SEMA News—August 2011

Car Guys and Gals…Just Like You

With More Than 500 Members, State Legislative Caucus Continues to Thrive

   New York Assemblymember Bill Reilich
New York Assemblymember Bill Reilich, pictured with his ‘08 Shelby GT 500, serves as the State Automotive Enthusiast Leadership Caucus chairman.
In its daily efforts to promote and protect the auto hobby, SEMA continues to partner with state lawmakers from across the country through the State Automotive Enthusiast Leadership Caucus. Celebrating its six-year anniversary, the caucus is a bipartisan group of state lawmakers whose common thread is a love and appreciation for automobiles.

Supported by SEMA’s government affairs office in Washington, D.C., the caucus is raising the motor-vehicle hobby and specialty-equipment industry’s profile in state legislatures and in the public’s eyes. Approximately 515 state legislators from all 50 states are involved in the caucus. Working in state capitals, these legislators are frequently called upon to oppose restrictive legislation that seeks to prohibit vehicle modification. Many of these legislators have also proactively sought to preserve and protect the hobby by improving existing motor-vehicle statutes and creating new programs to safeguard and expand it.

Pictured here are a few caucus members with their treasured automobiles and trucks. Here is a full listing of caucus members.


Kansas State Representative Elaine Bower with the ’62 GMC ¾-ton 305 big-block V6 she restored in 2009.    

State Automotive Enthusiast Leadership Caucus Chairman: Assemblymember Bill Reilich (New York)

Senator Roger Bedford
Representative Mike Ball
Representative Daniel Boman
Representative Allen Farley
Representative Victor Gaston
Representative Laura Hall
Representative Johnny Morrow
Representative Randy Wood

Senator Fred Dyson
Representative David Guttenberg
Representative Bob Herron
Representative Kyle Johansen

Senator Ron Gould
Senator Linda Lopez
Representative Jack Harper
Representative Nancy McLain
Representative Lynne Pancrazi
Representative Jerry Weiers
Representative Vic Williams

Senator Gene Jeffress
Senator Johnny Key
Senator Mary Anne Salmon
Representative Denny Altes
Representative Nate Bell
Representative Charlie Collins
Representative Linda Collins-Smith
Representative Allen Kerr
Representative Homer Lenderman

Senator Joel Anderson
Senator Ron Calderon
Senator Bill Emmerson
Senator Ted Gaines
Senator Bob Huff
Senator Doug LaMalfa
Senator Gloria Negrete-McLeod
Senator George Runner
Assemblymember Jim Beall
Assemblymember Felipe Fuentes
Assemblymember Martin Garrick
Assemblymember Curt Hagman
Assemblymember Kevin Jeffries
Assemblymember Tony Mendoza

Representative Mark Barker
Representative Millie Hamner
Representative Chris Holbert
Representative Pete Lee
Representative Larry Liston
Representative Marsha Looper
Representative Nancy Todd
Representative Edward Vigil

Senator Scott Frantz
Senator Robert Kane
Representative Penny Bacchiochi
Representative Toni Walker
Representative Zeke Zalaski

Representative Harvey Kenton

Representative Eddy Gonzalez
Representative Ed Hooper

Senator John Albers
Senator Bill Heath
Senator Chip Rogers
Representative Alex Atwood
Representative Josh Clark
Representative Terry England
Representative Bob Hanner
Representative Michele Henson
Representative Calvin Hill
Representative Pete Marin
Representative Howard Mosby
Representative Alan Powell
Representative Nikki Randall

Senator Suzanne Chun Oakland
Representative Henry Aquino
Representative Karen Awana
Representative Jerry Chang
Representative Angus McKelvey
Representative John Mizuno
Representative Jessica Wooley

Senator Jim Hammond
Senator Lee Heider
Senator Steve Vick
Representative Marv Hagedorn
Representative Frank Henderson
Representative Bill Killen
Representative Janice McGeachin
Representative Kathleen Sims
Representative Rich Wills

Senator Annazette Collins
Senator John Mulroe
Senator Suzi Schmidt
Representative Adam Brown
Representative Kay Hatcher
Representative Donald Moffitt
Representative Michelle Mussman
Representative Brandon Phelps
Representative Robert Pritchard
Representative Harry R. Ramey
Representative Al Riley
Representative Dennis Rosa
Representative Jim Sacia
Representative Ron Stephens

Senator Jim Banks
Senator Brandt Hershman
Senator Travis Holdman
Senator Dennis Kruse
Senator Sue Landske
Senator Jim Tomes
Representative Brian Bosma
Representative Bill Friend
Representative Wes Culver
Representative Bill Davis
Representative Tom Knollman
Representative P. Eric Turner

