
SheIsSEMA Spotlight: Beth Brennan of TREAD Agency Powered by Kahn Media

Beth BrennanThe SEMA Businesswomen's Network (SBN) has named Beth Brennan, president of TREAD Agency powered by Kahn Media, as the network's newest #SheIsSEMA spotlight member. 

Get to know Brennan in her interview with SEMA News below. 

SEMA News: What do you enjoy most about working at your current company?  

BB: I love the opportunity to be multidisciplinary and to help companies meet their marketing goals.  

SN: What is the most challenging part of your business or job?  

BB: I generally gravitate toward startups or startup-type environments. I like a faster pace. That means wearing a lot of different hats and being able to jump from one thing to another. Sometimes that can be a challenge in terms of time management and varying projects, but I'll tell you, I've never been bored! 

SN: How many years have you been in the industry, and what was your first industry job?  

BB: I've spent about eight years in the automotive aftermarket, first entering the industry with an overland rooftop tent brand, Tepui Tents. 

SN: What three qualities got you to where you are today?  

BB: I'm organized, strategic and creative. I think it's a skill set that has helped me bridge the creative and more analytical side of marketing. 

SN: Being a woman in the industry, what have been your biggest challenges and accomplishments? 

BB: I think generally, you might need to be prepared for people to dismiss you a little more easily or frequently. That’s not always been the case for me, and I've had wonderful male allies. But, I've also seen people take ideas, assert their dominance, etc. I think it's important to stand up for yourself and to assert yourself carefully. It’s also necessary to remember that when things like that arise in an executive meeting or some other group dynamic, that it probably has more to do with their own issues than you. 

SN: Who are your role models or mentors in the industry?  

BB: Emily Miller comes to mind. I've been watching what she's been building in the Rebelle Rally for years. It's fun to see people build brick-by-brick and the next thing you know, it's an epic movement. It's inspiring to follow folks like that. 

SN: What is the best career advice you have received?  

BB: My dad passed away when I was in my 20s, but anytime I’ve had a job challenge in college or after, he used to say to me, "Be patient; the cream always rises." I tend to want instant gratification, so that's some good advice that I still reference to this day. 

SN: Have you always wanted to work in the automotive industry?  

BB: Not exactly. I fell into it to some extent. I was working in the outdoor space but then went to my first SEMA Show and met a lot of great people in the industry. I knew I wanted to be a part of it. Now I make sure I have one foot in both industries that I love. 

SN: Who was the most influential person on your career/goals?  

BB: Myself. I have learned that help is not necessarily on the way. If it shows up, great, but don't expect that. It’s best to set your own goals and forge your own path while identifying allies and feedback along the way. I think I've managed to do that while holding myself accountable and still enjoying the ride.  

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