
#SheIsSEMA Spotlight: Katlin Weber of T Sportline Figures Out Any Challenge

By Ashley Reyes

Katlin Weber T Sportline


The SEMA Businesswomen's Network (SBN)has named Katlin Weber, purchasing manager and site leader at T Sportline, as the network's newest #SheIsSEMAspotlight member. 

Weber was nominated for a spotlight feature by her colleague, Brian Reese. Get to know Weber through Reese's interview with SEMA News below. 

SEMA News: How has Weber contributed to the company? 

BR: Katlin is our senior leader at the Downey, California, location. She makes the business run and has a very strong sense of the business, what needs to happen, how to make good decisions and how to coach the team.  

SN: How has Weber shown leadership in the industry or business? 

BR: Katlin leads the team in Downey. She was elevated to site manager when one of our partners moved to Texas, and the team welcomed Katlin as the leader. 

SN: Tell us a success story that you can share about Weber. 

BR: Katlin has proven to be a jack of all trades. While she manages purchasing, she's an executive thinker who is comfortable figuring out any challenge. 

SN: How many years has Weber been in the industry? 

BR: Three to five years.  

SN: What quality do you admire most about Weber and why? 

BR: Katlin tackles all challenges with a smile. Our company is growing fast and faces chaos and change daily. Katlin is smart enough to figure out how to make things work, and smile while doing it. 

SN: Why do you think Weber is a role model in the industry? 

BR: Katlin is a strong and talented woman. She is capable of thinking and making decisions in the best interest of the company, which is why she has our trust. 

Fill out a #SheIsSEMA spotlight form to submit a self-nomination or nominate a colleague and highlight how you or she is contributing to the specialty-equipment industry. Selected candidates are automatically eligible to be considered for SBN's #SheIsSEMA Woman of the Year award, featured on SBN's social media, SEMA News and recognized on the website.