Exhibitors: Key Contacts for a Successful 2023 SEMA Show

By SEMA Editors

The SEMA Show has many resources to support our exhibitors as they prepare for theExhibs 2023 event, October 31-November 3 in Las Vegas. But the comfort of having a phone number available "just in case" something happens can often make you feel as safe as snapping in your seatbelt. 

Below is some contact information you will want to program into your mobile phone as you get ready for the SEMA Show. 

SEMA Show Department, 909-396-0289 

  • The Show Department team is prepared to address any question you might have regarding the 2023 SEMA Show or the ability to connect you with multiple SEMA Association departments from our Membership, Sales or Accounting Departments that can provide support and address your concerns. 

Freeman, 888-508-5054 

  • The Freeman team is available to help SEMA Show exhibitors with all their service needs, including furniture, fixtures, electrical, water, and moving or accepting freight before the show. Ensure you know crucial deadline dates ( when submitting your Freeman services requests to receive great discounted rates. The Freeman team can answer your questions and provide the support you need! 

Compusystems (Registration), 866-229-3687 

  • Registration is one of the first things you will need to do to have your team prepared and available to access the SEMA Show floor, so make sure to register your staff prior to the September 29th deadline dates in order to save on your registration fees. Additionally, the SEMA Show Registration Department will be a resource to assist with your registration questions; contact for more information.  

onPeak, Official Hotel and Housing Partner for the SEMA Show, 312-527-7300 

  • For the guaranteed lowest hotel rates while in Las Vegas for the SEMA Show, make sure to reserve your hotel reservation through the SEMA Show housing block