
FLN Member Spotlight: Leanna Moore of Wheel Pros Shares New Perspectives

By Ashley Reyes

The SEMA Future Leaders Network (FLN) has named Leanna Moore, benefitsFLN manager at Wheel Pros, as the network's newest spotlight member.    

Get to know Moore in her interview with SEMA News below.   

SEMA News: What is the best advice you have ever received?    

Leanna Moore: The best advice I ever received was "Perception is reality." Perception molds, shapes and influences our experience of our personal reality. Perception is merely a lens or mindset from which we view people, events and things. We believe what we perceive to be accurate, and we create our own realities based on those perceptions. And although our perceptions feel very real, that doesn't mean they're necessarily factual. This has stuck with me for years and helped me look at situations from the other person's eyes and see that what they feel and feel they experienced is what happened, real or not. There are two sides to every story, and no two sides will ever be the same due to everyone's own reality. 

SN: What keeps you in the industry?   

LM: The opportunity to work with people and meet people from different brands and markets, plus, [the opportunity to] learn the way different products can make a difference in a car's performance. Not to mention my love for cars and the power it has to bring people together!  

SN: Where can you be found on a Saturday?    

LM: Any given Saturday, I can be found in the mountains exploring trails, wheeling in my JK, hiking or camping with my friends and family.  

SN: How do you prepare for an important meeting?    

LM: I have a checklist I go over to ensure I have all the information I could need. I try to anticipate the questions I will be asked. I also make talking notes so I don't get sidetracked or veer off-topic. And I always have an agenda for the meeting so they know what I will be going over.  

SN: If you could go to lunch with one industry leader, living or dead, who would it be?     

LM: Dale Earnhardt. He has been my hero since I was a kid. 

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