
FLN Member Spotlight: Shalee Lunsford of Trim Illusion

By Ashley Reyes 

Shalee Lunsford


The SEMA Future Leaders Network (FLN) has named Shalee Lunsford, sales manager at Trim Illusion, as the network's newest spotlight member. 

Get to know Lunsford in her interview with SEMA News below. 

SEMA News: What is the best advice you have ever received? 

Shalee Lunsford: Leave the past in the past. You can't change what happened. You can only look to the future. 

SN: What keeps you in the industry? 

SL: Every day there is a new challenge. Things are never boring. 

SN: Where can you be found on a Saturday? 

SL: Out with my friends in the community or at my desk still working. 

SN: How do you prepare for an important meeting? 

SL: I ask for advice, take notes and do research on anything that I know will be relevant. 

SN: If you could go to lunch with one industry leader, living or dead, who would it be? 

SL: Mary T. Barra, CEO of General Motors. She's the first female CEO of one of the four big U.S. automakers. What was her journey like to get there? 

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