By Ashley Reyes
The SEMA Future Leaders Network (FLN) named Kris Kinsinger, wholesale account manager at Diode Dynamics--a manufacturer of automotive LED lighting products--as the network's newest spotlight member.
Get to know Kinsinger in his interview with SEMA News below.
SEMA News: What is the best advice you have ever received?
Kris Kinsinger: Time is your most valuable resource and you can't get it back. Make sure to use it wisely.
SN: What keeps you in the industry?
KK: A passion for all things automotive. The aftermarket side of things is cool to be part of because each enthusiast has their own touch that makes their vehicle unique to them.
SN: Where can you be found on a Saturday?
KK: You can find me camping with my family, out on the trails off-roading, spending time at the lake, riding my motorcycle or sitting around a campfire.
SN: How do you prepare for an important meeting?
KK: Go in with a knowledge of what is being discussed. Keep an open mind. Be a good listener.
SN: If you could go to lunch with one industry leader, living or dead, who would it be?
KK: Jay Leno. I've always been a big fan of "Jay Leno's Garage" and would love to see his car and motorcycle collection in person.
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