
SheIsSEMA Spotlight: Riley Schlick of Riley's Rebuilds

Riley Schlick

By Ashley Reyes

The SEMA Businesswomen's Network (SBN) has named Riley Schlick, owner of Riley's Rebuilds, as the network's newest #SheIsSEMA spotlight member. 

Get to know Schlick in her interview with SEMA News below. 

SEMA News: How many years have you been with your current company and what do you enjoy most about working there? 

Riley Schlick: I started Riley's Rebuilds four years ago to make money for my first car--a Jeep. I enjoy being a female in a male profession and the support I have been getting from other women in the industry. 

SN: What is the most challenging part of your business or job?  

RS: Wanting to be a 17-year-old and not a boss. I have three employees--my high school friends. That is hard sometimes.  

SN: How many years have you been in the industry, and what was your first industry job?  

RS: I have been in the industry for four years. My first industry job was restoring old car and motorcycle parts and selling them on eBay.  

SN: What three qualities got you to where you are today?  

RS: Perseverance, determination and spunkiness. I can get past the mean people with perseverance, I get through my rebuild orders with determination, and my spunkiness helps me in my conversations with professionals in the industry. 

SN: Being a woman in the industry, what have been your biggest challenges and accomplishments? 

RS: There have not been a lot of challenges, except maybe not knowing everything about everything car-related, (my dad helps with a lot of tech questions, and I am learning every day). Being a young woman in this industry has gotten me a lot of attention and that has allowed me to get other young women interested in older cars. I am told I am a role model for a lot of young girls whose dads and granddads are car people. 

SN: Who are your role models or mentors in the industry? What keeps you here? 

RS: The Bogi [Lateiner], Faye Hadley, Alex Taylor, Camee Edelbrock, Stacey David and Greg Henderson. I have watched many of them on TV and they made this look possible. I was able to meet many of them at SEMA last year and that was amazing.

SN: What is the best career advice you have received?  

RS: Always be humble and focus on quality. Being humble means I have a really good relationship with my customers, followers and business people. 

SN: Have you always wanted to work in the automotive industry?  

RS: I have always wanted to be a car and Jeep girl. I worked in the garage with my dad since I was small off and on. I always wanted to build my first car so the boys would say, "She knows what she is doing." Support and family are what keeps me in the car industry. 

SN: Who was the most influential person on your career goals? 

RS: My dad! He is the best person I know in the world. 

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