Senator Jeff Danielson
Senator Wally Horn
Senator Joe Seng
Representative Dwayne Alons
Representative Dave Deyoe
Representative Cecil Dolecheck
Representative Jarad Klein
Representative Jim Lykam
Representative Linda Upmeyer

Senator Mike Petersen
Senator Chris Steineger
Representative Tom Arpke
Representative Bob Bethell
Representative Elaine Bowers
Representative Tom Burroughs
Representative Terry Calloway
Representative Jim Denning
Representative Gail Finney
Representative Doug Gatewood
Representative Mario Goico
Representative Jana Goodman
Representative Carl Holmes
Representative Mitch Holmes
Representative Jim Howell
Representative Harold Lane
Representative Judith Loganbill
Representative Peggy Mast
Representative Ray Merrick
Representative Michael Peterson
Representative Don Schroeder
Representative Joe Seiwert
Representative Bill Wolf

Senator Joe Bowen
Senator Tom Buford
Senator Jared Carpenter
Senator Joey Pendleton
Senator Dorsey Ridley
Senator Robin Webb
Representative Thomas Burch
Representative Mike Cherry
Representative Tim Couch
Representative Ted Edmonds
Representative Keith Hall
Representative Mike Harmon
Representative Richard Henderson
Representative Dennis Horlander
Representative Mary Lou Marzian
Representative Reginald Meeks
Representative Michael Meredith
Representative Ruth Ann Palumbo
Representative Jody Richards
Representative Tom Riner
Representative Brent Yonts

Senator A.G. Crowe
Senator Ben Nevers
Senator Francis Thompson
Senator Mike Walsworth
Representative Jeffery Arnold
Representative Damon Baldone
Representative Girod Jackson III
Representative John LaBruzzo
Representative Anthony Ligi
Representative Nickie Monica
Representative M.J. Smiley

Senator Lois Snowe-Mello
Representative Richard Cebra
Representative Dale Crafts
Representative Les Fossel
Representative Gary Knight
Representative Thomas Longstaff
Representative Ann Peoples
Representative Kerri L. Prescott
Representative Wes Richardson
Representative Linda Sanborn
Representative Michael Shaw
Representative Jeffrey Timberlake

Senator Barry Glassman
Senator Katherine Klausmeier
Delegate Don Dwyer, Jr.
Delegate Barbara Frush
Delegate Cheryl Glenn
Delegate Michael Hough
Delegate Benjamin Kramer
Delegate Warren Miller
Delegate Wayne Norman
Delegate Steven Schuh
Delegate Jeffrey D. Waldstreicher
Delegate Jay Walker

Representative Fred Barrows
Representative Steven Howitt
Representative James Murphy
Representative Dennis Rosa

Senator Glenn Anderson
Senator Hoon-Yung Hopgood
Senator Joe Hune
Senator Rick Jones
Senator Mike Kowall
Representative David Agema
Representative Charles Brunner
Representative Douglas Geiss
Representative Ken Horn
Representative Brad Jacobsen
Representative Rick Jones
Representative Eileen Kowall
Representative Richard LeBlanc
Representative Chuck Moss
Representative John Proos
Representative John Walsh
Representative Dale Zorn

Senator Michael Jungbauer
Senator Jim Metzen
Senator Carla Nelson
Senator Katie Sieben
Senator David Tomassoni
Representative Jim Abeler
Representative Paul Anderson
Representative Joe Atkins
Representative Bob Barrett
Representative Mike Benson
Representative Kurt Bills
Representative Bob Dettmer
Representative Sondra Erickson
Representative Pat Garofalo
Representative Steve Gottwalt
Representative Rick Hansen
Representative Melissa Hortman
Representative Patti Fritz
Representative Carol McFarlane
Representative Ron Shimanski
Representative Kelby Woodard

Senator Hillman Frazier
Representative Richard Bennett
Representative Scott Delano
Representative Roger Ishee
Representative Ken Morgan
Representative Dannie Reed
Representative Walter Robinson Jr.

