
WATCH: SEMA and PRI Hit D.C. to Stop EV Mandates, ICE Vehicle Bans

From the Washington, D.C., office

A contingent of SEMA and PRI members, bolstered by automotive content creators and the SEMA/PRI Government Affairs staff, descended on Washington, D.C., earlier this month to urge lawmakers to strike down California's waiver that would enable electric vehicle (EV) mandates throughout the U.S. Watch the highlight video here:

"This was a rapid call to action for our SEMA and PRI membership to come to Capitol Hill to talk about the California waiver that would ban the internal combustion engine and put in place an EV (electric vehicle) mandate, not only in California, but affect nearly half of the country if this is allowed to go through," said Karen Bailey Chapman, SEMA senior vice president of Public and Government Affairs. "Congress has the opportunity to overturn the California waiver and return us back to vehicle choice, allow us to do the cool stuff that this industry is known to do and put some stability back in the automotive marketplace for all of us." 

For more on the D.C. fly-in, read the SEMA News article here. To get involved, visit