Last Chance: 2023 SEMA Show Press Conference Applications Due Tomorrow

By Marissa Guajardo

Applications to be included in the official 2023 SEMA Show Press ConferencePress Conf Schedule are due tomorrow, August 4.

Exhibitors who will make breaking news announcements at the 2023 SEMA Show can submit a press conference application here

Once an application is submitted, exhibitors will receive an automatic email confirming their application was received. Those who do not receive a confirmation email or experience a technical problem are encouraged to reach out to for assistance.

Since media are not required to attend press conferences, many exhibitors also choose to reach out to media through an alternative means, such as submitting a press release through the Exhibitor Online Media Center.

Exhibitors can post press releases at to generate excitement and awareness, as well as possible inclusion in association publications and promotion to media attendees. 

With thousands of media in attendance, exhibiting companies will benefit by spotlighting their newest and most innovative products to direct media to their booths. The Online Media Center was designed specifically for journalists to find Show-related news and announcements. 

Below are a couple of announcements you will find in the Online Media Center: 

 Here are a few press release tips: 

  • Use a strong, short headline that catches the attention of the reader. 
  • Keep the press release brief. Readers want to know what the press release is about right from the beginning. 
  • Include a photo when you can. Many editors use only releases that have photos. Submit photos in a high-resolution (300 dpi) image format. 
  • Always include your booth number and contact information.

To learn more about press conferences, the online media center or other PR resources available to SEMA Show exhibitors, contact