Senator Brian Nieves
Senator Mike Parson
Representative T.J. Berry
Representative Joe Fallert
Representative Tim Jones
Representative Mike Kelley
Representative Brent Lasater
Representative Thomas Long
Representative Tom McDonald
Representative Eileen McGeoghegan
Representative Jay Swearingen
Representative Don Wells
Representative Paul Wieland
Representative Billy Pat Wright

Senator Jeff Essmann
Senator Tom Facey
Senator Jon Sonju
Senator Ryan Zinke
Representative Christy Clark
Representative Gordon Hendrick
Representative Douglas Kary
Representative Steve Lavin
Representative Mike Miller
Representative Wayne Stahl

Senator Colby Coash
Senator Heath Mello
Senator Jeremy Nordquist

Senator David Parks
Senator Moises (Mo) Denis
Senator Mark Manendo
Assemblymember Richard Carrillo
Assemblymember Ed Goedhart
Assemblymember John Oceguera
Assemblymember Lynn Stewart

New Hampshire
Senator Andy Sanborn
Representative Gary Azarian
Representative Gail Barry
Representative Paul Brown
Representative Gene Charron
Representative Daniel Eaton
Representative Jack Flanagan
Representative Frank Holden
Representative Robert Introne
Representative Kenneth Kreis
Representative Michael McCarthy
Representative Carol McGuire
Representative Keith Murphy
Representative Jeffrey Oligny
Representative Sherman Packard
Representative Lawrence Perkins
Representative Joe Pitre
Representative Mark Proulx
Representative Steven Smith
Representative James Webb
Representative Ken Weyler

New Jersey
Assemblymember Gary Chiusano
Assemblymember Upenda Chivukula
Assemblymember Alison Littell McHose
Assemblymember Erik Peterson
Assemblymember Charlotte Vandervalk

New Mexico
Senator Clinton Harden
Representative Jimmie C. Hall
Representative Rudy Martinez
Representative Bill Rehm
Representative Bob Wooley

New York
Senator Greg Ball
Senator Jeff Klein
Senator Thomas Libous
Senator Thomas O'Mara
Assemblymember George Amedore
Assemblymember William Barclay
Assemblymember Philip Boyle
Assemblymember Daniel Burling
Assemblymember Marc Butler
Assemblymember Nancy Calhoun
Assemblymember Robert Castelli
Assemblymember John Cerretto
Assemblymember James Conte
Assemblymember Clifford Crouch
Assemblymember Janet Duprey
Assemblymember Steve Englebright
Assemblymember Gary Finch
Assemblymember Mike Fitzpatrick
Assemblymember Dennis Gabryszak
Assemblymember Joseph Giglio
Assemblymember Andy Goodell
Assemblymember Sean Hanna
Assemblymember Steve Hawley
Assemblymember Mark Johns
Assemblymember Brian Kolb
Assemblymember Peter Lopez
Assemblymember Daniel Losquadro
Assemblymember Donna Lupardo
Assemblymember David McDonough
Assemblymember Steven F. McLaughlin
Assemblymember Marcus Molinaro
Assemblymember Mike Montesano
Assemblymember Bob Oaks
Assemblymember Edward Ra
Assemblymember Andrew Raia
Assemblymember Bill Reilich
Assemblymember Joseph Saladino
Assemblymember Teresa Sayward
Assemblymember Mark Schroeder
Assemblymember Kevin Smardz
Assemblymember Lou Tobacco
Assemblymember James Tedisco

North Carolina
Representative Kelly Alexander
Representative Marilyn Avila
Representative John Blust
Representative Larry Brown
Representative Becky Carney
Representative George Cleveland
Representative Tricia Ann Cotham
Representative William Current
Representative Bill Faison
Representative Phillip Frye
Representative Rosa Gill
Representative Kelly Hastings
Representative Julia Howard
Representative Frank Iler
Representative Tim Moore
Representative Shirley B. Randleman
Representative Mitchell Setzer
Representative Fred Steen, II

North Dakota
Senator Dick Dever
Senator James Dotzenrod
Senator Tom Fischer
Senator Judy Lee
Senator Elroy Lindaas
Representative Dick Anderson
Representative Chuck Damschen
Representative Craig Headland
Representative Jerry Kelsh
Representative David Monson
Representative Mark Owens
Representative Robin Weisz
Representative Alon Wieland

Representative Lynn Wachtmann
Representative Kenny Yuko

Senator Mark Allen
Senator Kim David
Senator David Myers
Representative Dennis Casey
Representative Scott Inman
Representative Danny Morgan
Representative Colby Schwartz
Representative Cory Williams

Representative Jeff Barker
Representative Brian Clem

Senator Daylin Leach
Senator Tim Solobay
Senator Michael Waugh
Representative John Bear
Representative Stephen Bloom
Representative Scott Conklin
Representative Dom Costa
Representative Bryan Cutler
Representative Peter Daley
Representative John Evans
Representative Rick Geist
Representative Marcia Hahn
Representative Gary Haluska
Representative Michael Hanna
Representative Patrick Harkins
Representative Dick Hess
Representative Nick Kotik
Representative John Lawrence
Representative Mark Longietti
Representative Eddie Day Pashinski
Representative John Payne
Representative Tony Payton, Jr.
Representative Scott Perry
Representative Curt Sonney

