SEMA News - May 2009


SEMA Action Network

Since its inception in 1997, the SEMA Action Network (SAN) has become a potent force in advocating on behalf of the automotive community. The SAN now has more than 35,000 enthusiast members from all 50 states and Canada who have proven to be an effective tool in responding to the hundreds of federal and state bills that directly affect the specialty-equipment industry.

The SAN reaches out to millions of enthusiasts through informative ads in magazines, websites, Internet forums, chat rooms and its own monthly publication, Driving Force. However, even with all of the new technology and momentum behind the SAN, it’s the dedication of individual members, car clubs and business owners that is responsible for the network’s success. SAN members possess a passion for the automotive hobby, are eager to convey that enthusiasm to their lawmakers and are essential to the association’s legislative efforts.

 SEMA NEWS-MAY 2009-SAN“If everybody would join together with the SAN, we would be able to keep the laws working for the hobby. After I get Driving Force in the mail, I take it to my club meetings. If we don’t educate lawmakers, then who will?”

—Paul and Mike Wayman
Kansas City, Missouri


“I joined the SAN two years ago because it’s important to keep this around for younger generations. I take copies of the SAN newsletter to work so my coworkers can read it.”

—John Lucas
Lafayette, Indiana


“If you want this hobby of ours to continue in the future, you’d better get involved. There are those out there who don’t understand our hobby, and we have to educate them. It takes little effort to respond to the alerts from the SAN. However, it does take all of us working together to ensure that our kids or grandkids have the same opportunities that we have at shows and events to enjoy this hobby.”

—Terry and Rendy Box
McKinney, Texas


“I enjoy reading the latest news and alerts in the SAN newsletter. After I finish reading it, I take the newsletter to our club. We need to keep this sport going. It’s awesome to see people getting good laws passed or defeating bad ones.”

—Glenn and Donna Baumann
Mayville, Wisconsin


“I love getting the newsletter every month. It keeps us posted on legislative issues across the country. Getting the SEMA Street Rod Bill signed into law in Florida was a major victory for enthusiasts.”

—Tim Weber and Lori Warnicke
Sanford, Florida


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