By SEMA Editors
The SEMA Future Leaders Network (FLN) named Penelope Moroso--marketing director at Moroso Performance Products Inc.--as the network's newest spotlight member.
Get to know Moroso in her interview with SEMA News below.
SEMA News: What is the best advice you have ever received?
Penelope Moroso: Say yes! Especially at the beginning of your career, always say yes to things that challenge you. By saying yes and stepping outside your comfort zone, you open so many doors, whether it's meeting new people, trying a new experience or gaining a new skill. Saying yes early in my career has given me so many opportunities and helped me expand my network and meet some really talented individuals.
SN: What keeps you in the industry?
PM: My family, both my immediate family and work family. So much care and hard work has gone into building Moroso and making it successful for 55 years. I want to make the people who have supported me and our company proud and excited for the future of Moroso.
SN: Where can you be found on a Saturday?
PM: I love going to try new restaurants and vineyards in my area. Living on the shoreline of Connecticut, we have some amazing seafood and really unique spots to try. And as much as I love trying new places, nothing beats going up to my parents' house on the lake for dinner. My parents grill, and we get to fish and kayak.
SN: How do you prepare for an important meeting?
PM: I gather and go over as many resources that I have available. I tried to be overprepared but am also conscious that someone else may have additional information or a different perspective I didn't consider.
SN: If you could go to lunch with one industry leader, living or dead, who would it be?
PM: I would like to go to lunch with Melanie Hellwig White. I had the opportunity to meet her a few months ago, but I would love to hear more about her experience in the industry and how she has taken her family's business to the next level. Taking on a leadership role for my business, I think she would have a lot of insight and wisdom.
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