Rhode Island
Senator William Walaska

South Carolina
Senator Larry Martin
Representative Dan Hamilton
Representative J. Gary Simrill
Representative Tommy Stringer

South Dakota
Senator Jim Hundstad
Senator Jim Putnam
Representative Thomas Brunner
Representative Elaine M. Elliot
Representative Steve Hickey
Representative Charles Hoffman
Representative Mark Kirkeby
Representative Tona Rozum
Representative Mark Willadsen

Representative Harry Brooks
Representative Vince Dean
Representative JoAnne Favors
Representative Craig Fitzhugh
Representative Sherry Jones
Representative Charles Michael Sargent
Representative Mike Sparks
Representative John Tidwell
Representative Joe Towns
Representative Mark White

Representative Wayne Christian
Representative Garnet Coleman
Representative Larry Gonzales
Representative Patricia Harless
Representative Charlie Howard
Representative Edmund Kuempel
Representative Sid Miller
Representative Joe Pickett
Representative Van Taylor
Representative James White

Senator Gene Davis
Senator Scott Jenkins
Senator Howard Stephenson
Representative Tim Cosgrove
Representative Gage Froerer
Representative Neal Hendrickson
Representative Gregory Hughes
Representative Curtis Oda
Representative Patrick Painter
Representative Stephen Sandstrom
Representative Kenneth Sumsion

Senator Joe Benning
Senator Kevin Mullin
Senator Richard Westman

Senator John Edwards
Senator Emmett Hanger
Senator L. Louise Lucas
Delegate Daniel Marshall
Delegate Mark L Keam
Delegate Sam Nixon
Delegate Dave Nutter
Delegate G. Glenn Oder
Delegate Kenneth Plum
Delegate Tom Rust
Delegate Mark Sickles
Delegate Ron A. Villanueva
Delegate Onzlee Ware

Senator Mike Carrell
Senator Jerome Delvin
Senator Jim Honeyford
Representative Mike Armstrong
Representative Jan Angel
Representative Cary Condotta
Representative Larry Crouse
Representative Bob Hasegawa
Representative Troy Kelley
Representative Ed Orcutt
Representative Marcie Maxwell

West Virginia
Senator Bob Beach
Senator Dave Sypolt
Delegate John Ellem
Delegate Ron Fragale
Delegate Gary Howell
Delegate Virginia Mahan
Delegate Cliff Moore
Delegate Harry Keith White

Senator Mary Lazich
Senator Van Wanggaard
Representative Ed Brooks
Senator Glenn Grothman
Representative Steve Kestell
Representative John Nygren
Representative Roger Rivard

Senator Ogden Driskill
Representative Stan Blake
Representative Pat Childers
Representative Bunky Loucks
Representative Sue Wallis













Tennessee State Representative John Tidwell beside his stately Ford Model A.













Massachusetts State Representative Steven Howitt enjoying his MG.
Michigan State Representative Richard LeBlanc “cruising” in his ’67 Amphicar.

New Hampshire State Representative Gary Azarian and his vintage Corvette.

North Dakota State Senator Judy Lee in her ’11 Buick Model 21 Touring Car. 

Massachusetts State Representative Mike Benson with his son and ’78 MG Midget.  

Kansas State Representative Bob Bethell shows off his Mazda Miata in front of the majestic Rocky Mountains. Midget.  

Arkansas State Representative Allen Kerr enjoying a fall day with his ’39 Ford Deluxe coupe.

New Hampshire State Representative Mark Proulx with his fire-fighter-inspired Mustang.

Kansas State Representative Bill Wolf and his Ford Model T.

New Mexico State Representative Bill Rehm during his stock car racing days.

New York Assemblymember Nancy Calhoun beside her Vette.

Ohio State Representative Kenny Yuko (left) with the ’31 Ford Model A he restored with his brother John (right).

Iowa State Representative Jim Lykam and his ’40 Ford Sedan.

Washington State Representative Marcie Maxwell with her husband and their ’70 Dodge Challenger convertible.

Georgia State Senator John Albers and his ’76 MGB.

California State Senator Doug LaMalfa beside his ’68 Mustang California Special. 

Nebraska State Senator Colby Coash enjoying a sunny day with his yellow Corvette.

Pennsylvania State Representative John Payne at the 5th Annual Motorsports Day at the Capitol.

Pennsylvania State Representative John Payne at the 5th Annual Motorsports Day at the Capitol.

California Assemblymember Kevin Jeffries with his father, legendary builder Dean Jeffries, and the Mantaray.




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