
SheIsSEMA Spotlight: Sherry Kollien of Motor City Solutions

SBN SheIsSEMA Spotlight Sherry Kollien Motor City Solutions

By Ashley Reyes

The SEMA Businesswomen's Network (SBN) has named Sherry Kollien, program manager at Motor City Solutions, as the network's newest #SheIsSEMA spotlight member.  

Kollien was nominated by her colleague Amy Faulk, CEO of Hypertech, who shared Kollien's impact on the industry in her interview with SEMA News below.  

SEMA News: How has Sherry contributed to the automotive aftermarket? 

Amy Faulk: Sherry was breaking barriers for women as the first female to work in the Ford test cell of the dyno lab and earning a prominent position as SEMA planning and strategy at Ford. Sherry was very instrumental in the Ford SEMA project build, bringing SEMA-member companies into the builds and helping implement SEMA companies' products into the builds showcased during the SEMA Show. 

SN: How has Sherry shown leadership in the industry or business?  

AF: Sherry navigated through the reams of management, paperwork and presentations to win approval for charity project builds. She was instrumental in getting the Ford/SBN All-Women Build approved with a donated car as well as helping procure components and worked with Ford media for inclusion in the Ford digital and print world. 

SN:  Tell us a success story that you can share about this colleague. 

AF: Many years ago, I met Sherry when I was involved in the beginning of SEMA's tech transfer to SEMA member companies. During one of the many meetings that our team had at Ford corporate, I met Sherry, who not only worked in the dyno lab but led many of the development programs. I was so impressed with Sherry. She definitely knew her stuff but was so easy to talk to. She was free with information, and she made you feel comfortable. I had been in the aftermarket for years and most in Sherry's position were so approachable. Early on she was a role model and mentor to me. It was amazing to watch her progress through the Ford ranks. She supported SEMA, SBN and other councils. She influenced other Ford employees to join and volunteer. I was lucky to meet Sherry and luckier to call her friend, and friend to SBN and SEMA. 

SN: How many years has she been in the industry? 

AF: 10-plus years. 

SN:  What quality do you admire most about your colleague and why?  

AF: She gets the task done. She doesn't give up and finds a way to make things happen. Usually, it's a win-win for everyone involved. 

SN: Why do you think your colleague is a role model in this industry? 

AF: Sherry has navigated the corporate structure, going from "traditional" female-type jobs to being the first woman in Ford's Dyno Lab to [hold] the highly regarded position as head of SEMA Planning and Strategy. 

Fill out a #SheIsSEMA spotlight form to submit a self-nomination or nominate a colleague and highlight how you or she is contributing to the specialty-equipment industry. Selected candidates are automatically eligible to be considered for SBN's #SheIsSEMA Woman of the Year award, featured on SBN's social media, SEMA News and recognized on the website.