
Kentucky Governor Allows Bill Blocking California Emissions Standards to Become Law

Kentucky Engines

By the SEMA Washington, D.C., office

The Kentucky legislature's Senate Bill (S.B. 215), which restricts the state from adopting California's stricter emissions standards for new vehicles, has become law without Governor Andy Beshear's signature. 

The SEMA-supported law prohibits the state from setting or enforcing regulations on emissions that align with California's plan to phase out the sale of new gasoline- and diesel-powered vehicles by 2035. 

While not signing the bill, Governor Beshear allowed it to pass into law without his veto. 

"SEMA applauds Governor Beshear's decision to allow SB 215 to become law. This legislation empowers Kentuckians to make informed choices about the vehicles they use for work, transportation and recreation. Kentuckians know their needs best, and this law ensures they have the freedom to select vehicles that fit their budget and lifestyle," said Christian Robinson, SEMA's senior director of state government affairs and grassroots. 

SEMA believes Kentuckians, not the government, should decide what vehicles are best for them and their families.   

For more information, contact Kiley Chapley at