contact Monika Earle at



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