SEMA News—March 2013


Submit Your Nominations for SEMA’s Hall of Fame


Nominations for 2013 SEMA Hall of Fame honors are now being accepted and are due by March 22.
Nominations for 2013 SEMA Hall of Fame honors are now being accepted and are due by March 22.

Each year, SEMA encourages its members to submit nominations for the SEMA Hall of Fame. The SEMA Hall of Fame was established to honor outstanding persons in the automotive specialty-equipment industry whose creativity, dignity, integrity, industriousness and accomplishments on a national basis have enhanced the stature of and significantly contributed to the industry’s growth. In fact, a rule of thumb to qualify could be the following question: “If this person had never existed, how would SEMA and the industry be different?”

Prior to composing a nomination entry, members should review the Hall of Fame website, including the listings of past inductees as well as SEMA Hall of Fame criteria. To be considered for the SEMA Hall of Fame Award, a candidate must meet all of the following requirements:

  • His/her contributions must have extended beyond the local level and reach throughout the national or international level.
  • Candidates must have been involved in the automotive specialty-equipment industry and/or SEMA for a minimum of 10 years.
  • Candidates must have made outstanding contributions toward enhancing technology, professionalism, dignity and/or the general stature and growth of the automotive specialty-equipment industry.
  • Candidates must have conducted themselves with a high degree of integrity both within and outside of the automotive specialty-equipment industry.
  • Candidates must be at least 40 years of age prior to the SEMA Show during the year of induction.
  • A significant contribution to SEMA should be an important consideration for nomination. However, the committee may, at its discretion, nominate no more than one individual who has not had a close association with SEMA but has had a significant influence in the advancement of the automotive specialty-equipment industry. Since most individual segments of the industry have their own Hall of Fame awards, this choice should be for only the very exceptional person.

In order to assist the Hall of Fame committee in making its selection, provide a brief statement that includes the person’s accomplishments along with comments as to why, based on the award criteria, the individual is deserving of this honor. Completed nomination forms are confidential and vital to helping the Hall of Fame committee make its selection for the 2013 SEMA Hall of Fame. For more information, contact Arlene Wood at or 909-978-6689. Nominations are due by Friday, March 22.

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