Applications Now Available for 2024 SEMA Show Press Conferences

By Juan Torres 

Press Conference

Applications for SEMA Show exhibitors to be included in the official 2024 SEMA Show Press Conference Schedule are now available online here

Exhibitors who have breaking news announcements that will be of interest to a large number of media can utilize press conferences during the 2024 SEMA Show. Exhibitors who want to be included in the official SEMA Show Press Conference Schedule are required to submit an application before the deadline of Friday, August 16. Please use this link to submit a press conference application.

After submitting an application, exhibitors should receive an automatic email confirming that the application was received. Those who do not receive the automatic email may have experienced a technical problem and are encouraged to email for assistance. 

Because media are not required or obligated to attend press conferences, many exhibitors opt to utilize other strategies and tools for reaching media at the SEMA Show, like the dedicated press release submission form.